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To abscond small pimps border Zhuoxie living


【明報專訊】中二女生聯同男友充當淫媒,安排女同學援交30餘次,被控控制他人賣淫。「小淫媒」情侶在案件開審翌日即棄保潛逃,早前被判囚。二人潛逃3個多月後,前日在男方家中被警方拘捕,兩人透露潛逃期間一度在邊境捉蟹變賣維生。LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

安排同學援交30餘次 開審翌日即逃LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蔡姓女被告(15歲)和任職運輸工男友黎子豪(23歲)昨身穿T恤及戴上口罩到庭,表情呆滯。蔡及黎早前判囚2年半及3年半,兩人父母未有到庭。黎聲稱發燒嘔吐,臨退庭前又向法官查詢上訴事宜。本案於今年1月30日正式開審,兩被告翌日(1月31日)潛逃,至前日(5月10日)被捕,共潛逃100日。LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

據悉,警方在二人潛逃期間,會定時往兩被告家中搜尋兩人下落,又要求兩被告家人若得知二人下落便要與警方聯絡。警方一直未獲兩被告家人通知二人已返家,至前日前往黎位於屯門的住所,發現兩被告及黎的兄長,即拘捕兩被告,兩人未有反抗。兩被告向警員表示,潛逃期間流離浪蕩,一同於邊境捉蟹變賣維生,至數日前始返家。LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

警搜男被告居所拘兩人LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

控方指出,蔡和黎原以3000元及2000元保釋,及分別獲父母以2000元及1萬元人事擔保。法官將案押後至本月25日再訊,二人被還押,以待通知為兩被告當人事擔保的父母,一併處理擔保金事宜。LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Ming Pao] two girls, together with her ​​boyfriend to act as pimps, arranging female students compensated dating more than 30 times, was charged with control of the prostitution of others. Couple of "pimps" day in the case to trial disposable bail earlier sentenced to jail. Two absconded more than three months later, the day before yesterday in the family man was arrested, they revealed that absconded during once the border Zhuoxie sell for a living.

Arrangements for students compensated dating more than 30 times of trial that is, to escape the next day

Cai female defendant (15 years) and worked for Transport and Public boyfriend Li Zihao (23) yesterday wearing a T-shirt and wear a mask to appear in court to face sluggish. Cai and Li earlier jailed for two and a half years and three and a half years, both parents failed to appear in court. Li claimed that the fever, vomiting, Pro Youxiang judge before retirement from the query appeal matters. Case to trial in January 30 this year, the two defendants absconded the following day (January 31), was arrested to the day before yesterday (May 10), absconded a total of 100 days.

It is reported that police in the two absconding during timed to search both the whereabouts of the two defendants at home, another family will have to contact with the police learned that two of the whereabouts of the two defendants. Police have been without the family of the two defendant notice that the two returned home, to the day before yesterday to Li in Tuen Mun residence, found the two defendants and Li's brother, that is, the arrest of two defendants, they failed to resist. The two defendants to the police officers absconded during the displacement of the dissolute, with the border Zhuoxie sell for a living, began to return home to a few days ago.

Police found the male defendant, residence arrest two

The prosecution pointed out that Cai and Li was originally set up to 3000 yuan and 2000 yuan bail, and were awarded the parents guarantee to 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan personnel. The judge will defer the case until the 25th of this month, re-hearing, the duo was remanded in custody, to be announced for the two defendants when the parents of the surety, together with handling security deposit issues.
LtQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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