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Qin Shi Huang, like stolen free and open Shandong Qinhuang Resort


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▲“始皇东巡”群雕中的马失前蹄、车夫坠地、始皇失踪。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
◤“始皇东巡”群雕未损毁前。(资料片)pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

群雕里马腿被砸断,车夫底座被毁;建筑墙壁被乱涂乱画;石俑像手臂不翼而飞……日前,有网友反映滨州三台之首、八景之一的秦皇台景区人为破坏严重,记者就此事进行了调查。原来自去年10月景区易主后取消门票收费,疏于管理,导致景区遭到个别人破坏。不少游客呼吁应该加强保护。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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现状令人痛惜pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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群雕面目全非景区垃圾遍地pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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7月1日下午,记者来到位于滨州市渤海二路北首的秦皇台风景区。“始皇东巡”是一组建于高台之上的群雕,为景区内标志性建筑之一,再现了秦始皇东巡的非凡气势,而如今,群雕早已是面目全非。其中,五匹马的马尾丢失,四匹马前蹄断掉,驾车武士跌落在地,群雕主人公秦始皇更是不见踪迹。“现在根本看不出雕塑主题了,实在太可惜了。”经常到景区游玩的市民刘女士说。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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贯穿景区的南北大道两侧,矗立着9对石人俑和1对石马俑。兵马俑英武剽悍,细节刻画逼真入微。但现在兵马俑被半米多高的杂草湮没,所有石人手臂全部残缺。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
而体现始皇丰功伟绩的统一钱币、文字、度量衡的四座雕塑也已残缺不全;根据黄河、泰山、敦煌等景点制作的微缩浮雕景观也破损严重,微缩天坛、地坛的墙壁上,游人随意涂抹、刻画的痕迹非常扎眼。除此之外,秦皇台遗址上垃圾成堆,碑亭边摆放了大量啤酒瓶、吃剩的骨头、西瓜皮等。景区里还有部分区域被开辟成农田,更有牧羊者将景区当成牧场。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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游客呼吁保护pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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不管如何规划现在不该放弃pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
据了解,秦皇台为滨州市滨城区传统景区,2005年,当地政府为开发秦皇台古文化,保护历史文化遗产,联合一家企业开发了秦皇台风景区。经过两年多时间建设,景区于2007年正式对游人开放。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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目前景区内唯一的看守人员石树深告诉记者,秦皇台风景区从建成之日起就吸引了不少市民慕名而来,景区对每位游客收取10元门票。那时工作人员也多,保安、保洁人员都有。去年10月,景区被另一家公司买断,同时取消了门票费用,免费向市民开放,破坏问题也随之而来。“因为景区内就剩下了我一名工作人员,连垃圾桶和部分铁链都被人偷走了。”石树深告诉记者,“绝大多数游客是来赏景的,这些破坏是极少数人造成的,我想管但实在管不过来。”pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
对于景区内的破坏现象,不少游人都表示愤慨和不解。“这个景区有这么多的历史文化雕塑,很有文化价值和教育意义。这些破坏让人愤怒,太可惜了,管理不够,应该加强保护才是。我听说景区以后有新的规划,但不管未来是什么样,现有的设施也不能浪费啊。”一名来自滨州市惠民县的男游客说。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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管理部门答复:免费开放是好事重新规划需时间pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
对景区为何免票开放,目前正在经营该景区的一李姓负责人介绍,虽然景区已运行多年,但他们接手后发现其实并不具备接待游客的条件和能力,而他们也将对景区进行重新规划定位。“景区将建成规模很大的影视旅游基地。”该负责人称。pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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1日晚,记者就此事咨询了滨州市滨城区旅游文化局,该局一名相关负责人称:“不管是何原因,景区作为一种公共资源免费开放对公众来说应该是好事,特别是在目前国内景区纷纷涨价的背景下。景区前任管理者对景区开发利用不太好,需要重新设计。目前接手的是一家实力雄厚的企业,对方对景区未来的发展很有想法,但重新规划设计需要时间,不是一日之功可以完成的。”pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Matui sculptures inside was smashed, the driver base destroyed; building wall graffiti; stone figurines like the arm was missing ... a few days ago, friends reflect the Binzhou three first, one of the famous Qin Shihuang and Taiwan scenic man-made destruction seriously, reporters conducted a survey on the matter. Original from the scenic easy to master in October last year, cancel the ticket fees, lack of management, leading to the scenic area has been damage to the individuals. Many visitors, appeal should be to strengthen the protection.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Current situation is deplorablepFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sculptures beyond recognition scenic garbage everywherepFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
On the afternoon of July 1, the reporter came to the scenic spot of Binzhou City, the Bohai two northbound first Qin emperor Taiwan. "First Emperor of the East Tour" is established in the top of the high-sculptures, one of the landmarks in the scenic area, the reproduction of the extraordinary momentum of Qin Shi Huang East tour, and now, the sculptures has long been beyond recognition. Of these, five horse pony tail lost four horses front feet cut off, driving the samurai fall to the ground, sculptures hero Qin Shi Huang is not a trace. "It simply can not see the sculpture theme, really awful." Often to the scenic play members of the public Ms Lau said.