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Ms. cats are more prone to mental problems, suicidal thoughts


丹麥一項最新研究發現,養貓女士較容易出現精神問題,從而萌生自殺念頭,因為她們容易從貓隻糞便感染一種名叫弓形蟲(Toxoplasma gondi)的寄生蟲,令她們腦部產生變化,容易自尋短見,自殺或企圖自殺的可能性高一倍半。科學家在丹麥對四萬五千多名女士進行研究,得出上述結論,並在《普通精神病學文獻期刊》電子版發表報告。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  過去有研究發現,孕婦若感染弓形蟲,有可能導致死胎,或令胎兒腦部受損。但丹麥這項最新研究則顯示,女性若感染弓形蟲,較容易產生自殺念頭。研究顯示,感染這種寄生蟲的女士,比沒有感染的人士,自殺或企圖自殺的可能性高一倍半。當她們血液內的抗體水平愈高,產生自殺念頭的可能性也愈高。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  潛伏貓糞中感染無徵兆4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  這種寄生蟲通常潛伏在貓隻的糞便、未煮熟的肉類和未洗淨的蔬菜內,會令人類腦部出現變異。而更危險的是,感染這種寄生蟲的人毫無徵狀,以致延誤診治。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  負責撰寫這份報告的美國馬里蘭大學醫學院精神病學及自殺神經免疫學專家波斯托拉凱指出,弓形蟲其實是一種很普通的寄生蟲,估計全球人口中有三分之一人感染了這種寄生蟲。牠們進入人體後,會在腦部和肌肉細胞內潛伏,感染的人毫不察覺,也不會出現任何徵狀。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  不過,這種寄生蟲會漸漸對女性感染者的腦部和神經系統造成破壞,引致精神病,例如精神分裂,也會令她們的行為出現變化。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  波斯托拉凱表示:「我們無法肯定弓形蟲是否會直接導致女性出現自殺傾向,但我們發現兩者是有關連的,值得更深入研究。」他說:「現時,仍有許多情況是我們不知道的。我們需要更多人參與研究,藉以更深入了解是否某些人更容易受到這種寄生蟲侵襲。」4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  波斯托拉凱指出,自殺是世界各國都要面對的問題。估計全球每一千萬名企圖自殺的人當中,有一百萬人結束了生命。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  勤洗手煮熟食物可預防4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  根據美國疾病控制及預防中心提供的資料,美國有超過六千萬人包括小童感染弓形蟲,但出現徵狀的極少。以往的研究發現,弓形蟲可以潛伏在不同的腦部結構內,例如扁桃腺和腦皮層,並干擾神經通道,令病人的恐懼、憂鬱等情緒失控,並對行為造成影響。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  二○一一年,科學家曾利用老鼠進行實驗,發現感染這種寄生蟲的老鼠,行為的確出現變化,變得不再怕貓,與性興奮相關的腦部組織被啟動了。波斯托拉凱稱,可能要等十年後,才可研製出制止這種寄生蟲破壞中樞神經系統的疫苗和藥物。目前最佳的預防辦法是勤洗手以及煮熟食物,切過生肉的刀要洗淨再切熟食。4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Denmark, a recent study found that the cats Ms. more prone to mental problems, suicidal thoughts, because they easily only from cat feces infected with the parasites of the type known as Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondi), their brains produce changes, easy to commit suicide, the possibility of suicide or attempted suicide and a half times higher. Ms. 45,000 scientists in Denmark, the above findings and issued a report in the electronic version of the "General Psychiatry journal.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Past studies have found that pregnant women infected with Toxoplasma gondii, may lead to stillbirth or cause fetal brain damage. Denmark the new study showed that women infected with Toxoplasma gondii, are more prone to suicidal thoughts. Studies have shown that women infected with the parasite, than people not infected with the possibility of suicide or attempted suicide and a half times higher. When the higher the antibody levels in their blood, the possibility of suicidal thoughts is also higher.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Latent cat feces infected with no signs4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The parasite is usually lurking in the cat feces, undercooked meat and vegetables washed, they cause brain mutation. More dangerous is that people have no symptoms of parasite infection, resulting in delayed treatment.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Authored the report, the University of Maryland School of Medicine psychiatry and suicide Neuroimmunology experts pointed out that T. gondii is a very common parasite, it is estimated that one-third of people infected with the parasite in the global population  They enter the body, hidden in the brain and muscle cells, infected people have no aware, will not be any symptoms.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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However, this parasite will gradually cause of women infected with the brain and nervous system damage, resulting in mental illness, such as schizophrenia, will make their behavior changes.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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said: "We can not certainly Toxoplasma whether a direct result of women with suicidal tendencies, but we found that the two are related, it is worth more in-depth study." He said: "At present, there are still many cases we do not know we need more people to participate in the study in order to more deeply understand if some people more susceptible to parasite invasion. "4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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 pointed out that suicide is the world must face. An estimated ten million each attempted suicide, a million people to end their lives.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Wash their hands and cooked food can prevent4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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According to the information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has more than six thousand people including children infected with Toxoplasma gondii, but the emergence of symptoms rarely. The previous study found that T. gondii can be lurking in the different brain structures, such as tonsils and cerebral cortex, and interfere with the nerve channels, so that the patient's fear, depression and other emotional control and behavioral impact.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2011, scientists have used mice experiments and found that mice infected with the parasite, the behavior does change, no longer afraid of cats, and sexual excitement related to brain tissue was started.波斯托拉凯 may have to wait ten years later in order to develop vaccines and drugs to stop the parasite attacks the central nervous system. At present the best approach to prevention is to wash their hands as well as cooked food, raw meat cutting knives should be washed and then cut the cooked food.4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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4s4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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