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Thousands of years ago Japanese women to "borrow" the truth


XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日本人之所以可爱又可恨,是有原因的。因为先期移民由于气候问题,一直没怎么进化,也就是说保持原有形式。最明显的就是身高。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

应该说人类的身高是越长越高的,这也符合强大生物进化史。所古代的日本人由于自身素质问题,显然恨自卑,但是他们有一个优点,就是有危机感,而且非常好学。于是他把眼光投向了当时文明的中国。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

先期他们只注意到了中国的文化技术。这些日本鬼子也聪明,直到人种进化第一步就是吃饱,睡好,玩好。于是把中的文化全都搬到了日本,并且加以创新,其中平假名就是他们的杰作。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

后来发现,由于是岛国,地方不大。且接几乎人人都是亲戚了,近亲结婚导致的结果就是白痴多,疯子多,变态多,他们那种武士道就是其中一种。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所以,各大地主军阀就开始借种运动。这也是和春秋战国时期秦国民风来的。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

于是借种。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他们大约在唐朝时期就开始了这项活动,但是活动具体还是小范围,多是唐人出海贸易时经过日本,当地人就会把唐人请到家里,好吃好喝的招待着,晚上会把最美丽的女子献给唐人。如果其中哪个唐人男子长得特别英俊,或者智商特别高,又或者霸气十足,孔武有力者,会同时遇到好几个美女陪伴。呵呵,这便是我所说的日本可爱之处。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但是,唐朝只是小打小闹而已。到了一千年前的宋朝时期,才成了疯狂地行为,据胡所有宋朝男人都会得到次殊荣。尤其在元朝统治中国后,宋朝人不堪受外族统治大多跑到了日本等东南亚,但是,到了东南亚的中国人受到的待遇明显不如日本,无论男女,到了日本,都会备受欢迎,他们恨不得全家都和你上床睡觉,目的只有一个,解决人种劣势。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《清波杂志》记载:“倭国(日本)一舟飘泊在(宋)境上,一行凡三、二十人。(日本)妇女悉被发,遇中州(中国)人至,择端丽者以荐寝,名‘度种’”。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这则记载说日本妇女来到宋代中国,遇到宋朝美男子就要而主动献身,目的是生下后代,来给日本改良人种。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

宋人洪皓在《松漠纪闻》记载:“回鹘自唐末浸微,本朝盛时,有入居秦川为熟户者。女未嫁者先与汉人通,有生数子年近三十始能配其种类。媒妁来议者,父母则曰,吾女尝与某人某人昵,以多为胜,风俗皆然。今亦有目微深而髯不虬者,盖与汉儿通而生也。”XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这则历史记载大意是说在宋朝时回鹘的年轻女子未嫁前有与宋朝汉人先“同居”的传统。回鹘人以此为自豪,在嫁女儿时回鹘的父母们会自豪的宣扬说:“我女儿曾和哪个汉人同居生活过”并以与汉人同居人越多越为光容。这是回鹘的风俗。所以回鹘的后代有大量的混血儿,他们都是宋代汉人的后代。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

读到这两则事件有些诡异,回鹘人、日本人为何如此高看宋人?为何以把自己的美女献给宋朝男人为荣?这一切缘自宋朝当时的国际地位、宋朝的文明程度。宋朝无论是经济、文化、科技等等无不遥遥领先于世界。这是中外共识。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

著名历史学家漆侠先生曾指出:“在两宋统治的三百年中,我国经济、文化的发展,居于世界的最前列,是当时最为先进、最为文明的国家。”历史教授杨渭生先生也认为:“两宋三百二十年中,物质文明和精神文明所达到的高度,在中国整个封建社会历史时期内是座顶峰,在世界古代史上亦占领先地位。”世界著名经济史学家贡德弗兰克也认为:“11世纪和12世纪的宋代,中国无疑是世界上经济最先进的地区。自11世纪和12世纪的宋代以来,中国的经济在工业化、商业化、货币化和城市化方面远远超过世界其他地方。”XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

