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日本电器三巨头年亏200亿美元 索尼有信心扭亏(图


Japanese electronics giant annual loss of $ 20 billion


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如果把一年一度的上市公司年报发布比作一场电影颁奖礼,那么2011年的“金酸莓奖”当之无愧的得主应是这仨倒霉蛋儿——日本三大消费电子巨头:松下、索尼、夏普。三家的亏损总额累计达1.6万亿日元(约合200亿美元)。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

松下:LCD与Plasma投入过重9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2012年3月,松下发布了2011年的年度财报,以7720亿日元(约合96.7亿美元)一举创下了继1918年成立以来的最严重亏损纪录。 对此,公司总裁津贺一宏把原因归结为对LCD与Plasma(一种等离子显示技术)投入了过重的资本,其间又遇上了席卷日本电子公司的巨大的金融波动(大 地震)。津贺一宏期待在接下来的一年时间内通过公司内部业务调整止损,前任总裁大坪文雄曾经提到过,松下将会寻找合作伙伴一同迎敌。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

索尼:有信心扭亏为盈9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
“难弟”索尼亏损比“难兄”松下少了不到40亿美元。《彭博商业周刊》2011年曾数次发文质疑索尼的未来(封面文章《索尼怎么了》、封面文章 《索尼何去何从》),根据索尼5月10日公布的财报数字显示,截至今年3月31日为止的2011财政年度,该公司净亏损4566.6亿日元(约合57.3 亿美元),也创下了该公司的历史纪录。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日元升值、泰国洪灾使工厂停产和去年的日本大地震是拖累公司业绩的三大主要因素。对此,索尼表示,随着电视业务亏损的缩减以及消费电子和零部件业务的反弹,本财年有信心扭亏为盈,而今年1—3月份的营业亏损为14亿日元,远低于分析师预计的100亿日元。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

索尼预计,今年液晶电视机销量将继续下滑11%至1750万台,PS系列游戏机销量将下滑11%至1600万台,Vita掌机销量将达到180万台。值得注意的是,索尼电视业务过去8年来已亏损超过100亿美元。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

索尼新任首席执行官平添一夫在上个月的会议上曾经阐述了他的索尼“复苏计划”:通过移动设备、游戏、数码相机、医疗设备、电动汽车电池带动发展,大幅削减电视业务成本。他制定了两年销售额达到8.5万亿日元、营业利润率超过5%的目标。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

夏普:液晶主力不给力9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

亏损第三名是夏普,根据4月27日夏普的官方消息,2011财年年报显示,夏普2011财年销售收入305亿美元,同比下降了18.7%;净利 润亏损为46.6亿美元,同样刷新了公司最大亏损纪录,而其2010财年同期盈利2.4亿美元。对这个惨淡的结果,夏普官方的解释为,全球液晶面板价格下 跌,主力液晶业务业绩不佳。9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日本电子三大巨头的亏损,引起了资本市场的激烈反应,由于对公司未来业绩继续亏损的不良预期,今年开年以来,三家公司的股价纷纷表现疲软,三家公司当前市值较去年最高价时总和蒸发了将近一半。而同样为消费类电子巨头的三星(微博)和苹果,靠智能终端发家致富,目前市值分别为1600多亿美元和5300多亿美元9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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If the listed company of the annual Report Post than to make a film awards ceremony, then the 2011 Golden Raspberry Awards, a well-deserved winner of this the Sa hapless children - Japan's three major consumer electronics giant: Panasonic, Sony , Sharp. Three total losses amounted to 1.6 trillion yen (about $ 20 billion).9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Panasonic: LCD and Plasma invested too heavy9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In March 2012, Panasonic released the 2011 annual report, record its inception in 1918, the most serious loss record 772 billion yen (about $ 9.67 billion) in one fell swoop. In this regard, the company president, Tianjin He Yihong attributed to plasma display technology to LCD and Plasma (a) put a heavy capital, during which we are faced with huge financial turmoil sweeping the Japanese electronics company (earthquake). Tianjin He Yihong look forward to adjust the stop loss through the company's internal business within the next year, former president Fumio Ohtsubo once mentioned, Panasonic will be looking for partners together to meet the enemy.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sony: confidence in the profitability9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Difficult brother Sony losses are less than the" hard brother "Panasonic for less than $ 4,000,000,000. Bloomberg Business Week 2011, on several occasions issued a document to question the future of Sony's (cover article, "Sony", cover article, "Sony go from here"), Sony announced on May 10, reported figures show, as of March this year 31, 2011 fiscal year, the company's net loss of 456.66 billion yen (about $ 5.73 billion), also hit the company's history.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Appreciation of the yen, Thai floods plant shutdowns and last year's earthquake in Japan is a drag on the performance of the company's three main factors. In this regard, Sony said that with the reduction of the television business losses and rebound in consumer electronics and components business this fiscal year, confidence in profitability, while operating loss of ¥ 1.4 billion in January-March this year, well below the 10 billion yen of the analysts expected.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sony expects LCD TV sales this year will continue to decline by 11 percent to 17.5 million units, PS series game consoles, sales fell 11 percent to 16 million units, Vita, handheld sales will reach 1.8 million units. It is worth noting that Sony's TV business for the past eight years has been a loss of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sony's new chief executive, added a husband in the last month's meeting, described the Sony recovery plan: via mobile devices, games, digital cameras, medical equipment, electric vehicle battery driven development, substantially reduce the cost of TV service. He developed a two-year sales of 8.5 trillion yen, operating profit margin of more than 5% of target.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sharp: the main LCD is not to force9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Loss of the third Sharp, Sharp's official message according to the April 27, 2011 fiscal year report shows that Sharp fiscal 2011 sales revenue of $ 30.5 billion, down 18.7 percent; net profit loss of $ 4.66 billion, the same refresh company's biggest loss record, its the same period in fiscal 2010 profit of $ 240 million. This dismal result, Sharp official explanation for the global LCD panel prices, the poor performance of the main LCD business.9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The loss of three Japanese electronics giant, causing a violent reaction of the capital market, due to adverse expectations of the company's future performance continues to incur losses since the start of the year, three companies shares have weakness, and three companies to the current market value of the sum when compared to last year's highest price evaporated nearly half. The same for the consumer electronics giant Samsung (microblogging) and Apple rely on intelligent terminals fortune, the current market value of more than 1600 billion U.S. dollars and more than 5300 billion dollars
9wPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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