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Shenzhen and Hong Kong hands pounding smuggling high-grade red wine


20120522ap12y.jpghEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

星岛日报报道)深港两地海关破获庞大走私高档红酒案,其中深圳海关动员近三百人,在深广及北京等地大举搜捕走私集团成员,检获约五千支包括拉菲及武当等高档红酒和洋酒,并揭发被查获的红酒中混杂不少假酒;两地海关共拘捕包括四名港人在内的二十九名疑犯。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  香港海关配合深圳执法人员,破获近年最大宗走私高档及假红酒案。深圳海关昨公布,当地海关于今年四月初接报,指有港人从国外及香港的酒庄采购高档红酒,通过水客走私往深圳,经调查后,发现姓张及姓刘等港人,根据内地货主订货要求,在香港及国外酒庄采购,利用水客将每批值数十万至百多万的高档红酒走私往深圳,再通过水陆两路运往北京、广州及江苏常州等地给客户。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  经掌握目标人物背景后,深圳海关于本月十七日采取代号「国门之盾GS05」行动,近三百名人员兵分多路,突击搜查深圳、北京、广州、佛山及江苏常州等地,捣破该个以一条龙方式经营,包括由境外买货、走私入境至内地销售等环节的走私红酒集团,拘捕包括姓张港人在内的二十六名疑犯,同时起出包括拉菲(Lafite)及武当(Mouton)等高档红酒共四千五百五十二支,另洋酒二百七十六支。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  查获红酒混杂假酒hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  香港海关亦配合行动,在港拘捕姓刘男子在内的三名涉案港人,两地同步行动共拘捕二十九人,并将该个走私红酒集团彻底摧毁。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  深圳海关经初步侦讯,相信张、刘两名港人接受内地订单后在境外采购,当货物抵达香港仓库后,吩咐水客头目安排水客走私往深圳,每名水客每次携带三至六瓶红酒入境,带工费至少六十元(高档红酒则每瓶带工费增加二十元)。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  最令人惊讶是,深圳海关查验该批红酒时,发现部分高档红酒外,观与原瓶原装进口的红酒有差异,疑是从外国走私进口的散装酒,这些酒在内地灌装后,再充原瓶原装酒出售,而部分疑犯也供认,他们销售的部分高档红酒,其实以内地生产的红葡萄酒灌装而成。hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Shenzhen and Hong Kong hands pounding smuggling high-grade red winehEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sing Tao Daily reported) Shenzhen and Hong Kong Customs smashed a huge smuggling high-grade red wine case, the Shenzhen Customs mobilization of nearly 300 members of the smuggling syndicate in the broad and deep and Beijing and other large-scale raid, and seized about five thousand, including top-shelf wines like Lafite and Wudang and wine, and mixed a lot of counterfeit products came to light red wine was seized; two Customs arrested a total of 29 suspects, including four Hong Kong people.hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Customs and Excise Department with law enforcement officers in Shenzhen, uncovered in recent years, the largest smuggling high-grade and fake red wine case. Shenzhen Customs yesterday announced that the local sea on receiving the report in early April this year, referring to the people of Hong Kong high-grade red wine of the winery procurement from foreign countries and Hong Kong through the smuggling of the water off to Shenzhen, after investigation, found that Zhang and surnamed Liu, Hong Kong people, Mainland shippers order requirements, in Hong Kong and foreign wineries procurement, the use of water off each batch value to hundreds of thousands to over one million high-end wine smuggling to Shenzhen, Beijing, Guangzhou and Changzhou, Jiangsu and other places to be shipped by both sea customers.hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Grasp of the target person background, Shenzhen sea on the 17th of this month to take the code faded and shield GS05 operation, nearly 300 staff broken down into smaller multiple raids in Shenzhen, Beijing, Guangzhou, Foshan and Changzhou, Jiangsu, chopped breaking the one-stop way to operate, including sales from overseas to buy goods, smuggled to the Mainland, and other aspects of the smuggling of red wine group, arrested the 26 suspects, including Zhang Hong Kong people, including starting out, including Rafi (Lafite a total of 4 000 500 50 2) and Wudang (Mouton,) and other high-end red wine, 276 pieces of other wine.hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Seized the red wine mixed counterfeit productshEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Customs and Excise Department is also in line with the action, three involved the people of Hong Kong, including the named Liu man arrested in Hong Kong, two synchronized actions resulting in the arrest of 29 persons and the smuggling of red wine group is completely destroyed.hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Shenzhen Customs, the preliminary investigation, I believe Zhang, Liu two acceptable to the people of Hong Kong to the Mainland orders in overseas procurement, when the goods arrived in Hong Kong warehouse, commanded the water off the leader to arrange the smuggling of water off to Shenzhen each water off each carrying three to six bottles of wine entry, with the labor charges at least 60 yuan (high-grade red wine bottle with the labor charges increased by $ 20).hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Most surprising, the Shenzhen Customs inspection of a batch of red wine, some top-shelf wines, different concept and the original bottle of imported wine, the suspect is imported from foreign countries smuggling of bulk wine, these wines after filling in the Mainland, and then original charge of the original bottle of wine to sell, and some suspect also confessed, they sell some of the top-shelf wines, in fact, red wine produced in the mainland filling is made.
hEsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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