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前“亚洲田径冠军”看病 凑不起600元泪流满面(图)


The former Asian Athletics Championship "doctor Minato can not afford 600 yuan tears


mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

徐伟利及其所获过的荣誉证书和奖牌等mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1990年6月13日,在第三届亚洲青年田径锦标赛链球比赛上,年仅18岁的小伙徐伟利以63.10米的成绩,将亚洲纪录提高了3.89米而夺得冠军。2012年6月30日,退役已经13年的昔日冠军徐伟利到医院看病,却因各种原因导致差400元而交不起600元的治疗费泪流满面。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

400元医疗费难倒“昔日冠军”mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一位姓张的读者昨天给本报打来电话说,一位名叫徐伟利的昔日“亚洲田径冠军”在西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院看病,因交不起几百元的医疗费,向多位朋友借钱“求救”,目前的处境只剩下向路人“乞讨”了。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

记者赶到该院门口,拨通张先生提供的徐伟利的电话,大约10分钟后,一名面部严重浮肿、精神极度萎靡的中年男子手里捏着一本病历和几张检查身体的票据,上气不接下气地说,他就是徐伟利。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

得知记者的来意后,徐伟利稳定了一会情绪,昂起头望着天空,接着闭上了眼睛。大约2分钟后,当他低下头睁开眼睛的一瞬间,泪水突然夺眶而出。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他情绪激动地说,“在田径运动比赛的领奖台上,当国旗冉冉升起时,我每次都留下了眼泪。没有想到,退役13年后的今天,我竟然因为交不退役后由于各种原因导致经济困难起600元的医疗费而流泪。病痛折磨得我不治疗实在忍受不住了。”他一边说着,一边挽起裤腿在青紫色的左腿上拿指头压了一下,腿上的肌肉就像面包一样,瞬间陷下去一个小坑。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

徐伟利大喘了几口气,断断续续地说,今年3月份,他突然发现双腿浮肿,呼吸比较困难,到医院检查发现,他的肾脏出现了问题,胸腔积水严重,心脏和肺受到压迫后导致供血不畅、呼吸受到影响,必须立即住院治疗。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但由于经济困难,一时无法支付数万元的治疗费,徐伟利每隔一周到医院抽取一次胸腔内的积水,每次费用700元。抽完积水以后,他的呼吸相对能够好转一些。6月28日,他再次到医院抽出1200毫升胸腔积水后,因没有钱买药而返回到住处,打电话向朋友借了200多元。昨天,他来到医院买药时,药费竟然高达600元,在实在没有办法的情况下,又给平日里经常照顾他的朋友张某打去电话“求助”。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

18岁小将创造纪录mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

记者随后来到雁塔区电子城街道办事处北山门口村5号的民房内,徐伟利租住在6楼一间大约8平方米的房子里,房子里摆着一张床和几件简单的家具。房间对面不到2平方米的房子里,正对房门的是一个便池,便池旁边摆放着锅碗瓢盆。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

徐伟利从一个布袋子里拿出十几本荣誉证书和十几枚奖牌,其中有一枚“第三届亚洲青少年田径锦标赛(1990年)”金牌,徐伟利说,这枚金牌对我来说是非常珍贵的,儿子小时候经常拿着玩,把系绳子的小把摔坏了,还有好多奖牌,我离婚后一个人离开家时都没有带过来,也不知道还在不在?mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“荣誉堆”里,记者在1990年6月30日一张发黄的《田径报》上看到一篇关于报道徐伟利的消息,报道写道,“1990年6月13日,第三届亚洲青年田径锦标链球比赛开战,陕西年仅18岁的小将徐伟利有力的一掷,将链球远远的抛出60米开外,最终以63.10米的成绩打破了日本选手创造的59.21米的亚洲纪录,将此项纪录提高了3.89米……”mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

回忆起昔日的荣耀,徐伟利说,他原来是辽宁省铅球运动员,1988年被引进到陕西省体委体育运动技术学院从事田径运动,成为专业运动员,主攻链球。两年后夺得了亚洲链球比赛冠军,1991年1月10日,国家体委授予他《中华人民共和国运动员健将证书》,证书编号是“第015952号”。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“退役后国家对我不薄”mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

徐伟利说,上世纪90年代初是他人生的高峰期,1994年被西安交通大学管理学院国际贸易专业特别录取,1999年取得了经济学学士学位。其间,由于自身体质问题而不能转成正式运动员,他考虑了退役。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他说,“1999年,我正式退役时,省体委按照国家相关标准,给我分了一套70多平方米的房子,一次性给予6万多元补贴,并安排我在丈八路上的陕西省青少年体校当教练。说实在的,国家确实对我不薄。”mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

徐伟利说,退役以后,由于各种原因,他离开了陕西省青少年体校,走进了对他来说十分陌生的社会。2007年,他和同是运动员的妻子离婚。说到这里时,徐伟利突然变得亢奋起来,他说,“虽然离婚了,但妻子和儿子一直对我非常好,在我这次生病以后,妻子在经济上给了不少帮助,让我非常欣慰”。mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当提起目前的境况时,徐伟利毫不掩饰地说,除了当运动员过程中身体上留下的“后遗症”以外,退役后和他自身因素有很大关系。目前,他的人事档案都在人才市场上托管着,没有正常工作和经济来源,也没有医保等保障,只能拖着这个病身子一天天往前走了……mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

