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女股神刘央抛出23亿港元买股 霸气高呼越跌越买(图)


Female Warren Liu Yang throw HK $ 2.3 billion to buy shares the domineering


Img343424397.jpgqDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西京资本控股有限公司主席兼投资总监刘央,在香港打拼的北京人,她钟爱中资民企股,比尔·盖茨基金作为非银行机构QFII在中国的投资,2/3由西京打理,也就是说刘央是这位世界首富的“管家”之一;在2011年之前,她的出色表现为其赢得了“女股神”等称号。qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据香港《苹果日报》报道,港股大市仍处于弱势,女股神刘央豪言不用怕,并继续“牛央”上身,透露今年共抛出3亿美元买货,更高呼“我这两天都照买!”qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

恒指八日已经连跌1574点,基金股洗仓潮持续,高达96只股份创出52周新低,早前被质疑账目的人和,9个交易日累跌三成。刘央管理的西京投资持有人和约6%股权,身在北京的刘央通过电话回应查询时,极力否认正在沽货,更霸气不失地高呼:“好多人都以为我卖,我为什么要卖呢?我绝对没有卖!我还在买,我告诉你。”她认为人和的基本面没有问题,更是地产股中最便宜的,不会听信谣言,亦正不断低吸其他股票,直指“我信心十足,所以我可以很负责任地跟你讲,从2012年到今天,我放进市场3亿美金……我就每天买,它越跌我越买!”qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,受累一轮洗仓风暴,刘央所主理的西京投资中国基金今年至本周一,录得负回报10.8%,大幅跑输恒指同期的7%升幅,单在过去一个月已蚀9.8%,她持约12.7亿股的人和最重伤,今年累跌62%,市值蒸发6.8亿元。qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘央昨表示,投资中国要看经济周期,不是单看“May or June”,目前的“淡风”只是信心危机,认为以现时资产市场的低水平,没理由不买,“为什么不买?第一,你就没信心;第二,你就没钱”。qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事实上,其他星级基金在经历5月的跌市后,回报全线大缩水。有“股坛金手指”称号的谢清海,旗下惠理基金本月劲蚀约7%,旗舰基金回报由上月底的 9.8%,大幅放缓至本周一的1.9%;欧洲股神安东尼·波顿主理的富达中国特殊情况基金,截至上周五止今年每股资产净值增4%,相对3月初时的17%大幅下降。qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The Xijing Capital Holdings Limited Chairman and Chief Investment Officer Liu Yang, hard work in Hong Kong, Beijing and her favorite-owned private enterprises in shares, the Bill Gates Foundation as a non-bank institutions QFII investment in China, 2/3 by the Xijing take care of, but also That is Liu Yang, one of the "steward" of the world's richest man; before 2011, her performance earned it the title of female share God ".qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Hong Kong's Apple Daily reported that the Hong Kong stocks the market is still in a weak female Warren Liu central pronouncements do not be afraid, and to continue the bovine central upper body, to disclose this year dished out a total of 300 million U.S. dollars when buying, more shouting, "I have these two days According to buy! "qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HSI 8 losing streak in 1574 and continued influx of fund shares washings, up to 96 shares hit a 52-week low earlier questioned the accounts and the tired, fell by 30% in 9 trading days. Liu central management of Atlantis Investment holding people and about 6 percent stake, in Beijing, Yang Liu by telephone to respond to inquiries, strongly denied that sell goods, and more domineering losing out loud: "A lot of people thought that I sell, why I sell ? I definitely did not sell! I still buy, I tell you. "she thinks, and the fundamentals have not, it is the cheapest, do not listen to rumors in the real estate stocks also continue to buy low, sell other stocks, straight means "I am confident, so I can responsibly tell you, from 2012 to today, to put me in the market for $ 300 million ... on a daily basis to buy more or buy more!"qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, involvement of the a washings Storm, Liu Yang main reason Atlantis Investment Fund this year to a week, recorded a negative return of 10.8%, significantly underperforming the 7% increase in the Hang Seng Index over the same period in the past month alone eclipse 9.8 , she holds about 1.27 billion shares, and the most seriously injured, tired, down 62 percent this year, the market value of evaporation 680 million yuan.qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu Yang said yesterday that the investment in China depends on the economic cycle, not just look at May or June "," light wind "only a crisis of confidence that the present low level of asset markets, no reason not to buy," Why do not you buy? First, you have no confidence; second, you do not have money ".qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, the other star fund in the experience of the falling market in May, returns across the board large shrink. Cheah Cheng Hye, "shares the altar Goldfinger" the title of its Partners Fund this month, fresh erosion of about 7%, the flagship fund, the return by the end of last month's 9.8 percent, slowed sharply to 1.9 percent in Monday; European Warren Anthony Bolton special circumstances fund manager Fidelity, the net asset value per share as of last Friday ended this year by 4%, 17% of the relatively early March when a substantial decline.
qDPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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