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Hong Kong - Mong Kok District to take the "rapids" anti-vice operation


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---关于香港的 ‘楼凤’制度


一楼一凤是香港性工作者的一种提供色情服务的独有方式,因为在一个住宅单位内只有一名妓女而名。据香港法例第200章117条:任何处所由超过二人主要用以卖淫用途即可被视为“卖淫场所”。任何人管理、出租、或租赁卖淫场所都可被捡控。为逃避法律责任,而发展出只有一名妓女卖淫的一楼一凤。一楼一凤也称为“一楼一”、“161”、“One Floor One ”、“141”和“凤楼”等等。“一楼一凤”是香港一种半公开的淫业,这一色情经营方式的存在与发展,是对香港实行多年的禁娼令的一种嘲弄。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语


主要有两种:一为妓女与老板分帐的,比如肉金350元,老板会抽150-200元,但分帐方式在不同地区有不同方式;一为妓女不经中间人自租的;YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

唐楼住宅单位,在门前会设有门钟及挂牌,若牌上写上“请按钟”,表示没有客人,客人可以按钟内进;牌上若是写上“请稍候”或“休息”,则表示凤楼内有客人或是凤楼内没有凤姐。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

部分一楼一凤与普通民居为邻,对居民做成一定滋扰(例如嫖客按错门铃)。如有关大厦未有大厦公契或公契或租约(如属租用物业)未有规管一楼一凤,则其行为未抵触法律,因此亦无可奈何。即使大厦公契或租约禁止一楼一凤,业主亦只可行使公契/租约权力要求有关一楼一凤撤出单位,如不合作亦只可以展开民事诉讼。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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宣传方式YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

以前主要靠报章杂志的分类广告以招徕顾客,但近年则主要在互联网上招揽生意。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

若凤姐想在网页登广告,通常需要付出较昂贵的价钱,故有些凤姐不在网上卖广告。但有些本不想卖广告,却在遭人威迫的情况下去卖广告。凤姐向网站提出请求后,网站会有人上来为凤姐拍艳照。通常是凤姐穿上较性感的服装,甚至是裸体进行拍照,但在网上登出时会用马赛克遮盖敏感部位。拍照后,凤姐会选择较满意的一辑(约8张)登上网站。登上网站的相片,有些可能没有加工,有些由于凤姐年龄较大又或是身材不太好,网站人员会协助加工。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,为了不让亲友知道自己从事这一行业又或是掩饰自己的容貌,在登出的相片中许多时用马赛克遮盖凤姐的容貌。在登出相片后,客人便可在网站上按分区搜寻自己喜欢的对象。网站一般按地区表列凤姐资料(如铜锣湾区,荃湾区等),在凤姐资料内通常会登出其相片、芳名、年龄(通常虚报比真实小)、三围、营业时间、电话(要有来电显示,凤姐才接听)、国籍、价钱及地址(若是酒店预约,则只有联系电话,不会有地址),及附近街道照片(方便客人去该凤楼)。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了在网站登相片外,凤姐为了更受欢迎,会在服务后叫客人在网站讨论区写对她好评的报告。也有凤姐向网站多付钱,请网站写手发表好评的报告(鳝稿)。许多时在完成服务后,客人会在讨论区分享心得。对服务好的加以表扬,对服务差的加以批评,这些报告许多时会影响凤姐的生意。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

凤姐背景YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语


在以前,一楼一凤内的性工作者因为通常年纪较大,多称“凤姐”或“凤姑”。但近年来有年轻化的倾向,偶有小于25岁的少女从事,而酒店预约的则更为年轻。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语


据报章报道及社会工作团体非正式统计资料,现时在香港以此方式维生的女子大多来自中国大陆的新移民 / 持双程证的女子(约占全部八成左右),俗称“北姑”,也有的称“陀北”。也有本地香港人,俗称“陀地”。此外,也有欧美籍的,但数目不及华籍之多。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一般大陆凤姐不太懂粤语,发音不太准;但许多时她们的老板要规定她们要说粤语,及在收了钱后要说“多谢”。相比“陀地”,大陆凤姐(尤其是年轻新入行的)较为有礼貌及不太嚣张。此外,许多大陆凤姐在春节前均会努力赚钱,之后过年时回乡渡岁,故新年时不太多凤姐营业。YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语


  • 客人前往该凤楼;
  • 至门口,若门牌写上“请按钟”,即表示凤姐没有客人,客人可按钟;
  • 按钟后,凤姐开门出来。若认为适合,可问清楚价钱(因为入去后,是一定要付款后才可出来)再入去;若不合,客人一般会说声谢谢,然后另寻目标(俗称洗楼);
  • 嫖客通常会于性交前洗澡,洗澡时一般会有凤姐服侍,但也有时凤姐不愿意一同洗澡;
  • 进行性行为
  • 性行为结束后,可以先洗澡(事后浴),然后付款(凤姐一般会很有礼貌地说声谢谢)


  • 据香港警务处估计,2005年香港约有1000名女子从事这形式卖淫活动。其“办公场所”的确令所在地治安变差,例如令附近居民被骚扰、人流复杂等。另一方面,她们亦提供一个廉价的媒介供男子解决生理需要,间接降低香港性犯罪。
  • 近年来也传入台湾,但仍要熟客介绍才可知道其据点。

        Ming Pao] Mong Kok District to take the "rapids" anti-vice operation, 21 men and women arrested for prostitution in the region, Shanghai Street and Reclamation Street, Hot porn black spots, including the dependent prostitutes for a living, "the groom", involved in prostitutionMainland women will pay to the Immigration Department for follow up.

