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Dalian rich spend 15.8 million to purchase pure red Tibetan mastiff named country is a red


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更多图片 来自 彩虹汉语 http://www.rainbowmandarin.com/news/180.htmlv4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2010年11月,一位大连商人豪掷1580多万,以创纪录的价格在山西大同购得一只纯种红獒带回大连。这一“转会”消 息传出后,整个藏獒业界引起震动,国内外媒体趋之若鹜。从此,本市认识和喜爱藏獒的人与日增多,加入该行业的人更是成倍增长。在利益的驱使下,部分养獒者 通过杂交藏獒的方式骗取暴利。v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1580余万买回一条红獒v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年3月,大连藏獒协会成立,李瑞宏担任会长,成为拥有七十余名正式会员的团体带头人。早在2010年,他曾豪掷1580余万元,在山西大同以全国最高的藏獒购买成交价,买回了一只纯种红獒,并取名“江山一片红”。v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李瑞宏的举动在藏獒业界一石激起千层浪,甚至连美国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯等多国媒体都争相报道。而“江山一片红”也一夜间为国内业界人皆知,这 只未经过任何外血杂交的红獒,一时间成为养獒业的最高层次代表。“我看见它时,它的原主人丢了一块冷馒头在地上,它跑过去嘴一叼,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。” 李瑞宏说当时之所以当机立断买下“江山一片红”,除了品相优良,更因为这一举动说明它的骨量和体型不是通过“填鸭”方式催出来的,而是具有与生俱来的獒 性。v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李瑞宏养獒已近二十年,一次朋友的意外遭遇让他感慨颇深——这位朋友平时爱好收藏古玩、名表,家中养了三只藏獒。可一天其家中被盗损失惨重,三只藏獒却未对此做出任何反应。“养獒不能养丢了獒性。”李瑞宏说这一点也正是他对目前市场现状的担忧。v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据李瑞宏介绍,作为大型犬,藏獒一般不会在繁华市区内出现,而是集中分布在大连市内部分距人烟至少两公里外的地区和旅顺、金州及北三市等地,所 饲养的獒种五系俱全。目前,本市注册的大小獒园共167家,业内从业人员约3500人,相较于1997年养獒行业刚进入大连时的11家獒园、不到20名从 业人员,獒园和从业人员的数量分别翻增了近16倍和180倍。“这还不包括个别私人饲养和少部分未注册的饲养园。 ”v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管如此,本市现有的近1700只藏獒中,真正纯种的只有不到200只。“像‘江山’这样的优良品种更是可遇不可求,不少獒园里的藏獒已经丧失了獒性。”李瑞宏说这是他和一群爱獒人创办协会的初衷,他想以自己培育纯种藏獒的做法影响更多人.v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In  November 2010, a Dalian businessman ho throw more than 1580 million, a record price of Datong in Shanxi bought a purebred red mastiff back to Dalian. After news came out of this "transfer", the industry caused by the vibration of the entire Tibetan mastiff, the rush of domestic and foreign media. Since then, the city understand and love Tibetan mastiff and an increase in day to join the industry is doubling. Driven by the interests, the part raised mastiff hybrid Tibetan mastiff way to cheat the profits.v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
1580 I million to buy back a red mastiffv4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In March 2011, Dalian Tibetan Mastiff Association was established, Li Ruihong chairman, has more than 70 formal members of the group leaders. Early in 2010, he had ho throw 158 million yuan, the purchasing price for Datong in Shanxi, the country's highest Tibetan mastiff, buy a purebred red mastiff, named "The Kingdom is a red".v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Li Ruihong move in the industry of the Tibetan mastiff ripple, and even the United States, Japan, South Korea, Russia and other multi-national media coverage. "The Kingdom is a red" a night for the domestic industry is well known, this has not been any outside blood the hybridization red mastiff, a time to become the highest level on behalf of raising mastiff industry. "I saw it, its original owner lost a piece of cold bread on the ground, it ran past the mouth one Diao, gobbled up." Li Ruihong reason to act decisively to buy a red country ", in addition to excellent product phase , but also because the move of bone mass and body not through the "duck" a reminder out, but has inherent mastiff.v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Successive years of growth of the city Mastiff and practitionersv4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Lirui Hong Yang mastiff nearly two decades, a friend of accidents suffered deep emotion - his friend usually loving collection of antiques, watches, home raising three Tibetan mastiff. Stolen his home one day losses, the three Tibetan mastiff has not made any reaction to this. "Keep a mastiff can not raise lost the mastiff sexual." Said Li Ruihong this is also his concerns about the current market situation.v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to Li Ruihong are generally not as large dogs, Tibetan mastiff in the bustling urban area, but concentrated in the city of Dalian part away from human habitation for at least two kilometers away and Port Arthur, Golden State and the north City rearing The mastiff kinds of taste in the five Department of. At present, the city registered the size of the Mastiff 167, the industry employing about 3,500 people, 11 compared to 1997, raising mastiff industry is just entering the Dalian Mastiff, less than 20 employees, the Mastiff and practitioners the number of turn increased nearly 16 times and 180 times. "This does not include individual private breeding and a small number of unregistered feeding garden."v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Nevertheless, the city's existing 1700 Tibetan mastiff, the real pure, less than 200. "Excellent varieties such as 'country' opportunity which can not make a lot of mastiff Tibetan mastiff garden has lost a mastiff." Li Ruihong said he and a group of love mastiff, who founded the original intention of the association, he would like to cultivate their own purebred Tibetan Mastiff practices affect more people.v4vRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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