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和邓文迪一样长相普通 她为何能拿下扎克伯格(图)


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2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

与社群网站「脸书」(Facebook)创办人查克柏格「密婚」的普莉西拉‧陈,也在脸书上宣告她已掳获全球最年轻的亿万富豪,感情状态更新为「已婚」,新郎倌是脸书创办人查克柏格。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

之前,普莉西拉与查克柏格甜蜜出游的照片曝光,有人称她是世界上最幸运的女人,如今她九年爱情长跑没走味,而且开花结果,更令人羡煞这位新人妻。但「富比世」杂志网站20日称,不要以为普莉西拉是那种泛泛,脑空无志的亿万人妻。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
普莉西拉与查克柏格相识于哈佛大学,据说他们是在派对中排队等上厕所时认识。据说普莉西拉当初对查克柏格的印象是「怎么是书呆子一个」。根据授权代表这对新人发言的匿名宾客,称两人并非「闪婚」,婚礼已筹备数月,且说好等普莉西拉医学院一毕业就结婚,和脸书上市并无关系,因上市的日期「一直在变」。英国每日邮报报导,其实两人早已订婚,只是外界并不知道。「富比世」杂志记者柯斐德是最先嗅到这场秘密婚礼的人。他率先披露加州查克柏格家18日好像在准备「大型派对」,因为有辆「哈特曼工作室」的公司卡车停在查克柏格家的车道上。哈特曼工作室是家有30年举办高档婚礼、宴会经验的公司。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普莉西拉本月14日拿到旧金山加州大学医学院文凭。她毕业当天,查克柏格在脸书上写下:「我好为妳骄傲,陈医生。」2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普莉西拉出生于中国南京,在波士顿长大,广东话流利,自幼梦想成为小儿科医生。有媒体批评她貌不出众,长相和媒体大亨梅铎(Rupert Murdoch)的华裔妻子邓文迪同属普通一款。普莉西拉的穿着品味也和查克柏格很「登对」,都属轻松休闲型,甚至有点「邋遢」。今年仲春,两人同游上海被拍时,中国媒体称普莉西拉是「南京小胖妹」,称查克柏格是「帅哥」创始人。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普莉西拉和查克柏格2004年相遇,翌年开始成为一对恋人。2004年,在哈佛修习心理学与电脑科学的查克柏格于宿舍创办「脸书」,一夕走红决定辍学创业。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从在哈佛的时日,普莉西拉即一直在查克柏格身边支持他。但她一开始也不确定未来要做什么。在社群网路上流传的一篇2005年的文章里,当年辍学创办「脸书」后,查克柏克透过一位朋友问普莉西拉「想不到想到『脸书』上班?」,普莉西拉回说「当然想」。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普莉西拉搬至加州时,与查克柏格订有约会「合约」,相约「每周约会一次,至少相处100分钟,而且不能『宅』在查克柏格家中,也不是透过脸书见面」。一直到2010年,普莉西拉才搬到查克柏克在加州巴洛阿图(Palo Alto),价值700万元的豪宅新家。2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但普莉西拉终究没有到脸书工作,她2007年从哈佛以医学预科生身分毕业,拿到生物学文凭。其后她在旧金山湾区圣荷西的「哈克学校」担任四年级老师,同时在旧金山加州大学医学院就读。尽管嫁予查克柏格,代表这辈子衣食无虑,但她希望能以小儿科医生贡献社会2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Check Ke Boge "secret marriage" with the social networking site "Facebook" (Facebook), founder of the Pulli Syrah Cheng, also on face book, declared that she has captured the world's youngest billionaire, emotional status updates to "Married", the bridegroom was the founder of Facebook check Ke Boge.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Before the the Pulli Silas Cha Ke Boge sweet travel photo exposure, the person she is the luckiest woman in the world, and now her nine-year long-distance love is not stale, and bear fruit, people may envy the new Wife. "Forbes" magazine's website said on the 20th do not think that the Pulli Syrah is the kind of general, brain empty blog of millions of people his wife.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Pulli Silas Cha Ke Boge was met at Harvard University, said that they line up in the party to the toilet understanding. The Pulli Sylla is said had the impression that the investigation Ke Boge is "how nerd a". Authorized representative of the anonymous guests of the couple spoke, saying the two are not "flash marriage, marriage has been arranged for several months, Miller says good Pulli Shiraz Medical School after graduation to get married, and listed on the face book no relationship listed the date has been changed. British Daily Mail reported that, in fact, the two men has long been engaged, just the outside world does not know. "Forbes" magazine reporter Kefei De is the first smell of this secret wedding. He was the first disclosure of the California Cha Ke Boge home 18 as if in preparation for the "big party", because there are cars "Hartmann Studios" company truck parked in the driveway of the home of Cha Ke Boge. Hartmann Studios is the home of 30 years to organize high-end wedding banquet experience of the company.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Pulli Shiraz on the 14th of this month to get the diploma of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. She graduated the same day, check Ke Boge wrote on Facebook: "I'm so proud for you, Dr. Chen.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Pulli Silas was born in Nanjing, China, grew up in Boston, fluent in Cantonese, his childhood dream of becoming a pediatrician. Media criticism of her unremarkable looks and big media tycoon Rupert Murdoch (Rupert Murdoch) Chinese wife, Wendi Deng, are ordinary a. Pulli Syrah taste in dress and check Ke Boge "landing on the", are easy leisure, and even a little "dirty". Mid-spring of this year, both travel to Shanghai shooting the Chinese media said that the The Pulli Syrah Nanjing Xiao Panmei "said Cha Ke Boge is the founder of the" handsome guy ".2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Pulli Syrah and check Ke Boge, 2004 met the following year became a pair of lovers. In 2004, psychology and computer science at Harvard to attend check Ke Boge founder of the "face book" in the dormitory overnight popularity decided to drop the venture.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Time at Harvard, Pulli Syrah check Ke Boge around to support him. But she was not sure what to do in the future. Social networks on the spread of an article in 2005, then dropped out of school founder of the "Face book" Cha Ke Boke through a friend asked Pulli Syrah "But, think of the" face book "at work?", General Li Xi back to say "Of course."2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Pulli Silas moved to California, and check Ke Boge has dating contract, similar to an appointment once a week to get along with at least 100 minutes, and can not be "home" in the investigation Ke Boge home, not through the face book to meet. " Until 2010, Pulli Silas moved to check Ke Boke of luxury new home in California Baluo A diagram (Palo Alto), valued at 7 million yuan.2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Pulli Silas eventually face book work, she graduated from Harvard in 2007 as a premed students get biology diploma. Subsequently in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose, "Huck school" as a fourth grade teacher, while studying at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. Married I check Ke Boge, on behalf of this life enough to live without worry, but she hopes to contribute to society from the pediatrician
2ibRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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