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刘晓庆的真实年龄到底有多大?一直是一个谜。d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据报道,刘晓庆博文中指出外界对自己年龄非常好奇,但她始终不愿透露真实出生年月。大多数媒体都认为刘晓庆是1951年所生,也有传闻指刘晓庆是49年、53年或者55年所生。明星羽毛球队博客发表博文《刘晓庆到底是哪年生人?》明确指出刘晓庆是1955年10月30日出生,“因有次本人同她一起外出买飞机票,需要登记身份证的关系,本人曾亲眼看过刘晓庆的身份证,上面很明确的写道:刘晓庆,女,1955年10月30日”。d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘晓庆到底有多大呢?一份20多年前的官方历史资料终于揭开谜底。刘晓庆是1950年生人。d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这份资料的持有者韩三洲说,手中有一本书,22年了,早就想扔掉了,但是没扔,为什么?就是想证明一下刘晓庆年龄到底多大了?这是1990年中国文史出版社出版的《第七届中国政协名录》,其中就有刘晓庆,她是作为中华青联的16个代表,排列在第三位,在京剧演员刘长瑜和文艺理论家刘再复的后面,上面的注明的出生年份为1950年。这本书可是正版书,白字黑字,确实无误地证明刘晓庆今年高寿62周岁了!d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

韩三州,历史学者,他虽是工人日报的一名医生,去年退休,却有着该报三大作家称号。曾因小说《刘志丹》在1962年被毛泽东点名批评:“利用小说反党是一大发明”,遂又被打入“习仲勋反党集团”,成为“反党分子”的著名“红色出版家”何家栋是他的岳父。d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1988年3月6日,政协六届全国委员会常务委员会第十七次会议通过了中国人民政治协商会议第七届全国委员会委员名单(2081人)。其中中华全国青年联合会(16名):d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘长瑜(女)、刘再复、刘晓庆(女)、关牧村(女,满族)、杜宪(女)、李大维、杨乐、张大宁、范曾、赵玉芬(女)、赵丽宏、洛桑(藏族)、倪以信(女)、覃志刚(壮族)、策墨林·单增赤列(藏族)、廖秋忠。d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘晓庆的年龄,想说多大是多大。但本博ff以为在全国政协这样的严肃场合,她报的年龄应该是实话。1988年,还真是个说实话的年代。我就不信,有人会跟人民政协玩年龄欺诈?d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

According to reports, Liu Bowen pointed out that very curious about the outside world of their own age, but she has been reluctant to disclose the true date of birth. Most media Liu, born in 1951, it was rumored that Liu is 49 years, 53 years or 55 years born. Star Badminton Team blog published Bowen Liu Xiaoqing in the end is what Born? Explicitly pointed out that Liu was born October 30, 1955, "there are times I go out with her to buy airline tickets need to register the relationship between identity card, I have personally seen Liu's identity card, the above is very clear wrote: Liu and female, in 1955. "d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu Xiaoqing in the end be? The official historical data in a more than 20 years ago finally mystery. Liu is born in 1950.d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The data holder Hansan Zhou said, the hands of a book, 22 years, has long been thrown away, but did not throw, and why? Just want to prove Liu's age in the end how old? This is the Seventh CPPCC National Directory of Chinese Literature and History Publishing House in 1990, there Liu, she is as 16 representatives of the China Youth Federation, arranged in the third place in the Peking Opera actress Liu Changyu and literary theorist Liu Zaifu behind, above, indicate the year of birth 1950. This book, but genuine book, white black, true and correct proof of Liu's longevity 62 years of age!d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The three states of Han, the historian, although he is a doctor of the Worker's Daily, retired last year, but has the title of newspaper three writers. Because of the novel, "Liu Chih-tan" in 1962 was named by Mao Zedong criticized: "The use of novel anti-Party is a great invention, therefore submitted into the Xi anti-party clique", becoming "anti-Party elements" famous "red publishing home "He Jiadong his father-in-law.d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
March 6, 1988, adopted at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of CPPCC sixth of the Seventh National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference List (2081). The All-China Youth Federation (16):d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu Changyu (female), Liu Zaifu, Liu (female), customs, animal husbandry, village of (female, Manchu), Du constitution (female), David Lee, Yang Le, Zhang Daning, Fan Zeng, Yu-Fen Zhao (female), Zhao Lihong, Lausanne (Tibetan), Ni Yixin (female), Degraded (Zhuang), policy ink Lin Shan growth Chilie (Tibetan), Liao Qiuzhong.d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu's age, would like to say how much is how much. However, Bo ff in such a serious occasion of the CPPCC National Committee, she reported that the age should be truth. In 1988, it really is the era to tell the truth. I do not believe that someone will play with the CPPCC age fraud?
d7nRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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