法国著名汉学家谢和耐曾说:“在社会生活、艺术、娱乐、制度、工艺技术诸领域,中国(宋朝)无疑是当时最先进的国家,它具有一切理由把世界上的其他地方仅仅看作蛮夷之邦。”日本宋史学家宫崎市定认定:“宋代是中国历史上最具魅力的时代。中国文明在开始时期比西亚落后得多,但是以后这种局面逐渐被扭转。到了宋代便超越西亚而居于世界最前列。然而由于宋代文明的刺激,欧洲文明向前发展了。”宋朝的文明深深的影响了世界。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

宋朝首都开封,比唐朝首都长安更加繁华,更加开放。“八荒争凑,万国咸通。”“万国舟车会,中天象魏雄。”这是当时宋朝的真实写照。在宋朝来中国的异族,无论是种类还是数量都远远超过唐朝。唐朝的外国人大都来自亚洲西域、阿拉伯、朝鲜、日本。而到宋朝除了这些地方还扩大到非洲、欧洲等地。宋朝比唐朝是更加开放的,宋朝的商业活动、商业氛围无疑比起唐朝高几个档次。唐朝来中国经商的都是以外国人为主,而宋朝的商人是走出去的。宋朝商人比外国商人更加活跃,《中国古代经济简史》就指出:“当时(宋代)我国的船只已经航行于印度洋各地,包括锡兰(今斯里兰卡)、印度次大陆、波斯湾和阿拉伯半岛,甚至达到非洲的索马里。”法国著名汉学家谢和耐感慨:“直至11、12世纪以前,中国人并未显示商业上的才干。但打那(宋代)以后,经商能力便成为中国人最卓越品质之一。”XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

宋朝人每到世界各地必然受到当时人的热烈欢迎。宋朝人到高丽,“是宜高丽人迎绍之日,倾国耸观而欢呼嘉叹也!”,宋朝人到印尼爪哇、苏门答剌二岛,“中国贾人至者,待以宾馆,饮食丰洁。”……XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

