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《北京日报》要求骆家辉公布财产 引网民围观热议


"Beijing Daily" Gary Locke announced the property cited netizens crowd hot


《北京日报》的官方微博,14日转发了关于“美国驻华大使骆家辉喝咖啡、坐经济舱是包装成‘平民’的作秀行为”的微博,同时发出了“请骆家辉公布财产”这样的要求。一份中国的地方党报,要求美国驻华大使公开财产,瞬间引来众网友围观、热议。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友wood-bell魏志奇于14日发布了一条抨击美国驻华大使骆家辉作秀的微博。这位网友说,“骆家辉住的是耗资上亿美元修建的美国大使官邸。出行代步的是特制防弹豪华专车。家人和佣人开销由美国纳税人支付。这样的奢侈岂能算简朴?请问骆大使这些为何不发布?只公布喝咖啡,坐经济舱,不是摆拍作秀是什么!”因此,这位网友认为“把骆家辉包装成‘平民’是徒劳的”。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本月早些时候,《北京日报》曾发表评论文章,指骆家辉乘飞机坐经济舱等行为是主动搅起矛盾的“平民生活秀”。 在网友woodbell 魏志奇发布微博后,《北京日报》发官方微博第一个转发了该内容,并附加了“请骆家辉公布财产”的评论。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一份中国的地方党报,要求美国驻华大使公开财产,瞬间引爆了网络关注的热点。很快,有网友通过搜索引擎轻松找到了骆家辉两年前就已公布的个人财产,数目清晰。“来而不往非礼也”,网友热情地将问题送了回来:请《北京日报》发个社论让中国官员公布财产。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

还有网友感觉这个要求“太欢乐了”,网友邱岳首认为,这是《北京日报》的反讽手段?妙通过“请骆家辉公布财产”,将官员公布财产的时代要求推向更宽广的公众视野。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友双声杨提示,只要上谷歌,查找“GaryLocke personal financial disclosure”,第一个链接就能找到相关财产数据。在美国的一些网站和媒体公开报道中,都可清晰查看到以往骆家辉公布的个人财产,以及此前几年的相关数据,还有PDF版的申报文件可供下载查看。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友们在查证美国驻华大使骆家辉公示财产后,众多经过实名认证的名博们等《北京日报》“拿出更大的勇气”发个社论,请中国官员公布财产。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

创新工场董事长兼首席执行官李开复就很期待地说,“谢谢@北京日报提倡官员公布财产。骆大使早就公开了,请继续提倡这个政策啊!”suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友议论纷纷,但有网友指《北京日报》可能听不到,因为该报的官方微博评论是非公开的,普通网友只能转发留言,不能单独评论。网友呼吁先请《北京日报》开放评论。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据查,在美国Opensecrets.org网站页面,可以清晰查出骆家辉2008年-2010年的财产状况。在该网站还可查到总统和内阁的财产(希拉里最有钱3,120万美金、奥巴马732万、最穷的内政部长16万)、最有钱的25位议员(最有钱的4.48亿)、最穷的25位议员(最穷的负债473万)。身家估值看上限和下限的平均值(Average)。suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

"Beijing Daily" official microblogging, 14 forwarded microblogging "U.S. Ambassador to China, Locke, drink coffee, sitting in economy class is packaged as a 'civilian' show behavior, also issued a" Locke announced property "so requirements. A local party newspaper, the requirements of the U.S. Ambassador to public property, and instantly drew the crowd to all the friends, and hot.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The users wood-bell, Wei Zhiqi 14 a microblogging criticized the U.S. ambassador to Locke show. The user said, "Locke lived in the U.S. ambassador's residence built in a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Travel means of a specially made bullet-proof luxury car. Family and servants, expenses paid by U.S. taxpayers. Count such luxury, how can simple? Will the Luo Ambassador of these why not publish? only announced a cup of coffee, sit in economy class is not intended to shoot the show is! "As a result, the users," Locke packaging into 'civilian' is futile.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Earlier this month, the Beijing Daily commentary refers to Locke to fly economy class, and other acts of civilian life show "initiative to stir up conflicts. In the the users woodbell Wei Zhiqi released microblogging, "Beijing Daily" made the first official microblogging forwarding the attached "Gary Locke announced property" comments.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A local party newspaper, the requirements of the U.S. Ambassador to public property, and instantly set off the focus of attention of the network. Soon, Locke two years ago published the personal property of users through a search engine to easily find a clear number. "But not to reciprocate.", Users enthusiastically sent back: "Beijing Daily" send a editorial for Chinese officials to declare their assets.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Users feel this requirement "too joy," Qiu Yue, users first think that this is the irony of the "Beijing Daily" means? Through the wonderful "Gary Locke announced property, officials declare their assets to the requirements of the times to push the broader public view.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Prompt users dual sound Young on Google, find the "GaryLocke personal financial disclosure, a link will be able to find property data. Some U.S. websites and the news media coverage, can clear view to the past, Gary Locke announced the personal property, as well as relevant data for previous years, as well as the PDF version of the filing of documents available for download to view.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Netizens publicity property to verify the U.S. ambassador to Locke, many after the real-name authentication and Bo are the "Beijing Daily" show greater courage by sending an editorial, the Chinese officials to declare their assets.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Very looking forward to innovative workshops, Chairman and CEO Kai-fu Lee said, "Thank you @ Beijing Daily advocates officials declare their assets. Luo ambassador has long been public, please continue to promote this policy!suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Friends talking about, but there may not be heard friends refer to the "Beijing Daily", the newspaper official microblogging Review of non-public, ordinary users can only be forwarding a message, you can not separate comment. Friends called for the first call of the "Beijing Daily" open comment.suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to the investigation, in Opensecrets.org site page, you can clearly find out Locke's state of the property in 2008 to 2010. The site can be found in the property of the President and Cabinet (Hillary richest 3,120 million dollars, Obama 7.32 million, the Minister of the Interior of the poorest 16 million), the richest 25 members (the richest 4.48 million), the poorest 25 members (the poorest debt 4.73 million). The net worth of valuation see the upper and lower limits of the average (Average).
suJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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