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港闻--警轟斃刀手案拘6漢 匪背中槍惹質疑 前線稱無不妥


Police bombers to death Killer case arrested six Han frontline bandits back


Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

明報專訊】前晚在長沙灣街頭發生的黑幫斬人案,一名刀手被交通警員開槍擊斃。西九龍反黑組昨日迅速行動,於港九多處拘捕6人,其中一人相信為其中一名刀手。另外,警方前晚表示警員開槍是因刀手「拿刀斬向警員」,但由於死者是背後中槍,前晚於現場的解說引起公眾疑竇,有了解案情的前線警官稱,警員開槍時,不排除刀手剛巧轉身遂背部中彈,堅信警員開槍並無不妥。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事發於前晚9時40分,疑有黑幫背景的男子黃×啟(46歲),與3名友人於青山道一間食肆晚膳後結帳步出,4名埋伏車上的刀手衝出狂斬,當時一名姓葉交通警員剛巧路過現場,衝前喝止,警告3聲刀手仍未有停手,遂開槍打中其中一名姓郭男子(36歲)背部左肩胛骨,其餘3人乘亂登上一輛銀色Acura房車逃走,郭送院後證實不治。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由於認定案件涉及黑幫「上房」內訌,西九龍總區反黑組即時通緝一名29歲李姓男子,並搜查該社團盤據地點,短短一日內在港九新界不同地點拘捕6名本地男子,年齡介乎22至56歲,行動凌晨仍然繼續。據悉,其中一名被捕男子疑為參與斬人的刀手。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

被擊斃黑漢 剛出獄再犯案Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事件中被擊斃的男子,據悉全名郭永基,年前乃黑幫「水房」秦姓領導人的手下,兩人在2008年警隊的臥底行動中雙雙被捕,因協助管理三合會、刑事恐嚇等罪名分別被判監5年及5年半,相信郭氏才剛出獄不久。至於身中7刀的黃×啟,亦疑有黑幫背景,於90年代曾捲入轟動一時的85億元私煙案,懷疑與移民新加坡港人徐道仁被殺案有關,最後因證據不足獲判無罪。黃昨晚的情况轉為穩定,仍在明愛醫院留醫。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

被斬傷者曾涉徐道仁案Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

重案組及反黑組探員昨午及昨晚兩度重返斬人案現場,向附近商戶查問及做問卷調查,並翻看商戶閉路電視錄影,希望有鏡頭能拍下兇徒斬人、中槍或逃走經過。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

至於深水埗警區助理指揮官劉達強前晚在現場表示,當時有兇徒「拿刀斬向同事,同事果敢開槍」,但兇徒證實是背部中槍,當中的矛盾在網上引起熱烈討論。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

警解釋匪背中槍﹕或剛巧轉身Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有了解案情的高級警官堅決否認警方說謊,但修正了開槍經過,指當時刀手並非衝向警員,而是有刀手欲上車逃走,突然向警員揮刀,警員感人身安全受威脅遂開槍。對於死者何以背部中彈,警官不排除是開槍時刀手剛巧轉身,但當時現場兵凶戰危,警員無論為保障傷者或自身安全,開槍決定都沒有錯,加上當時有另一休班警員在場目擊可作證,他預料稍後會召開死因聆訊。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

議員﹕死因聆訊可釋疑Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

立法會保安事務委員會主席涂謹申稱,疑犯背部中槍死亡,難免令外界有疑問,但這類中槍死亡案依法要展開死因聆訊並會設陪審團,他預料屆時可揭出真相。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

開槍擊斃刀手的交通警隸屬西九龍警區交通部,加入警隊已6年半,警隊會安排他接受臨牀心理學家接受輔導,但警方發言人昨日未有回應會否要求他暫時休假。Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Ming Pao] last night at the Cheung Sha Wan street gang cut. Case, an armed gang of Traffic Police shot and killed. Anti-triad Unit of the West Kowloon yesterday's swift action in many of Hong Kong, Kowloon and arrested six people, one of whom believe that one of the Killer. In addition, the police last night said police officers shot Zhanxiang police officers because of the Killer "with a knife, but police dead behind the shot last night at the scene of explanations arouse public suspicion, and understand the merits of front-line police officers said, member shot, do not rule out armed gang happened to turn around then shot back, convinced that police officers shot and there is nothing wrong.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
At about 9:40 last night, suspected gang background man x Kai (46 years), checkout with three friends after dinner at a restaurant in Castle Peak Road, stepped out, four armed gang ambush the car out of the crazy cut, surnamed Ye of Traffic Police at that time happened to pass by the scene before restrained red, warning sound Killer not have to stop, then shot and hit the men's 36-year-old surnamed Guo back left shoulder blade The other three Shengluan boarded a silver Acura saloon cars to escape, Guo was certified dead in hospital later.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Identified cases involving gang "never ending infighting, Kowloon West Regional Anti-Triad Unit immediately wanted a 29-year-old Mr Lee, and searched the location of the society disk in different locations in the inner parts of the territory in a short period day arrested six local men, aged between 22-56 years old, action early morning continues. It is reported that one of the arrested men suspected to be involved in the cutting off people's Killer.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Were killed black Han just released from prison recidivismQ3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Man was killed in the incident, it is learned that the full name of Guo Yongji years ago is the hands of the gang "water room" Qin named the leaders of the two police undercover operation in 2008, both were arrested for aiding the management triad, criminal The charges of intimidation were jailed for five years and five and a half years, I believe Kuok just released from prison soon. As for the knife 7 times × Kai Wong, also suspected gang background, caused a sensation in the 1990s has been involved in 85 billion illicit cigarettes case, suspected to migrate to Singapore Hong Kong people Xu Daoren murder, and finally awarded because of insufficient evidence not guilty. Yellow last night the situation became stable still Caritas Hospital.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The chop injured involved Xu Daoren caseQ3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Crime Squad and the Anti-triad Squad yesterday and last night twice to return to the scene chopped. Case, questioning and questionnaire to the nearby shops and look at the merchant CCTV video lens captured assailants cut, gun or escape through.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
As for the Sham Shui Po District Assistant Commander Liu Dajiang last night at the scene said that the assailants "with a knife Zhanxiang colleagues, colleagues bold shot, but the assailants proved to be a shot in the back in which the contradictions aroused heated discussions on the Internet .Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Police explained the gun: bandit back or happened to turn aroundQ3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
About the case of senior police officers strongly denied that the police lie, but the correct shot after, referring to the Killer is not rushed to the police officers, but the Killer For the car to escape, suddenly brandished a knife at police officers, police officers a sense of personal safety threatened then shot. Why the back shot of the deceased, police officers do not rule out armed gang happened to turn around time of the shooting, but the scene was soldiers fierce war risk, police officers, whether to protect the injured or their own safety, opened fire decisions are not wrong, coupled with another break the presence of the duty officer witnessed the witness, and he expected the inquest will be held later.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Members: inquest doubtsQ3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
James TO, Chairman of the Legislative Council Panel on Security, said the suspect was shot dead in the back, it is inevitable that the outside world in doubt, but this kind of gun death according to law to expand the inquest jury that he expects will then be able to lay bare the truth.Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Shot and killed by armed gang membership of the Traffic Police, West Kowloon District Department of Transportation, to join the police force has been six and a half years, police will arrange for him to accept a clinical psychologist for counseling, but the police spokesman did not respond yesterday it will request him to leave temporarily.
Q3WRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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