Head of Special Duty Squad of Mong Kok District Zeng Guoqiang Senior Inspector of Police, said that the police vice activities in the region has always been a zero-tolerance, in January this year on the 30th of this month, the Police and Immigration Department held a total of eight joint operations, resulting in the arrest of 193 name pornography case. Police will apply to the court for a six-month closure order, the current regional total of 19 to commit sex crimes unit was closed down.

Police: zero tolerance of sex cause

The operation arrested 12 women and 9 males, aged 19-56 years old, arrested the woman for the full two-way permit mainlanders, they are suspected of prostitution in violation of condition of stay, were arrested when they were wearing short skirts, vests and so sexy clothing. As for the men arrested five people suspected of prostitution for a living, and four others were arrested for abetting other persons for immoral purposes, all being detained for questioning. Police action will be 46 vice establishments signs removed.
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The Xifeng background [edit] Age in the past, sex workers within the one-woman brothels are usually older, and more "Feng" or "Fenggu. But in recent years, younger tendency to sometimes less than 25-year-old girl engaged in hotel booking more young.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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[Edit] nationality, according to newspaper reports and social work organizations, informal statistics, at present, in this way a living woman mostly new immigrants from mainland China / two-way permits the woman (about all 80% of), commonly known as "North Regardless, some said" Tuo North ". Local Hong Kong people, commonly known as the "Local". In addition, there are also European and American nationality, but the number is less than the membership of China as much.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The average person Xifeng not understand Cantonese, the pronunciation is not prospective; but when they are the boss to the provisions they say in Cantonese, and takes the money and after to say "thank you". Compared to the "Local", mainland China Xifeng (young recruits) is more polite and not arrogant. In addition, many of the continent Xifeng before the Spring Festival will try to make money, after the New Year in their hometowns transition-year-old, so not too many New Year Feng business.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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[Edit] price compared to other services, this form of charges is cheap - General HK $ 300-500 yuan, charges and due to the the Xifeng appearance, age and locations. Fung House, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay (for example, Lockhart Road 381-3 Fuji Building), is generally more expensive than in other regions. There are more than 500 yuan to more than 1000 yuan, their main hotel reservation.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In addition to the one-woman brothels in recent years the emergence of a name variant of the "upstairs bone, usually before they provide sexual services to help people off massage. Of course they are also some only provide massage services; without any pornographic factors. These include the "special services", "bone woman" charge of about $ 350-550.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Edit] Services OWB basic services include: of paternity bath, oral sex and intercourse, but may also include other (possibly additional money): Sexual abuse (usually by older Feng), mouth burst ( semen shot in Xifeng mouth) Bukkake (semen shoot in Xifeng surface) Tit (Feng breasts sandwiched penis), spell (a kind of oral sex, and the first mouth with ice water, heat exchanger tea after including time), Duron, anal sex, Q-margin (ie, the bin and then to once), 3P (ie, with two Xifeng in the sex trade, or two clients and a Feng sex. clients may into the room that will be encountered more than one Xifeng, to obtain their consent and pay the two meat gold can but because it is illegal, it is not very often), overnight, bm (Body Massage, namely body massage, The Xifeng applied to the body with baby oil, guests and body massage), massage, etc..YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Some upstairs bone "does not provide sexual services, only hj (hand the job, ie, hand pay), massage, bm.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Edit] The transaction process access to the Fung House;YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
To the door, if the numbers written on the bell ", it means that Xifeng no guests, the guests according to minutes;YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xifeng door after the bell. Thinks fit to ask the price (because of the entry to go only to a payment out) re-entry to go; if substandard, guests will usually say thank you, and then look for another target (commonly known as the wash House);YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Clients usually take a bath before having sex, usually have bath Xifeng serve, but also sometimes Xifeng do not want to take a bath together;YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
SexYZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After the end of the sexual behavior, you can take a bath after bath, then payment (Feng general politely said thank you)YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Edit] The impact of the Hong Kong Police Force estimates that in 2005 there were about 1000 women from engaging in this form of prostitution activities. The office space is indeed the location of the deterioration of law and order, for example, to nearby residents being harassed, the flow complex. On the other hand, they also provide an inexpensive medium for men to meet physical needs, and indirectly reduce sexual crimes in Hong Kong.YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In recent years, was introduced into Taiwan, but they still had regular customers introduced in order to know its stronghold.
YZ4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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