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山西首富李兆会资金紧张股市套现 5个月未发工资


Shanxi's richest man Li Zhaohui financial strain the stock market cash


 9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

十年,对一个年轻人来讲意味着什么?9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

31岁的山西海鑫集团董事长李兆会的答案无疑会百味杂陈。从他形象的变化可窥一般:十年前的李兆会留一头长发,朋克范儿十足;现在,则皮肤黝黑,板寸头,经常表情严肃。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

自2003年因父亲李海仓被枪杀身亡而意外接手海鑫集团,李兆会就从公众视野中消失了。他似乎没有对父亲的钢铁生意表现出特别的兴趣。十年来,在维持钢铁家业的同时,他转身来到北京做起了投资客。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管多年低调,2012年李兆会还是不可避免地成为外界、尤其是娱乐界津津乐道的对象,一是结婚两年便与演员车晓离婚,二是违规套现山西证券股份。两大事件将这位曾经最年轻的胡润榜富豪再次推向公众视野和风口浪尖。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

接班十年,李兆会都做了些什么?他有没有重振父辈的荣光,将企业发展到新的高度?他成了什么样的人?还有一系列问题可以追问。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本刊曾在十年前做过报道《海鑫卅日:一个企业的继承》,真实而完整地展现了李兆会在李海仓遇害后的接班故事。如今,我们重新追问海鑫,试图还原十年间一个企业继承人的成长史。从22岁仓促接班,到站稳脚跟、重掌大权,入股民生银行进军资本市场,海鑫钢铁和其“富二代”掌门人李兆会的故事跌宕起伏。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随着调查的深入,我们逐渐发现了一个不为外界所熟知的海鑫和李兆会。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

    “空巢”海鑫9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车行驶在山西运城机场高速上,沿途都是低矮的村庄和大片田野。薄暮中,唯一显眼的是海鑫集团大厦,周围的一大片工厂仍然在夜色中吞吐着浓烟。这是海鑫集团在2003年遭遇其创始人李海仓枪杀案件后的新办公大楼,十年来一直在此。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

海鑫坐落的川口村,用“野草、荒烟”形容恰如其分。海鑫所处地方之偏僻,正是其发展壮大的主要阻力。“山西最大的民营企业”海鑫25年来并未改变这个村庄的面貌,甚至从川口村通往大路的小道还是布满了泥土和深深浅浅的杂草,农村常见的拖拉机和摩托车不时呼啸而过,掀起一片尘土。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管只有一墙之隔,川口村的村民和村委会主任提起海鑫一脸漠然,“我们这几年基本没与海鑫打过交道。”十年来,这家企业深居山西腹地,自李兆会接班以来几乎从未接受过任何采访。就连当地政府官员都很难见上李兆会一面,“我们县长曾经想拜访李兆会,最后都没有成行。李兆会自从接手海鑫以来每年露面的次数屈指可数。”闻喜县委宣传部一位官员告诉本刊记者。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所有人都找不到李兆会。记者遇见一名专门做催债生意的当地人,他记不清有多少人指名道姓要找李兆会了,甚至有人放话要悬赏100万元寻找李兆会,重奖之下却没有出现勇夫。据悉,李兆会有专属的私人飞机,每次来闻喜县都将飞机降落在运城的机场,因此很难知道他的行踪。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“李兆会这几年来基本就是挂个名,他的兴趣根本不在钢铁上。”采访中,不止一位海鑫员工向记者表示。最初,得益于爷爷李春元的支持和李海仓生前对企业的绸缪,李兆会接手海鑫钢铁第一年,海鑫完成总产值70亿元,实现利税12亿元,成为海鑫发展最迅速、最好的一年。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其后,李兆会专心解决“夺权”问题。海鑫内部人士透露,在爷爷李春元的支持下,李兆会先是将创业元老、海鑫集团副董事长兼党委书记辛存海调离权力核心,之后,李兆会的五叔李天虎被巧妙地“赶走”,代价是海鑫钢铁旗下的一家水泥厂归其所有。最后,李兆会将自小与其亲近的六叔李文杰带进海鑫,随后几年一直担任海鑫集团总裁,成为李兆会的心腹。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2009年,当海鑫深陷金融危机遭遇停产时,李文杰还对外放出豪言,“三年内要做到营收超300亿”。但三年过去了,李文杰却悄然离开了闻喜县,去汉中发展矿产和房地产生意,当年的口号已无人提起。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据本刊记者调查,海鑫现任总裁为原来分管生产的常务副总裁陈金发,非李氏家族的成员。之前,李兆会的妹妹李兆霞也常年呆在海鑫,负责海鑫的财务工作,但春节以后也发生了变化。“原来集团进出的财务都是由李兆霞掌控,没有她的签字批不了钱,但过完春节后这一规定取消了,李兆霞现在常年在上海。”海鑫集团一名员工表示。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随着海鑫集团的核心管理层李文杰、李兆霞相继撤离,李兆会又以北京为主要据点,曾经盛极一时的海鑫集团在闻喜的总部实际上已经变成了一个“空巢”。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“中层领导都是李氏家族的外戚把持,李兆会又常年不在海鑫,对企业的掌控力非常小。”该员工透露,海鑫最大的问题在于“群龙无首”,又没有制度保证,所以腐败丛生。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“海鑫这十年来的发展,一直是比较痛苦的。”上述闻喜县委宣传部官员告诉记者,“现在企业最大的困难是凝聚力出了问题,处于阵痛期。”9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

