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樓價直撲新高 港府指不健康


Property prices toward the new high-Government refers to the unhealthy


VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

經濟日報專訊】反映二手樓價走勢的中原城市領先指數(CCL),連跌兩周後急反彈,最新報102.89點,按周升1.75%,創8周最大升幅,距歷史高位只差0.04點(102.93點),再度挑戰新高。政府指樓市泡沫風險增加,情況不健康。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

CCL對上一次挑戰高位,為3周前(4月20日)的102.5點,距歷史新高差0.43點,但終未能突破高位,其後兩周回落,本周(反映4月16日至22日、即3月25日特首選舉後第四周市況)升1.75%,收復過去兩周累跌1.35%的失地。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

目前CCL指數,距離1997年10月19日歷史高位102.93點,只差0.04點,較對上一次挑戰高位的差距明顯收窄。中原地產研究部高級聯席董事黃良昇指出,依CCL走勢分析,未來數周仍會反覆向上,下周極大可能升穿102.93點歷史高位。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

負擔比率 首季升至46.4%VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

政府經濟顧問陳李藹倫昨表示,整體樓價今年2、3月升6%,反映樓市泡沫風險增加,她形容情況「不健康」,重申政府會密切留意發展,有需要推出進一步措施。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事實上,近日住宅物業交投轉趨活躍,置業供款負擔比率由去年第4季的45.8%,上升至今年首季46.4%。陳太稱,若息口上升3厘,則有關比率會進一步升至60%,高於過去20年平均數50%。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

政府2010年11月起推出額外印花稅,陳太指措施有效遏抑投機活動,短炒成交大減,目前短炒比2010年上半年和下半年分別減少99%和98%,待今年下半年,即措施正式實施2年後,可全面評估成效。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

下半年樓市 專家有保留VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

對於樓市走勢,測量師、分析員及學者普遍認為,樓價短期雖可突破高位,但對下半年樓市仍有所保留。Neutron INV Partners Ltd首席投資總監張一鳴稱,受到低息、資金充裕及供應少支持,樓價短期仍有支持,但後市視乎歐債危機、美國會否推QE3、內地數據等影響,若樓價仍不斷上升,政府會被迫出招,樓價終會「物極必反」。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

高力國際亞洲研究及諮詢行政董事盧永輝直言,首5月樓價已升6%至7%,與同期經濟增長難以掛鈎,除非第二季經濟明顯改善,否則樓價不可能如年初急升,尤其豪宅受內地資金追捧情況已有所減弱。VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中原地產指今、明兩天睇樓量錄935組,按周減5.1%。中原地產太古城東山閣首席分區營業經理趙鴻運透露,一名太古城傳統投資者原持有3個單位,過去1周減價連沽兩伙。其中景天閣高層A室,面積708平方呎,原叫價820萬元,本周初減價70萬至750萬元沽出,呎價1.06萬元VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Economic Daily News Bulletin] second-hand property price movements reflect the Centa-City Leading Index (CCL) losing streak two weeks after the acute rebound, the latest at 102.89 points on a weekly basis l 1.75%, a record eight weeks the largest increase, from the historical high of only a thin 0.04 points (102.93 points), and re-challenge a new high. The government refers to the property bubble increased risk of an unhealthy situation.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
CCL challenge on time high, 3 weeks ago (April 20), 102.5 points, difference 0.43 points away from a record high, but was unable to breakthrough high, followed by two weeks to come down this week (reflecting April 16 22, the fourth week after the March 25 elections for chief executive of the market) was up 1.75 percent, recovered over the past two weeks, tired or 1.35% of the ground lost.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
CCL Index from October 19, 1997 historical high of 102.93 points, only a thin 0.04 points from the previous challenge to the high gap narrowed significantly. Urban transportation rose, senior associate director of the Central Plains real estate research department, according to CCL trend analysis, the next few weeks will still be repeated up next week, most likely rise above the historical high of 102.93 points.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Burden ratio in the first quarter rose to 46.4%VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Government economic adviser, Mrs Helen Chan, said yesterday that property prices rose 6 percent in February and March of this year, reflecting the increase in the risk of property bubble, she described the situation of "unhealthy" and reiterated that the Government will closely monitor the development, the need to introduce further measures.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, recently, residential property trading become active home repayment burden ratio from 45.8 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, up from 46.4 percent in the first quarter of this year. Mrs Chan said that if interest rates increased by 3%, the ratio would be further increased to 60%, higher than the past 20 years average of 50%.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The introduction of additional stamp duty on the Government in November 2010, Mrs Chan refers to the effective measures to curb speculative activities, Duanchao transaction greatly reduced Duanchao than in the first half and second half of 2010 were reduced by 99% and 98% until the second half of this year, that is, measures formally implemented two years after a comprehensive assessment of the results.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Second half of the property market experts have reservations aboutVCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The property market trend, surveyors, analysts and scholars generally believe that property prices in the short term could be a breakthrough high, but the second half of the property market is still retained. Neutron INV Partners, Ltd. Chief Investment Officer, said Zhang Yiming, property prices in the short term there is still support, but the outlook depends on the European debt crisis, the United States will push QE3, China data, if the floor by the low interest rate, liquidity and supply less support, prices are still rising, the government will be forced to make moves, property prices will eventually "extremes meet".VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Colliers International Asian research and consultation with the Executive Director Lu Yonghui respect, property prices have rose 6-7 percent in the first five months is difficult to hook, and economic growth over the same period, unless the second quarter improved significantly, otherwise property prices such as in early surge In particular, the mansion by mainland capital is sought after the situation has weakened.VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Central Plains real estate today and tomorrow of property surveys recorded 935 groups, by 5.1% on a weekly basis. Zhongyuan Real Estate Taikoo Shing the Dongshan Court Chief District Sales Manager the Zhao Fortune revealed that traditional investors in a Tai Koo Shing original holders of the three units over the past one week reduction even put two partners. Sedum Court Senior Room A, an area of ​​708 square feet, the original asking price $ 8.2 million reduction of 70 million to 750 million sold earlier this week, Price 10,600 yuan
VCURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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