June 13, 1990, in the 3rd Asian Junior Championships hammer throw competition, 18 year old guy Xu Weili results of 63.10 meters, the Asian record improved 3.89 meters and won the championship. June 30, 2012, retired 13 years old champion Xu Weili hospital because of a variety of reasons for the difference between 400 yuan and can not afford to pay the treatment fee of 600 yuan tears.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
400 yuan for medical expenses stumped "the former champion."mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A surname of readers phoned to say to the newspaper yesterday, a man named Xu Weili old Asian Athletics Championship in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine doctor, can not afford to pay several hundred dollars for medical expenses. to a number of friends to borrow money to "help" the current situation only passers "begging".mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Reporters rushed to the door of the hospital, dial the telephone of Mr. Zhang Xu Weili, about 10 minutes later, a face severely swollen, extremely sluggish spirit of the hands of middle-aged man pinching a medical history and a few notes of the medical check-ups, said breathlessly, he is Xu Weili.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
That the reporter had come, Xu Weili stability of a mood, raised his head and looked at the sky, and then closed his eyes. About two minutes later, when he lowered his head opened his eyes a moment, tears suddenly welling.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
He was emotional on the podium of the athletics competition, when the national flag rising, every time I have left the tears did not think, retired after 13 years, I did because of incompatibility after retirement all causes economic hardship from the 600 yuan for medical expenses and tears and pain and suffering with my treatment can not stand to continue. "he spoke, he rolled up his trouser legs in purple on the left leg to take finger pressure. leg muscles like bread, and instantly sink into a pit.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xu Weili gasping a few breaths, intermittently, in March of this year, he suddenly found swollen legs, breathing is difficult, to the hospital found a problem with his kidneys, severe pleural effusion, heart and lungs are oppressed cause blood supply to the poor, breathing affected, must be hospitalized immediately.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, due to economic difficulties, and sometimes unable to pay the tens of thousands of dollars in treatment costs, Xu Weili every other week to the hospital to extract the water within the first chest, each costs 700 yuan. Water after extraction, his breathing is relatively improved. June 28, he was again to the hospital out of 1200 ml of fluid in the lung cavity, there is no money to buy drugs to return to the shelter, call a friend to borrow more than 200 yuan. Yesterday, when he came to the hospital medicines, drugs is as high as 600 yuan, in case there is no way gave weekdays often play to call for help to take care of his friend Zhang.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
18-year-old teenager create a recordmv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Reporter then went to the Yanta District Office of the electronic city streets Kitayama door village houses, Xu Weili rental in the 6th floor, one of about eight square meters of the house, the house stood a bed and a few pieces of simple furniture . Less than two square meters of the house across the room, the door is a toilet, urinal next placed in pots and pans.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xu Weili come up with a dozen honorary certificate and a dozen medals from a cloth bag house, where a "third Asian Junior Athletics Championships (1990) gold medal, said Xu Weili gold medal for me is very precious, son of a child often took the play to the small of the Department of rope broke, and there are a lot of medals, I was divorced after a person when they leave the house did not take over and do not know are still alive?mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Honor heap, the reporter in the June 30, 1990, a yellow" on track "to see a message on the reports Xu Weili, reported, wrote," June 13, 1990, the Third Asian youth track and field championship hammer throw competition war, Shaanxi was only 18 years old teenager Xu Weili threw strong, will hammer thrown 60 meters away, the final results of 63.10 meters to break the 59.21 m, the Asian record created by the Japanese players, will be this record by 3.89 meters ... "mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Recalled the past glory, Xu Weili said his original shot put athletes of Liaoning Province, 1988 was introduced to the Shaanxi Sheng Tiwei Sports Technical Institute, engaged in athletics, to become a professional athlete, the main hammer. Two years later won the hammer throw champion in Asia, January 10, 1991, the National Sports Commission to grant him the People's Republic of athletes athlete certificate, the certificate number is "No. 015 952.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After retiring state I do not thinmv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xu Weili said, the early 1990s, the peak period of his life, 1994, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Management International Trade Professional special admissions, a BA in Economics in 1999. In the meantime, due to their physical problems can not be transferred into the official athletes, he considered retired.mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
He said that in 1999, I formally retired Shengti Wei accordance with relevant national standards, give me a sub-set of over 70 square meters house, one-time to give more than 60,000 yuan subsidy, and arranged for me in the road Zhangba Shaanxi Province Youth Junior Sports School when the coaches tell the truth, the countries do not thin. "mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xu Weili retired after a variety of reasons, he left the Shaanxi Province Youth Sports School, walked into a very strange society for him. In 2007, with the athlete's wife and he divorced. Here, Xu Weili suddenly become excited together, he said, "Although the divorce, but his wife and son have been very good in this sick, his wife a lot of assistance to economic, so I am very pleased ".mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
When the mention of the current situation, Xu Weili made no secret that, in addition to the "hangover" left on the body when the athletes process, after retirement and his own factors. At present, the personnel files are hosted in the job market, is not working properly and financial resources, there is no medical insurance and other protection, only dragging the disease himself day by day go forward ...mv2Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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