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黃岩島劍拔弩張之勢放緩 菲總統歡迎中方南海休漁


Huangyan Island tense trend slowed down Philippine President welcomed


(星島日報報道)中菲黃岩島主權爭端懸而未決,中方昨天宣布南海本周三進入休漁期,菲總統阿基諾三世對此表示「歡迎」,並稱也會要求菲漁民停止在爭議海域捕魚。有分析稱,這將使黃岩島衝突趨於平穩。VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  入夏兩個半月休漁期VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  中國農業部宣布,明天起至今年八月一日,包括黃岩島的南海將進入兩個半月的伏季休漁期,所有禁止作業的漁船一律停港封網,官方將對一切偷捕等違法行為進行專項打擊。VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  該消息受到菲方關注,菲總統阿基諾三世昨天被問到「菲方是否也會要求漁民停止在爭議海域捕魚」時,肯定地回答:「是的,菲律賓也應該幫助漁民提高到其他地方捕魚的作業條件。」VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  中國外交部發言人洪磊昨天稱,休漁是為保護海洋資源,與黃岩島事件無關。但台灣學者宋燕輝認為,休漁是中國可進可退的策略:中國撤走漁船後,若菲也召回漁船,這就為雙方找到下台階;若菲漁船堅持留在黃岩島,中國可出動漁政船驅逐、強力宣示主權。VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(Sing Tao Daily reported) Huangyan Island, the Philippines, the sovereignty dispute unresolved, China announced yesterday that the South China Sea on Wednesday into the fishing moratorium, Philippine President Aquino III said "welcome", and that also demanded that the Philippine fishermen to stop fishing in the disputed waters. Some analysts said that this will enable the Huangyan Island conflict stabilized.

Summer two and a half fishing moratorium

Chinese Ministry of Agriculture announced tomorrow until August 1st of this year, including the Huangyan Island, the South China Sea fishing moratorium period of two and a half months, all the prohibition of fishing vessels operating in all stop in Hong Kong close up, the official will have all the poaching and other illegal activities conduct a special attack.

The message by the Philippine side concerns, the Philippine President Corazon Aquino III, was asked yesterday whether the Philippine side will be required to stop the fishermen in the disputed waters fishing ", a definite answer:" Yes, the Philippines should also help fishermen to other places operating conditions of fishing. "

Hong Lei, spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said yesterday that the fishing moratorium is for the protection of marine resources, the event has nothing to do with the Huangyan Island. Taiwan scholars Song Yanhui that the moratorium strategy: China retreat into China's withdrawal of fishing vessels, if the Philippine recall fishing boats - which the two sides to find the next step; Philippine fishing boat insisted on staying in the Huangyan Island, the Chinese can be mobilized and fisheries political expulsion of the ship, a strong declaration of sovereignty.

Between the two militaries goodwill. "Liberation Army Daily published the article points out that military scholar temperature ice, some provocateurs interested in intensifying the contradictions," in order to see exactly irrational anger and war, thus achieving the fish in troubled waters, the purpose of profit in the chaos; Huangyan Island The problem still has diplomatic space, strategic restraint to take the initiative.

Philippine military the day before yesterday for the first time the Chinese Navy in the Western Pacific exercise near the country to make a public response, claiming that "as long as China is not in Philippine territorial waters within the exercise, we believe that without any problems.
VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  兩國軍方也均釋出善意。《解放軍報》發表軍事學者溫冰的文章指出,有些挑釁者有意激化矛盾,「為的正是看到中國失去理智、因怒而戰」,進而達到渾水摸魚、亂中得利的目的;黃岩島問題仍有外交空間,戰略克制也讓中國把握主動權。VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  菲軍方前天首次對中國海軍在靠近該國的西太平洋軍演做出公開回應,聲稱「只要中國不在菲領海內軍演,我們都認為沒有任何問題」。VQ5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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