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内地富豪 伦敦新盘买家生力军(图)


Mainland Regal London new disk buyers a new force (Figure)


V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

主要用作投资 或子女留学用
根据莱坊最新5月统计数字显示,现时伦敦市中心豪宅市场,在非本地买家组别中亚洲人就占17.3%(见表),若只计算新盘买卖,占比更达55%。莱坊住宅投资及国际项目营业部董事Neil Batty在伦敦接受本报记者访问时说,「以国家地区计算,香港及新加坡为最大买家……但我估计,当中不少是在星港拥有生意的内地富豪」。
谈及择楼条件,中国买家注重地点,伦敦市中心(Zone 1地区)及当地商业经济中心如金丝雀码头(Canary Wharf )为投资热门地段,若是买给子女留学的,则要邻近伦敦大学学院(UCL)或伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)等著名学府;二是交通接驳配套,「若是远离地铁,便很难推销予中国买家」。
楼价节节攀升 中国买家非主因
内地首季经济增长及最新公布的4月经济数据均逊预期,若内地经济急速放缓会否影响销情呢?Batty就称,现时新盘如位于市中心的「One Tower Bridge」项目,普通一睡房单位价格为85万镑,折合约1000万港元,均针对不受经济环境影响、最富裕的内地客。买家多是长线投资者,平均会手持物业5至10年,部分同时持有3、4个物业。

Ming Pao] regulation of the Mainland property market, since the purchase of Mainland Regal carrying large amounts of cash around to look for investment, have flocked to London, local real estate agents and consultants Knight Frank, said the new disk of the central London more than half of the grounds from Hong Kong and Singapore buyers, the majority of them behind the fact Mainland Hawker purchased primarily for investments and for purchase by the children in the London studies.V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Mainly used for investment or for their children studying abroadV9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to Knight Frank statistics for May, the central London luxury market in the non-local buyers group of Asians accounted for 17.3% (see table) that if only the trading of the new disc, accounting for up to 55%. In London, the business department of Knight Frank residential investment and international projects director Neil Batty, to this reporter's visit, said to the calculation of the countries and regions, Hong Kong and Singapore are the largest buyers of ... but I guess many of them star in Hong Kong has a business Mainland Spender ".V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
He added that the batch of buyers to buy property in London for investment and to give their children to study, about 45 percent each, more than the remaining one is for business or local self-occupied. Bought as an investment, you will be emphasis on security, supporting facilities, also do not want to spend money to repair and renovation, which can only find new real estate these conditions, when the living to their children studying the same. "V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Turning to the conditions of the optional floor, Chinese buyers pay attention to the location, central London (Zone 1 area) and local business economic centers such as Canary Wharf (the Canary Wharf) Popular Lot for investment, buy-to-child study, and will have close to London the famous universities of the University College (UCL) or the London School of Economics (LSE); transportation facilities, if away from the MTR, it will be difficult to sell to Chinese buyers.V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Property prices have been rising non-Chinese buyers the main cause ofV9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The first quarter economic growth in the Mainland and the latest economic data in April were worse than expected, the Mainland economy is deteriorating rapidly and whether it will affect sales? Batty said that the new disk, such as "One Tower Bridge" project located in the center, the ordinary one-bedroom unit price of 85 million pounds, equivalent to HK $ 10 million, all for free from economic and environmental impact, the most affluent mainland visitors. Buyers are long-term investors, the average hand-held property for 5-10 years, in part at the same time to hold three or four properties.V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Knight Frank reports that, after the financial tsunami, the heart of London's high-end residential market in the 2009-2011 cumulative liters of 37% is expected this year are still at least a 5 percent increase. But Batty, luxury property prices climbing, not mainland Hawker promote actions, "London as a cosmopolitan city, demand from overseas buyers has always existed, but even (new residential) has more than half in Southeast Asia buyers purchase and the remaining (45%) is still the British purchasing power of Chinese buyers flock to buy property is not to push the main cause of high local property prices, but because of good returns, the influx of foreign capital. "
V9bRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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