闻喜县一个中式四合院,曾是李兆会爷爷李春元的住所,现在已经人去楼空,门前的庭院落满了灰尘,门口的春联也只剩下了一半。邻居表示,李春元离开闻喜去了太原。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这位已经80岁的老人当年力排众议极力主导了李兆会的继承,并力劝李天虎离开海鑫,为的是保证这个家族企业继承权的完整和内部利益的平衡,而如今换回的却是分崩离析。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

    富二代的“逃离”9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

与海鑫“空巢”相对应的,是李兆会及李兆霞兄妹二人在资本市场上的频频逗留。“钢铁行业波动大,利润微薄,应该是李兆会对其不感兴趣的主要原因。”一位北京券商钢铁行业研究员告诉本刊记者。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李兆会在资本市场的运作主要以山西海鑫实业为平台。李兆会持有闻喜惠天实业有限公司90%的股权,闻喜惠天实业持有海鑫钢铁集团89.3%的股权,海鑫钢铁集团持有山西海鑫实业90.93%的股权。通过这个链条,李将家族资产掌握在手中。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李兆会在资本市场上最令人称道的,是2004年入股民生银行成为第十大股东的投资经历。2007年的胡润百富榜中,李兆会因持股民生银行身家飙升至85亿元,排名第78位,身家较2006年暴涨了112%。然而据一位海鑫内部人士透露,这起投资的功劳主要不在李兆会,而在其父亲李海仓。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李海仓生前担任全国工商联副主席,而民生银行最初的“背景”就是工商联,李海仓曾担任民生银行董事。“民生银行的交易在李海仓生前就已经谈得差不多了,只是披露出来的时候李兆会已经接班了而已。”该人士称。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其后,李兆会先后在资本市场购买了中国铝业、兴业银行、益民商业等上市公司股权,但并无特别亮眼的成绩。李文杰曾经对外界表示,2007年海鑫在资本市场的收益达20亿元,即使在市场惨烈的2008年,其收益亦逾10亿元,超过钢铁主业的净收益。但根据公开披露的数字测算,如果撇开民生银行,2007年至 2008年,即使按照最好的成绩来算,其收益也不会超过2亿元。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在打造资本平台的同时,李兆会在北京建立了两个投资平台—和嘉投资、惠宇投资。刚刚接手海鑫的第二年,李兆会和妹妹李兆霞便在北京成立了和嘉、惠宇,最初的办公地点是在房山的一处偏僻科技园区。9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The answer is undoubtedly the 31-year-old Li Zhaohui, chairman of Shanxi Haixin Group Subway smells. Glimpse of the general from his image changes: Andy Lee will stay a decade ago, long hair, full friends Kefan children; now, the dark-skinned, plate-inch head, often stern.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Since 2003 because his father Li Haicang was shot dead accidentally took over the Haixin Group, Li will disappear from public view. He does not seem to show a special interest in his father's steel business. Decades, at the same time maintain the steel family business, he turned and came to Beijing to start the investors.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Despite years of low-key, years Andy Lee, 2012 will still inevitably be outside, especially in the entertainment industry talked about the object of the First two years of marriage with actor car Xiao divorce is illegal cash Shanxi Securities shares. Two events to the former youngest Report list rich again into public view and the cusp.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Succession of years, Li Zhaohui have you done? He has not revive the parents of the glory of the enterprise development to new heights? He became what kind of person? There are a series of questions can be asked.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The magazine has done a decade ago reported Haixin 30 th: A business succession, "a true and complete to show Li Zhaohui Li Haicang killed after the succession story. Today, we re-questioning Haixin an attempt to restore the history of the decade the growth of a business heir. The rush to take over from the 22-year-old, to gain a firm foothold to regain power, the stake in Minsheng Bank to enter the capital market, Haixin Iron and Steel and its rich second head Andy Lee, the story of ups and downs.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As the investigation deepens, we gradually found Haixin and Andy Lee, a well-known for the outside world.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Empty nest" Haixin9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The car is traveling at the Shanxi Yuncheng Airport Expressway, are low along the village and the large field. Dusk, the only prominent Haixin Group Building, surrounding a large factory is still in the darkness throughput with smoke. This is the Haixin Group in 2003 suffered its founder Li Haicang shot cases of the new building over the past decade has been this.