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the level of China's agricultural economy than the United States 100 years behind


昨日,中科院中国现代化研究中心发布最新研究成果《中国现代化报告2012:农业现代化研究》。报告指出,截至2008年,中国农业经济水平比美国落后约100年。农业现代化已经成为中国现代化的一块短板。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

农业水平差距明显J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据中科院中国现代化研究中心主任何传启介绍,中国农业现代化起步大致时间是1880年左右,比发达国家晚了100年。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国农业生产率与发达国家有多少差距?据分析,美国是中国的90多倍,日本和法国是中国的100多倍,巴西都比中国高。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国农业发展水平与发达国家的差距有多大呢?何传启表示,如果以农业增加值比例、农业劳动力比例和农业劳动生产率三项指标计算的话,2008年中国农业水平与英国相差约150年,与美国相差108年,与韩国差36年。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告指出,2008年,中国农业经济水平比美国落后约100年,中国农业劳动生产率比中国工业劳动生产率低约10倍,中国农业现代化水平比国家现代化水平低约10%。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2.8亿农民需转移J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告测算,未来40年,中国需要把2.8亿农民转移出去,农业劳动力总数将从3.1亿下降到0.31亿。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为此,专家们提出建议,逐步取消户籍制度,建立信用管理制度,加快农业劳动力的转移,是必然的选择。“目前,中国农业现代化面临着诸多挑战。”何传启说,比如,2008年以来,中国人均可耕地面积仅为世界平均值的40%;2008年,中国人均淡水资源仅为世界平均值的33%;目前中国农业劳动生产率仅为发达国家的2%,仅为美国的1%。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

面对农业现代化已经成为中国现代化的一块短板,报告还提出了13条建议,包括建议明确划分5亿亩左右的优良农田作为“国家食品粮生产基地”和研制“中国人营养指南”。J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Yesterday, the Chinese Academy of Sciences of China's modernization Research Center released the latest research "China Modernization Report 2012: Agricultural Modernization. The report notes that as of 2008, the level of China's agricultural economy than the United States about 100 years behind.Modernization of agriculture has become a short-board of China's modernization.

Agricultural obvious gap between the level of

According to the director of the CAS Research Center for Modernization Chuanqi, the approximate time of the Chinese agricultural modernization started in 1880, 100 years later than in developed countries.

Agricultural productivity in China and the developed countries the number of gaps? According to analysis, the United States is more than 90 times of China, Japan and France is more than 100 times in China, Brazil, than China.

How the level of China's agricultural development gap with the developed countries? Chuanqi calculated if the proportion of agricultural added value, the three indicators of the proportion of agricultural labor and agricultural labor productivity, agricultural level in 2008 with the British about 150 years difference, a difference of 108 years with the United States, the difference with South Korea for 36 years.

The report notes that in 2008, the level of China's agricultural economy behind the United States about 100 years, about 10 times China's agricultural labor productivity than the Chinese industrial labor productivity is low, the level of China's modernization of agriculture about 10 percent lower than the national level of modernization.

280 million farmers need to transfer

The report estimates that the next 40 years, China will need 280 million farmers transferred out of the total number of agricultural labor force decreased from 310 million to 031 million.

For this reason, the experts make recommendations, the phasing out of the household registration system, to establish a credit management system, to speed up the transfer of agricultural labor is the inevitable choice. "At present, China's modernization of agriculture is facing many challenges." Chuanqi said, for example, since 2008, Chinese per capita arable land area is only 40% of the world average; 2008, China's freshwater resources per capita is only 33% of the world average ; China's agricultural labor productivity is only 2% of the developed countries, only 1 percent in the United States.

In the face of modernization of agriculture has become a short-board of China's modernization, the report also made 13 recommendations, including recommended a clear division of about 5 million acres of good farmland as a "national food grain production base and development of the Chinese Nutrition Guide.
J7VRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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