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Throughout the scenic north-south road on both sides, stands the nine pairs of the Shiren figurines and 1 pair of stone horse figurines. Terracotta Warriors valiant courage and the details portrayed realistic and nuanced. But now terracotta warriors and horses was half a meter tall weeds annihilation, Shiren arm all incomplete.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Reflect the First Emperor of the great achievements of the unity coins, text, weights and measures of the four sculptures have been mutilated; seriously damaged miniature relief landscape produced by the Yellow River, Tai Shan, Dunhuang attractions, miniature Temple of Heaven, the altar on the wall, visitors daub, depict traces of very loud. In addition, Qin Shihuang and the Archaeological Site piles of garbage, The Beiting side placed a lot of beer bottles, leftover bones, watermelon rind. Area where there are some areas to be opened up into farmland, and more sheep to the area as pasture.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Visitors call for protectionpFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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No matter how planning should not give up nowpFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is understood, the kings of Taiwan traditional scenic city of Binzhou City, 2005, the local government for the development of the ancient culture of Qin Shihuang and Taiwan, to protect the historical and cultural heritage, Joint an enterprise development Qinhuang Taiwan scenic spot. After more than two years building scenic spots open to visitors in 2007.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Only guards stone tree deep in the scenic area, told reporters, scenic spot from the date of completion of the Qin emperor Taiwan attracted a lot of people come here especially scenic charge 10 yuan tickets for each visitor. Time staff, security, cleaning staff have. Last October, the scenic spot was another company buyout while eliminating the cost of tickets, free and open to the public, the destruction of the attendant. Scenic left me a staff, even the trash can and some chains have been stolen. "Stone tree deep told reporters that" the vast majority of tourists come to enjoy the scenery, the destruction is very a few people, I would like the tube but it is but to control. "pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Destructive phenomenon within the scenic area, many visitors have expressed their indignation and amazement. "This area has so much history and culture of sculpture, the great cultural value and educational value of these destructive people anger, pity, and not enough management should be strengthened to protect is. I heard scenic new planning, but no matter the future is what the existing facilities can not afford to waste. "said a male tourist from Huimin County, Binzhou City.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The reply of the management department: free and open is a good thing to re-planning requiredpFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Why is free of charge on the scenic open one, surnamed Li, the person in charge is the operation of the scenic, although the area has been in operation for years, but they took over, in fact, does not have the conditions and capabilities of the tourists, and they will have scenic re-planning positioning. "Area will be built large-scale film and television tourism base." The responsible person.pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
On the evening of 1, the reporter consulted on the matter, Binzhou City District Tourism Department of Cultural Affairs, the council a responsible person: "No matter what the reason, the area as a public resource free and open to the public, should be a good thing, especially in the former managers have prices in the domestic scenic background. scenic scenic area development use is not very good, needs to be redesigned to take over the current is a strong business, the other side has lots of ideas on the future development of the scenic, but the re-planning and design takes time, and can be done not happen overnight. "pFERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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