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The Haixin located Kawaguchi Village weeds along dirt "to describe appropriately. Haixin of the place of the remote, it is to grow and develop resistance. The largest private enterprises in Shanxi Haixin 25 years did not change the look of the village, even from Kawaguchi village trail leading to the road or covered with mud and deep and shallow weeds, rural common tractors and motorcycles roared from time to time However, setting off a dust.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Although only separated by a wall, Kawaguchi, villagers and the village committee director filed the the Haixin look indifferent, "we basically had no Haixin dealt with." For decades, companies secluded Shanxi hinterland, since Andy Lee will take over almost never received any interview. Even local government officials are very difficult to see on Andy Lee side, our county had wanted to visit Li Zhaohui, and finally did not take place. Li Zhaohui the annual number of appearances since taking over the Haixin few and far between. "The Wenxi Committee Propaganda Department, an official told correspondents.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Everyone can not find the Li Zhaohui. Reporter met locals who specializes in a noisy business, he lost count of how many people name names looking for Li Zhaohui, and some even let it be a reward of 1 million yuan to find Li Zhaohui, but not rewarded under Isao. It is reported, Li will be the exclusive private jet, each to the the Wenxi plane landed in Yuncheng Airport, it is difficult to know his whereabouts.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Zhaohui in recent years is linked to basic, his interest did not steel. "Interview, the employees of more than a sea Xin told reporters. Initially, thanks to support Grandpa Li Chun Yuan and Li Haicang lifetime of the enterprise readiness to stay, Li will take over the Haixin Iron and Steel in the first year The Haixin output value of 70 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 1.2 billion yuan, becoming the fastest growing Haixin, the best year.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Subsequently, Li will focus on solving the problem "seize power". The Haixin internal sources, under the support of the grandfather Chun, Li will first entrepreneurial veteran, Haixin Group vice chairman and party secretary survived the sea removed from the core of power, Li Zhaohui Wu Shu Li Tianhu skillfully "drive away", the price Haixin Iron and Steel's a cement plant owned by all of its. Finally, Andy Lee, the childhood and its close Older Uncle Li Wenjie into Haixin subsequent years have been worried Ren Haixin Group President, becoming the confidant of Li Zhaohui.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In 2009, when the the Haixin deep financial crisis suffered to discontinued, Li Wenjie also external release of rhetoric, "within three years to achieve revenues of over 30 billion. But three years later, Li Wenjie, quietly left the Wenxi to Hanzhong development of mineral and real estate business, then the slogan has no one filed.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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According to the correspondent survey, the the Haixin current president of the original charge of production, executive vice president Chen blond, non-clan's members. Before, the sister of Li Zhaohui Li Zhaoxia perennial stay Haixin Haixin financial work, but after the Spring Festival has also undergone a change. Original Group out of financial control by the Li Zhaoxia, her signature grant money, but this provision canceled Guowanchunjie Li Zhaoxia perennial in Shanghai Haixin Group, an employee said.