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云南晋宁连环失踪案曝惊人内幕 食人魔或吃掉20少年


The Jinning serial missing case exposed the astonishing insider Ogre or eaten


近日中国大陆盛传云南昆明晋宁的连环失踪案曝惊人内幕,凶手张永明可能涉嫌杀害20名少年,甚至涉嫌吃人。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“他招供所杀之人有20多个,受害者大多是青少年,全被剔肉埋骨;他家里挖出多具尸骨,药酒是由40多只人眼睛炮制;家里挂的腌肉是人的大腿肉,养的三条狗是吃受害者残肉长大的。”这是某香港媒体在其采访过程中得来的消息。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而根据中国官媒新华社消息,“为尽快查清云南晋宁多人失踪案的案情和责任,继5月初派出刑事专家工作组后,公安部又于5月21日派出由公安部领导带队的案件督察组,赴当地开展督办工作,要求进一步加大案件侦办力度,坚决查清案情,严肃追究相关人员的责任,给受害者家属一个负责任的交待”。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事件源于4月25日,当地19岁少年韩耀,在晋城镇南门村失踪,家人其后发现附近村庄,5年来有不少少年离奇失踪,于是发动家长联署。案件经舆论施压后,晋宁县警方月初才成立专案组调查,从而揭发一连串的人口失踪案,其实是一起连环的残忍杀人案,疑犯为南门村农民张永明。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人肉吃不完当鸵鸟肉卖7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于案件轰动全国,云南当局昨晚禁止媒体在微博等发布案件的具体内容。不过,云南资深新闻人王楠昨在微博爆料:“失踪者几乎被张永明肢解,甚至吃掉了!张招供杀了20余人,但实际从张家里挖出鞋子有50多双,人肉吃不完,还拿到街上假称鸵鸟肉卖。”7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

53岁的张永明,1978年曾因杀人碎尸被判终身监禁,但服刑18年便出狱,回到老家务农维生。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

与张永明同村,去年初失踪的16岁少年谢海俊的父亲说,他和众多失踪者家属近日守候在被警戒线隔离的张家门口整整一周,不断有公安拿铁锹工具及一包包胶袋进出现场,据说内装大量残肢。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他说:“公安不跟我们交代,只取了我们的 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)。”当地公安对碎尸与吃人说法,不置可否。中国国家公安部已介入此案,至今接报的失踪人数已达17人,但仅韩耀经警方确认遇害。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我们举报过这个魔鬼!”谢海俊的父亲说,去年村里曾有孩子被张永明掳走时逃脱,村民就曾向派出所请求调查,但“派出所回答我们说‘他是神经病’就算了,没调查”。从5年前起,附近村庄就有少年一个个离奇失踪,当局都以没有明显侵害证据,拒绝立案侦查。7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Recently, the Chinese mainland Shengchuan Yun Nan Kunming the Jinning the chain missing case exposed the astonishing insider killer Cheung Wing-ming might be involved in the killing of 20 teenagers, or even suspected of cannibalism.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"His confession killed more than 20 victims are mostly young people, all tick meat resting; his home dug up the skeletons, the wine is cooked up by more than 40 people's eyes; home to hang the bacon thigh meat, raising the three dogs eating the residual flesh of victims grow up. "This is a Hong Kong media messages come in their interview process.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to Chinese official media, Xinhua News Agency, "as soon as possible to find out the facts and responsibilities of the Jinning people missing case, following the criminal expert working group sent in early May, the Ministry of Public Security also dispatched on May 21 led by the Ministry of Public Security with team's case groups of inspectors went to the ground supervision of the work required to further intensify efforts to case investigation, and resolutely to identify the merits, and to strictly pursue the responsibility of the relevant personnel, to give a responsible account of the families of the victims. "7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Event from April 25, local 19-year-old Han Yiu, missing in the Jin Dynasty town of South Gate Village, the family was later found in nearby villages, many juvenile mysterious disappearances in the past five years, waged parents co-signatory. Cases, after pressure by public opinion, Jinning County police until early set up a task force investigation, which uncovered a series of missing persons case, in fact, with a chain of brutal murder, the suspect is the south gate of the village farmers Cheung Wing-ming.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Meat finish when ostrich meat sold7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Cases of sensational, Yunnan authorities last night to prohibit the media microblogging and other published cases. However, Yunnan, senior journalist Wang Nan yesterday broke the news in the microblogging: "The missing person is almost Cheung Wing-ming dismembered, and even eat! Zhang confession to killing 20 people, but the actual dig out from the sheets at home shoes have over 50 pairs of human flesh eat to get the street fake said ostrich sell. "7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
53-year-old Francis Cheung, 1978 because of murder mutilated bodies were sentenced to life imprisonment, serving 18 years will be released from prison and return home farming for a living.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
16-year-old Xie Haijun the father said, waiting for him and many families of missing persons has been cordoned Zhang door for a whole week, there have been public security to take the shovel tool and a bag of plastic bags out of the same village of Cheung Wing-ming, missing since early last year the scene, said to be built a lot of stumps.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Public Order account with us, just take our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). He said: "The local public security, cut to pieces and eat people say, noncommittal. China National Ministry of Public Security has been involved in the case so far reported to the number of missing has reached 17, but only Han Yiu Police confirm murdered.7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"We reported the devil!" Xiehai Jun's father said last year the village had children Francis Cheung kidnapped to escape, the villagers told the police station requesting an investigation but the police station to answer we say 'He is crazy,' even if no investigation . From five years ago, a nearby village there are juvenile mysterious disappearance, the authorities are no apparent violations of the evidence, refused to file for investigation.
7qJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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