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辽源新村民宅燃气爆炸 女子洗澡时被炸飞(组图)


Liaoyuan New Village houses gas explosion woman bathing blown off


vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
图为事发房屋底层卫生间被炸毁。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
图为事发房屋南侧防盗门被炸飞。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
图为事发房屋的金属防盗和空调外机都被炸坏,墙体倒塌。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

东方网记者刘歆、通讯员黄伟国7月2日报道:今天上午7点左右,上海杨浦区辽源西路399号一民宅发生燃气爆炸,一名正在洗澡的年轻女子受伤,房屋多处受损。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
东方网记者在现场看到,事发的辽源新村民宅位于一大片老式私房区中。该民宅有3层,底层浴室发生爆炸。据了解,事发时,租住在民宅内的一名女子正在洗澡。可能是使用热水器时,燃气突然爆炸。据周围邻居称,当时听到轰然巨响,感觉到了房屋在震动。爆炸巨大的冲击力将该屋一楼卫生间南侧的防盗门弹出,金属防盗窗被炸变形。房屋西侧、北侧多处墙壁被炸塌,部分墙壁出现超过1米的裂缝,已经处于危房状态。有目击者称,该女子也被炸飞,弹出屋外,身上多处被灼伤。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
从事发现场情况和周围目击者处了解到,事发后女子被很快送医救治。随后有多辆消防车赶到现场,所幸事发现场并没有发生火情。东方网记者注意到,由于发生燃气爆炸的房屋是私房,房屋和周边私房的距离只有1米多远,房屋密度和人口密度非常大,而且有很多出租房,不同程度存在私搭私建情况,一旦发生火情等安全事故,后果不堪设想。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
东方网记者在现场看到,警方已将事发现场封锁,燃气部门也在现场展开调查。另据了解,受伤的女子全身大面积烧伤,暂时没有生命危险。事发的具体原因,现在正在进一步调查中。vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

July 2nd around 7:00 today, 399 Liaoyuan West Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, one houses a gas explosion, one was taking a bath young woman was injured, damage to housing many.vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LONDON reporter on the scene saw the incident Liaoyuan New Village houses located in a large old-fashioned private houses area. The houses have three floors, explosion underlying bathroom. It is understood that the incident occurred, rental homes within a woman taking a bath. May use water heaters, gas exploded. According to neighbors, then heard a bang and felt the house in shock. The explosion of a huge impact the housing on the first floor bathroom south side of the security doors pop-up metal security windows blown distortion. Housing west side, north side many walls Zhata, and cracks in some walls over 1 meters, has been in a dilapidated houses state. Witnesses said the woman was blown off, pop-up outside the house, who sustained multiple burns.vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Engaged in the discovery that the situation in and around the witnesses at the learned, after the incident woman was quickly taken to hospital for treatment. Subsequently a number of fire engines rushed to the scene, but fortunately the scene and the fire occurred. LONDON reporter noted that housing is a gas explosion occurred in private houses, houses and private houses around a distance of only 1 meter how far, the housing density and population density is very large, and there are a lot of rental housing, to different extents private ride the private construction of the event of fire and other safety incidents, the consequences could be disastrous.vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LONDON reporter on the scene saw the police has been the scene blocked the gas sector is also the scene to investigate. It is understood that the injured woman was a large area of the body burns, there is no danger. The specific cause of the incident is now under further investigation.
vdjRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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