宋朝的文明程度远远高于当时世界上的任何国家。宋朝在当时蛮夷、异族的眼中是天国,是伟大的国度。宋人在外国眼里是优秀的人、高贵的人。所以外国、蛮夷们如此高看宋朝、高看宋人也不足为奇了。XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The reason why the Japanese lovely and hateful, there is a reason. Early immigrants due to the climate problem, has been not how evolution, that is to maintain the original form. The most obvious is the height.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It should be said that human height is taller, is also consistent with a strong history of biological evolution. The ancient Japanese because of their quality problems, obviously hate self-esteem, but they have an advantage that there is a sense of crisis, and very studious. So he is paying attention to the civilization of China at that time.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Advance, they only took note of China's cultural and technical. These Japs are smart, until the race of evolution first step is to eat well, sleep well, play well. So in the culture are all moved to Japan, and to be innovative, where Hiragana is their masterpiece.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Later found, because it is an island nation, is small. The results and then almost everyone relatives, consanguineous marriages lead to is an idiot, crazy, and more abnormal, that Bushido is one of them.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
So, the big landlords and warlords began to borrow the kind of movement. This is also the Qin Guomin wind and the Spring and Autumn Period.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
So, by species.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
About the Tang dynasty began in the event, but the specific activities or small-scale, multi-Chinese sea trade after Japan, the locals would Chinese go home hospitality with good eating and drinking, the night will the most beautiful woman dedicated to the Chinese. Which Chinese man looks particularly handsome or particularly high IQ, or overbearing Kongwuyouli who will experience a combination of several beautiful companionship. Oh, this is what I call the Japan thing about.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, the Tang Dynasty is just chipping away. To the Song Dynasty a thousand years ago, it has become frantically behavior According to Hu all the Song Dynasty men will honor. Especially in the Yuan Dynasty ruled China after the Sung bear rule by alien mostly went to Japan, Southeast Asia, however, been treated by the Chinese in Southeast Asia was not as good as the Japanese, both men and women, to Japan, will be popular, they wanted the whole family and you go to bed, only one purpose, to solve the ethnic disadvantage.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Shiba magazine reads:" Woguo (Japan), a boat drifting on the environment (Song), a line where the three, twenty (Japan) Women's note was issued, the case of the Central Plains (China) to select Diana who recommended sleep, '' ".XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is recorded that the Japanese women came to the Song Dynasty China, encountered the Song Dynasty handsome man we must take the initiative dedication, gave birth to offspring to Japan improved race.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Song Renhong Hao "loose desert Ji Wen," it reads: "Baptist micro Uighur since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the dynasty Sheng Qinchuan into the home cooked families who woman never married, first pass with the Han Chinese, and their remaining number of sub-nearly 30 10 before they can with the types matchmaker to the proponent, the parents Zeyue, I female taste with someone someone Nick mostly wins, customs alike. now also head of micro deep bearded dragon does not, cover and Han child is born also. "XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
This is recorded history to the effect that the Uighur young woman never married before the Song Dynasty Songchao Han people first "cohabitation" tradition. The Uighurs proud of it, Uighur parents marry off their daughters will be proud to promote, said: "My daughter has and which Han Chinese living in sin" and the cohabitation of people and the Han Chinese, the more the more light tolerance. This is the Uighur customs. Uighur offspring have a lot of half-breed, they are descendants of Han Chinese in the Song Dynasty.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Read these two events are some strange, the Uighurs, the Japanese are so high to see the Song? Why own beauty dedicated to the Song Dynasty men proud of? It all originated from the international status of the Song Dynasty, Song Dynasty, the degree of civilization. Song Dynasty whether it is economic, cultural, technological, and so on are all ahead in the world. This is the Chinese and foreign consensus.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Famous historian Mr. paint Xia pointed out: "In three hundred years of the Song rule, China's economic and cultural development, living in the forefront of the world, is the most advanced, most civilized countries." Professor of history at Mr. Yang Weisheng that : "Song Dynasty three hundred twenty years, the height reached by the material and spiritual civilization in the entire Chinese feudal society, historical period, is the seat of peak occupied a leading position in the history of the Ancient World." world-renowned economic historian Gond Frank also believes that: the Song Dynasty in the 11th century and 12th century, China is undoubtedly the most economically advanced regions of the world since the 11th century and 12th century the Song Dynasty, China's economy in the industrialization and commercialization, monetization and urbanization far far more than the rest of the world. "XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The famous French sinologist Jacques Gernet said: "In social life, art, entertainment, system, the areas of technology, China (Song Dynasty) is undoubtedly the most advanced countries, it has every reason to see other parts of the world's only for the barbarians. "Japanese Song scientist Miyazaki city finds that:" The Song is the most fascinating era of Chinese history, Chinese civilization in the beginning period Bixi Ya lags far behind, but after this situation is gradually being reversed. to the Song Dynasty have gone beyond the West Asia and living in the forefront of the world. However, due to the stimulation of the Song Dynasty civilization and European civilization to move forward. "Song of civilization deep impact on the world.XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Song Dynasty capital of Kaifeng, more prosperous than the Tang Dynasty capital of Chang'an, more open. "Glorious contention compact, nations Xiantong." Nations journey, Sky Wei Xiong. "This was a true portrayal of the Song Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty to the Chinese alien, regardless of type or quantity of far more than the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, foreigners, mostly from the Western Regions of Asia, Arabia, Korea, Japan. In addition to these places to the Song Dynasty also extended to Africa, Europe and other places. Song dynasty than the Tang Dynasty is more open to commercial activities of the Song Dynasty, the business climate is undoubtedly high compared to the Tang Dynasty several grades. Tang Dynasty to doing business in China are foreigners, while the Song Dynasty merchants go out. Song Dynasty merchants are more active than the foreign businessmen, "China Brief History of Ancient Economy" pointed out: "(Song Dynasty) China ships have been sailing across the Indian Ocean, including Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), the Indian subcontinent, the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula, and even reach Africa Somalia. "famous French sinologist Jacques Gernet emotion:" until the 11th or 12th century, Chinese people did not display the talent in the business, but after playing it (Song), business skills, has become the most excellent quality of the Chinese people one. "XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sung to all over the world will inevitably be a warm welcome from the people at that time. To Korea Sung, Ying Shao Yi Korea Day, dump the country towering view of cheering Ka sigh! "Sung to Java, Indonesia, Sumatra assassination of two Island, China Jia who until to the hotel Fengjie diet. "...XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Song of the degree of civilization far higher than any country in the world at that time. The Song Dynasty at the time the eyes of the barbarians, alien kingdom of heaven is a great country. Song in the foreign eyes of good people, noble people. So foreign barbarians are so high in the Song Dynasty, high to see the Song is not surprising
XUERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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