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港股跌幅冠全球 ADR喘定 內外交煎 瀉634點


Hong Kong stocks fall tops the world in ADR tapered Foreign fried diarrhea 634


【明報專訊】港股昨日在內憂外患下再度破位下瀉,本周二的反彈化為烏有。由於希臘組閣失敗,增加脫離歐元區的機會,加上內地外匯佔款今年以來首現負增長,顯示市場極「水乾」(另文見B3版),觸發恒指大跌634點,3.2%的跌幅是去年11月中以來最大。反觀歐美股市低開後喘定,港股再次成為環球跌市中的提款機。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

外圍喘定之下,港股短線料有反彈。但分析師認為,在希臘局勢明朗化前,港股難以擺脫跌勢,短期將插穿19,000點。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

港股於周二結束8連跌,市場期待技術性反彈之際,卻傳來希臘合組聯合政府的談判破裂,投資者對歐元區解體憂慮加劇,歐美股市紛紛下跌,恒指甫開市即跌穿19,600點的心理關口,最終收報19,259點,大挫634點,成交658億元。全日共有70隻牛熊證被強制收回,是自去年8月以來最多【見另稿】。港股主板市值由5月15日的18.9萬億元,縮至昨日的18.3萬億元,即減少6000億元。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

希臘聯合政府難產惹恐慌csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

雖然午後跌勢雖有加劇,但尾市隨着歐洲股市早段造好,恒指亦稍為回穩。而且即月期指低水幅度收窄至98點,若計及除淨因素,實際轉高水34點。截至昨晚11時15分,道指報12652點,升20點。匯控(0005)美國預託證券(ADR)報66.5元,較港收市升0.05元,中移動(0941)ADR報85.4元,升0.95元。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨天在香港,藍籌股除華潤電力(0836)外,其餘全部下跌,近日支撐大市的中移動(0941)跌3.65%,騰訊(0700)績前大挫4.5%。內銀內險股全線急挫。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

瑞信私銀:短期或跌穿19000點csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

綜觀亞洲股市,港股跌幅最大。瑞信董事總經理兼私人銀行部亞太區研究主管范卓雲認為,希臘現時擬於6月中重選,在這之前,即使中央繼續放水或美國數據轉好,亦難以扭轉波動的市况,短期跌至19,000點以下亦不意外。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

她認為現時討論希臘會否脫離歐元區是言之尚早,現在的重點仍放在該國黨派的政治角力。她指出,希臘大部分人民反對緊縮政策,同時又反對脫離歐元區,因此要視乎未來希臘如何與歐盟就援助協議進行談判。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

後市部署方面,摩根資產管理市場策略師譚慧敏認為,港股經過首季急升後,估值已反映利好因素,因此對港股的評級只屬「中性」,但由於低息環境及游資仍多,看好地產股。她又指,MSCI中國12個月預測市盈率只約9.5倍,差不多處於歷史低位,因此對中國股票仍持「增持」評級,主要看好消費股。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有「長勝將軍」之稱的首域投資大中華投資總監劉國傑表示,歐債危機有可能再惡化,中國仍面對高通脹、高樓價及銀行不良貸款等問題,因此選股仍以防守為主。csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

明報記者 廖毅然.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Ming Pao] Hong Kong stocks yesterday, again in both internal and external under Powei tumble this week, two rebound naught. Greek cabinet failed to increase the chance of leaving the euro zone, the Mainland foreign exchange this year, the first negative growth since the market Pole "water dry" (the text, see B3 version), triggering the Hang Seng Index plunged 634 points, 3.2 percent. The decrease was the largest since mid-November of last year. The other hand, European and American stock markets opened lower after the breather, Hong Kong stocks once again become the ATMs in the global down market.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Peripheral gasping for breath under the Hong Kong stocks rebound short-term material. But analysts believe that, before the situation became clear in Greece, Hong Kong stocks is difficult to get rid of the decline in the short term will be inserted through 19,000 points.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Hong Kong stocks ended Tuesday, 8 losing streak, and look forward to the occasion of a technical rebound in the market, but coming from the Greek joint coalition government talks broke down, the disintegration of the worries intensified eurozone, European and American stock markets have dropped, the Hang Seng Index just opening fell below 19,600 point psychological barrier, and ultimately to close at 19,259 points, plunged 634 points, on turnover of 65.8 billion yuan. 70 CBBC is forced to recover in a day, since August last year, up to [the other is issued]. Hong Kong stocks motherboard market value of 18.9 trillion yuan at the May 15, shrinkage, a reduction of 600 billion yuan to 18.3 trillion yuan yesterday.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Greek coalition government dystocia provoke paniccsWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Although the afternoon decline intensified, Yao City, with the European stock markets early part of the build, the Hang Seng Index also slightly stabilized. And a month of the low water range was narrowed to 98 points into account in addition to net factors, the actual transfer of high water 34. As of 11:15 last night, the Dow at 12,652 points, up 20 points. HSBC (0005) American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) to 66.5 yuan, compared with Hong Kong closing up 0.05 yuan, China Mobile (0941) of ADR at 85.4 yuan or 0.95 yuan.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Yesterday in Hong Kong, the blue chips, in addition to China Resources Power (0836), all the rest fell recently supported the market, China Mobile (0941) or 3.65%, Tencent (0700) results plunged 4.5%. Insurance stocks plunge across the board within the silver.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Credit Suisse Private Silver: short-term or fell below 19,000 pointscsWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Looking at Asian markets, Hong Kong stocks had the largest decrease. Greece currently intend to re-election in mid-June, before this, even if the central continue to turn on the water or the U.S. data better, it would be difficult to reverse the volatile market conditions, short-term fell, Managing Director of Credit Suisse and Private Banking, Asia Pacific head of research at Fan Zhuoyun 19,000 points not unexpected.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
She believes that the discussion now that Greece will leaving the euro zone is too early to say, now the focus is still on the political struggles of the country's political parties. She pointed out that most of the Greek people against the austerity policy, also objected to leaving the euro zone, so it depends on the future of Greece and the EU assistance agreement negotiations.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Hong Kong stocks surge after the first quarter of, the valuation has been reflected favorable factors, the Hong Kong stock rating is only a "neutral", but because of the low interest rate environment and still more hot money market outlook, the deployment of the JP Morgan Asset Management market strategist Tan Huimin , bullish real estate stocks. She also refers to MSCI China 12 month forecast price-earnings ratio is only about 9.5 times, almost at historic lows, therefore, still hold on China's stock to "overweight" rating, mainly optimistic about consumer stocks.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Undefeated generals," said First State Investments Greater China Investment Officer Liu Guojie debt crisis in Europe there are likely to deteriorate again, China is still facing the problem of high inflation, high property prices and banks' bad loans, stock picking is still defensive based.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Ming Pao Daily News reporter Liao Yiran.csWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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