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Ma Ying-jeou: the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai inch


今天是七七抗战纪念日,在台湾,这个对中华民族非常重要的纪念日已经逐渐式微,只有国民党执政的台北市府举办了七七事变七十五周年特展,台湾总统马英九今天出席这项特展的开幕典礼时,特别针对最近钓鱼台主权争议表示,他很努力改善中华民国和日本的关系,现在可以说是双方关系最好时刻,但两国关系良好是一回事,基于民族大义和国家主权必须坚持,一寸都不能让步,这也是中华民国总统该做的事情。k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

台湾和日本最近针对钓鱼台主权互不相让,彼此透过外交管道不断抗议,上星期三,七月四日,台湾的保钓船「全家福号」甚至在五艘台湾海巡署舰艇的保护下,靠近到距离钓鱼台只有0.8海里的地方,被日本巡逻舰警告,日本海上保安厅警备队员甚至打算强行登上全家福号检查,但台湾的海巡署官兵抢先登上保钓船,保护船上的人员,逼得日本警方最后只好放弃。这是台湾近期以来针对钓鱼台主权,态度最强硬的一次。k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但日本方面也不是省油的灯,第二天,七月五日,冲绳石垣岛两名市议员登上了钓鱼台列屿中的北小岛,于是台湾也向日本抗议。k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过七月四日台湾「全家福号」保钓船在钓鱼台海域向日本抗议时,船员却拿出一面大型的中共五星旗挥舞,还把旗帜丢向钓鱼台岛屿,不过落入海中。在台湾媒体质疑下,保钓人士宣称,因为出海时间紧急,来不及准备中华民国国旗。民进党主席苏贞昌则透过发言人转述说,少数国人藉保钓名义,却携带五星旗前往抗争,令人傻眼,已经成为国际笑话。k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Is seventy-seven War Victory Day in Taiwan, this very important anniversary of the Chinese nation has gradually declined, only the KMT Taipei City Government held the Marco Polo Bridge Incident seventy-fifth anniversary special exhibition, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou attended thethe opening ceremony of the special exhibition, especially for the recent Diaoyutai sovereignty dispute, said he worked hard to improve relations between the Republic of China and Japan can be said now is the best moment of the bilateral relations, but relations between the two countries is one thing, based on national interests andnational sovereignty must be upheld, not compromise an inch, this is also the President of the Republic of China, things to do.k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Taiwan and Japan for the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai recently refused to give to each other through diplomatic channels continue to protest last Wednesday, July 4, the Diaoyutai ship "family number" even in the five Coast Guard ships under the protection of near to distance Diaoyutai only 0.8 nautical miles, the Japanese patrol boats warned the guard member of the Japan Coast Guard and even intend to forcibly boarded the family number check, but the Coast Guard officers and men first boarded the ship Diaoyu Islands protection of the personnel on board. forced the Japanese police finally had to give up. This is Taiwan's recent sovereignty of the Diaoyutai, attitudes tough.k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But Japan is not a fool, and the next day, July 5, Okinawa, Ishigaki two city councilors boarded the north island in the Diaoyutai, so to protest Japan.k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But July 4th Taiwan the "family" fishing boat in the waters of Diaoyu Islands to protest Japan, the crew has come up with the side of the large-scale Chinese Communist five-star flag waving, also the banner lost to the Diaoyutai islands, but fell into the sea. Questioned by the media in Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands who claim sea time of emergency, no time to prepare the ROC flag. DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang said through a spokesman quoted a few people by the Diaoyu Islands on behalf of, but to bring five-star flag to the protest, dumbfounded, has become an international joke.
k23Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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