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新疆"马尿"价超牛奶 尿源不足难满足市场需求(图)


Xinjiang hippurate lack of super price of milk, urine source is difficult to meet the market


【解说】5月19日,记者在新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州新源县新姿源生物制药有限公司了解到,该县从2006年开始从孕马马尿中提取雌激素,2011年底孕马尿平均收购价为每公斤4.9元人民币,雌激素含量高的孕马尿最高卖到了每公斤9.7元,远超于牛奶价格,虽然孕马尿价格不断攀升,但是由于交通以及孕马数量少等不利益因素的制约下,远远满足不了当地企业对孕马尿的需求。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【同期声】新姿源生物制药有限公司总工程师(罗俊) 政府公布的数据看,就是我们的新源、昭苏、尼勒克是我们伊犁河谷地区三大马匹集中地,都差不多在6到8万匹之间,但是具体实施的时候发现,我们需要的马匹数,第一有利于交通便利,第二就是怀孕的马,第三就是可以在脯乳期的马,这样的马匹,相对来说数量就少得多了,我们进过这几年的摸索,在新源地区,有效的马匹数可以发展到15000匹。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【解说】据了解,新姿源生物制药有限公司实际年加工孕马尿可达4000吨,2011年计划采收孕马尿2000吨,实际采收1600吨。针对孕马马匹数量不足及交通不利因素对孕马尿产业的制约,当地政府在鼓励牧民扩大孕马数量的同时,对牧民进行孕马养殖技术培训,并在企业附近修建孕马养殖基地集中化管理。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【同期声】新姿源生物制药有限公司总工程师(罗俊) 主要培训什么,第一个就是马匹的养殖技术,专业技术。第二个就是马病的防治技术,第三个就是我们马的采尿技术。主要在这三块技术上,对牧区的广大的骨干,进行培训。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【解说】新源县牧民赛力克2009年开始盖棚圈养孕马,现在已经有孕马30匹,来自孕马尿的年收入在3万元左右,加上卖马奶的收入,每年饲养孕马的收入可达10万元。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【同期声】牧民 (赛力克) 我今年养了30匹马,收入大概三万块钱左右,在孕马尿采集后还可以卖马奶,我的棚圈是30匹马的棚圈,打算今年扩建,准备扩大到40到50匹孕马的数量。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【解说】从孕马马尿中提取结合雌激素,对于治疗妇女更年期综合症和中年女性补钙有很好的疗效。目前能从孕马尿中提取结合雌激素的制药企业全世界仅有两家:一家是美国的惠氏公司,另一家则是新疆新姿源生物制药有限公司。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【解说】目前该公司生产的雌激素原料药、片剂和乳膏已经获得了国家新药证书和生产批件,突破了美国对该药物60多年的技术垄断,并已开始出口创汇形成了强大的国际竞争力。kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The explanation is May 19, Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang County Revitalization, a new source of source learned that the county starting in 2006, extracted from pregnant horse urine estrogen, the end of 2011 pregnant hippurate average The purchase price of 4.9 yuan per kg, a high concentration of estrogen progesterone the hippurate highest sold at 9.7 yuan per kg, which far exceeds the price of milk, although pregnant the hippurate prices rising, but because of less traffic and the number of pregnant mare interests factors, not local businesses is far from meeting the needs of pregnant hippurate.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Paralanguage] Wonder source of bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chief Engineer (Luo Jun) data released by the Government to see is our new source Zhaosu, Nileke is the three horses concentrated we Ili Valley region, are almost 6-80000, but the specific implementation, the number of horses we need is conducive to convenient transportation, the second horse is pregnant, the third is the candied lactating horses, horses, relatively speaking, the number is much less, we have been to several years of exploration in the new source regions, the number of horses can be developed to 15000.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Commentary] Wonder source bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. It is understood that the actual annual processing pregnant hippurate up to 4000 tons in 2011 plans to harvest pregnant hippurate 2000 tons, the actual harvest of 1600 tons. Pregnant mama match the number of inadequate and traffic unfavorable factors on the pregnancy the hippurate industry's constraints, the local government to encourage pastoralists to expand the number of pregnant mare, the herders pregnant mare breeding technology training in the enterprise near the construction of a pregnant horse breeding base centralized management.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Acoustic] the Revitalisation source of biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chief Engineer (Luo Jun) training, the first one is the horse breeding techniques, professional and technical. The second is a horse disease prevention and control technology, and the third is our horse adoption urine. Mainly in the three technically, the majority of the backbone of the pastoral training.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Commentary] Xinyuan County herders race Lectra cover shed captive pregnant mare in 2009, already pregnant Ma 30, from pregnant hippurate annual income of around $ 30,000, plus sell the mare's milk income each year The feeding of pregnant mare's income up to $ 100,000.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Paralanguage pastoralists (Isaiah Lectra) I raise this year, 30 horses, the income of about 30,000 dollars or so, mare's milk can be sold after the acquisition of the pregnant hippurate, my stalls for the stalls for 30 horses, and intend to this year expansion, preparing to expand the number of 40-50 pregnant mare.kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The explanation is the combination of estrogen extracted from pregnant horse urine calcium for the treatment of women with menopausal syndrome and middle-aged women have a good effect. Extracted from pregnant hippurate combination of estrogen pharmaceutical companies in the world only two: one is the U.S. Wyeth, another Wonder source, Xinjiang Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The explanation is the company's production of estrogen bulk drugs, tablets and cream has been awarded a national drug certification and production approval, breaking the monopoly of the drug 60 years, and has started to export foreign exchange earning a strong international competitiveness.
kD8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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