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我家也养过猫,我也看过猫吃鱼,当然也见过猫吃老鼠,但是据我观察,猫吃鱼的时候那表情是相当的兴奋呀,但吃老鼠的时候就没那么兴奋,所以我估计在猫的眼中,鱼肯定比老鼠好吃多了。DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但是问题来了,猫不会自己去捉鱼呀,它吃的鱼,肯定是不劳而获的。这其中有两个渠道,一是别的动物吃剩下的,不想再吃了,觉得没意思了,想换换口味,于是把鱼给猫;还有一种呢就是猫靠自己的“智慧”去得到了,但问题是猫就没有捉鱼的本事,是怎么得到的大家可想而知。DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但是猫天生就应该去捉老鼠呀,捉老鼠才是他的本领之所在。在猫的眼中,捉老鼠应该比捉鱼方便多了吧?其实我认为大家都想错了,也许现在的猫都思想进步了,和以前的猫不一样了。老鼠一般都是很聪明、很狡猾的,一般都躲藏在大家看不到的角落里,很难发现它。但捉鱼就不同了,捉鱼虽然不是猫的专业,但鱼更好捉,鱼没有老鼠那么狡猾,万一要是搞错对象,捉到了猫老大的亲戚,那可是了不得的事情呀,而鱼就不一样了,鱼生活在水中,老鼠和人一样生活在地上,这就是两个不同的阶层。鱼和猫是没有什么直接业务联系的,而老鼠和猫就不一样了。所以,有时候捉鱼比捉老鼠容易的多,实在捉不住鱼了,就把它赖以生存的水给它抽干,看它还怎么生活。彩虹汉语rainbowmandarin.com/newsDQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

图上有四只猫,坐在第一位的当然是领导了,它吃鱼是不显山不露水,直接吃在肚子里再说。这鱼自己不会捉,而自己却在吃,让别的猫看到说闲话不好,要是有猫问,他也可以完全抵赖不承认嘛,反正你又没看到我当面吃,再说就把你关进猫的精神病院,给你治治病。呵呵,吃饱喝足之后,它双手摸摸自己的肚皮,一脸微笑,开始在心里盘算,下次怎么才能弄条大鱼吃吃。而旁边这两只猫一看就是参加工作没几年,心里一直在想,还是鱼好吃,每天都可以不劳而获。两猫还在热烈的讨论着,连盘中的鱼都来不及吃,还在看第四只猫在干嘛,这两只猫,就是标准的愤青猫,一天不干正事,尽说些无用的话。你不赶紧吃完,小心到时候第一只猫把吃鱼的责任推到你们身上呀。最后这只猫就比较特别了,他没有和其他的猫同流合污,鱼也不吃,看到一只老鼠,就奋不顾身的去捉老鼠,不顾自身安危,这是好样的,这只猫是猫国的希望和未来,但是这只猫肯定是刚参加工作不久,捉老鼠可以,但不要到最后让自己流血又流泪呀,所以它还得继续锻练。还有一种可能,就是这只猫是绝顶聪明的猫,它知道自己的职责是捉老鼠,经常吃鱼也不行,会让别的猫说闲话的,所以,在必要的时候,还是要捉只小老鼠。这样,可以在猫界大肆宣传,我们捉老鼠的传统并没有丢,形象也上去了,鱼也得到了,一箭双雕,好不惬意。DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所以说,都什么年代了,“有鱼吃千万别去捉老鼠”,捉老鼠的猫是“傻帽”。DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

My family kept a cat, I have seen a cat fish, of course, seen a cat eat mice, but according to my observation, the cat fish when that expression is quite excited about it, but eat rats, when not so excited. So I guess in the eyes of the cat, the fish is certainly more delicious than the mouse.DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But the problem, the cat not to catch fish!, It eats fish, is certainly something for nothing. Which has two channels, first, other animals to eat the rest do not want to eat, feel boring and want a change of taste, so the fish to the cat; Another is a cat on their own "wisdom" to obtained, but the problem is that the cat did not catch fish skill, and how to get it we can imagine.DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But cats are born should go and mouse!, And mouse is his ability to lie. In the eyes of the cat and mouse than to catch fish more convenient, right? Actually, I think everyone wants, maybe the cats are now thought to be progressive, the cat is not the same as before. Mice are generally very smart, very cunning, usually hiding in the corner we can not see, it is difficult to find it. Catch fish, catch fish although not the cat's professional, but the fish a better catch, the fish does not have a mouse so cunning, if the wrong object, caught the cat boss's relatives, but the things you and the fish not the same, fish live in water, rat and human, like living in the ground, which is two different classes. Fish and cats are no direct business contacts, the rat and cat are not the same. So, and sometimes catch fish than catches mice is much easier, it Zhuobu Zhu fish, put it the survival of the water it drained and watch it how to live. Rainbow Chinese rainbowmandarin.com / newsDQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
There are four cats, sitting in a course leading to the fish it is not no mountain dew, direct consumption in the stomach to say. He will not catch the fish, while they are eating the other cat to see that gossip is not good, if a cat, he can completely deny does not recognize it, anyway, You did not see my face to eat, say put off into the cat's mental hospital, to do your treatment. , Satiate it with both hands touch his belly, his face smiling, began to be thought to myself, next time how to get the big fish eat. This cats next to a look that is to work a few years, I have been thinking about, or fish is delicious, every day something for nothing. Two cats still in a heated discussion, even intraday fish time to eat, still watching the fourth cat doing this two cats, is the standard angry young cat, one day quit down to business, do say something useless the case. You do not finish eating, be careful when the first cat fish of the blame on you. Finally the cat is quite special, he did not in cahoots with other cats, fish do not eat, see a mouse, desperate and mouse, regardless of their own safety, this is a good cat is a cat hope and future of the country, but the cat sure is just to work soon, and mouse can, but not the last to bloodshed and tears it, so it must continue to exercise. Another possibility is the cat is extremely smart cat, it knows their duties and mouse, often the fish is not OK to let the other cats gossip, when necessary, or to catch only a small mice. This widely publicized in the cat world, our tradition and mouse and did not lose the image up, the fish has also been double-edged sword, is very comfortable.DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
So, What are the age, the fish do not go and mouse, cat and mouse "Shamao.
DQXRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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