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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With Haixin Group's core management Wenjie Li Zhaoxia successively evacuated, Li again Beijing as the main stronghold, once vibrant Haixin Group in Wenxi headquarters actually has become an "empty nest".9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"The mid-level leadership is the clan's wife's family dominated and perennial not Haixin, Li, locus of control of the enterprise is very small." The employee said that the The Haixin biggest problem is "rudderless" and no system to ensure that, so the corruption plagued .9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Haixin development over the past decade, has been more painful." The above the Wenxi Committee Propaganda Department official told reporters that "the greatest difficulty of the enterprise is the cohesion is a problem, is experiencing growing pains."9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The Wenxi a Chinese courtyard was Li Zhaohui grandfather Chun residence is now empty, in front of the courtyard is covered with the dust, and scrolls in front of only half. The neighbors said, Chun Yuan to leave wenxi Taiyuan.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The 80-year-old was against all the odds strongly dominant inheritance Li Zhaohui, and urged Litian Hu leave Haixin is to ensure the integrity and internal balance of interests of the right of inheritance of this family business, and now in exchange for disintegration.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Second-generation rich "escape"9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Corresponding to the "empty nest" with the Haixin, Li Zhaohui Li Zhaoxia brother and sister frequently stay in the capital markets. Fluctuations in the steel industry, low profits, should be the main reason for Li Zhaohui not interested in a Beijing brokerage steel industry researcher told correspondents.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Zhaohui Shanxi Haixin Industry in the operation of capital markets platform. Li will hold the the Wenxi Huitian Industrial Co., Ltd. 90% stake in, wenxi Huitian Industrial Haixin Iron and Steel Group held a 89.3% stake in Haixin Iron and Steel Group holds 90.93% equity interest in Shanxi Haixin Industry. Through this chain, the Lee family assets in their hands.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Zhaohui in the capital markets the most admirable, and the stake in Minsheng Bank in 2004 to become the tenth largest shareholders' investment experience. The Hurun chart 2007, Li due to the ownership Minsheng Bank net worth soared to $ 8.5 billion, ranked 78, net worth soared by 112 percent compared to 2006. However, according to a Haixin insiders that the investment credit is not Li Zhaohui, his father Li Haicang.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Haicang served as vice chairman of the National Association of Industry and Commerce during his lifetime, and Minsheng Bank was originally the "background" is the Federation of Industry and Commerce, Li Haicang served as director of Minsheng Bank. "Minsheng Bank's transactions during his lifetime in Li Haicang has been talked about, is only disclosed when Andy Lee will take over the only." The source said.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Subsequently, Li Zhaohui worked in the capital market to buy the Listed Companies of China Aluminum Industry, Industrial Bank, Yimin business, but not particularly strong performance. Li Wenjie said that once the outside world Haixin the proceeds of the capital market in 2007 up to 20 billion, even in the brutal market in 2008, its receipts over $ 1 billion more than the net income of the main steel business. But estimates based on publicly disclosed figures do not look at the Minsheng Bank, from 2007 to 2008, even under the best results to count the income not more than 200 million yuan.9xRRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Build capital platform, Li in Beijing, the two investment platforms - and Peggy investment, Hui-yu investment. Haixin just took over the second year, Li Zhaohui and sister Li Zhaoxia will be set up in Beijing and Chia Hui-yu, the first office is located in Fangshan, a remote science and technology park.
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General Mandarin


Business Mandarin




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