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Foreigners in China: the feeling of the day every day is difficult to mix


当20年前,举国热议“北京人在纽约”时,所有人大概都不会想到,20年后,我们会热议“老外在中国”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

老外混中国难了KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当20年前,举国热议“北京人在纽约”时,所有人大概都不会想到,20年后,我们会热议“老外在中国”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

是啊,三十年风水轮流转。想当年,只要天生一对蓝招子,外配一张一目了然的洋面孔,普通话带点儿化音,双臂最好金毛茸茸——那么,一个高视阔步的老外在中国简直如鱼得水甚至一举成名。但如今,混中国却越来越难。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为什么?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

因为,中国的地位变了。中国的视野阔了。国人不再仰视洋人。倒过来,甚至因为“君子小人皆爱财”,老外反要仰视财大气粗、在欧美“见货就扫”的“中国扫民”。真所谓斗转星移,物是人非,世事实在难料哇!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

曾记否,北京奥运会和上海世博会,更多的中国人见识了更多的老外,几千万中国游客,在世博会上与各色老外“抬头不见低头见,一个转身又相见”,那才叫零距离感受——“原来老外也有书生和痞子,也有精英和人渣呀?!”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西方金融危机爆发,西方一片无法掩饰的萧条,又让老外在部分国人眼里,从贵宾陡降为“淘金汉”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大约1200年前,六祖惠能去广州法性寺,值印宗法师讲《涅槃经》,有幡被风吹动,因有二僧辩论风幡,一个说风动,一个说幡动,激辩不已。惠能想了想,便幽幽地插口说:不是风动,也不是幡动,是你们的心动!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

是啊,其实老外还是老外,中国还是中国。只要我们的心,保持一颗大国之民的心——自信、博爱、淡定、理性、宽容,则无论仰我者、赞我者、笑我者、贬我者统统不过是风、是幡,环球世界,岂非同此凉热?!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

老外们的“贵宾”时代已经一去不返,唯真正的中国心,不动!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(主笔 胡展奋)KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

老外变“坏”?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一向对“国际友人”和“外宾”怀有好奇心的中国人,开始琢磨:怎么周围出现了那么多低素质的老外甚至“洋垃圾”?是本性暴露,还是入乡随“俗”、橘枳之变?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

记者—邵乐韵KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一切争议,从一个猥琐老外在北京街头猥亵一名中国女子开始。紧接着,火车上一名俄罗斯大提琴手的脚丫和“臭”嘴激起了更大的公愤。仿佛是种“举证”的默契,一时间,全国多地陆续冒出了类似的“随手拍”:西安,公车上不肯让座还竖中指的外国人被赶下了车;宁波,两名外籍男子坐在草坪上嗑瓜子还随地吐壳,被劝阻后大言不惭“这是中国,谁都这样!”;广州,近百名黑人因为一起民事纠纷案而聚集示威,追打警察,这是继2009年后的又一次群聚事件……KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

与此同时,北京启动了清理“三非”行动:为有效维护首都涉外治安秩序,自5月15日至8月底,北京市公安局将集中开展清理“三非”外国人百日专项整治行动。其间,市民可对在京非法入境、非法居留、非法工作的外国人进行举报,构成犯罪的外国人将被追究刑责。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一向对“国际友人”和“外宾”怀有好奇心的中国人,开始琢磨两个问题——KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

怎么周围出现了那么多低素质的老外甚至“洋垃圾”?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这些老外的不文明行为是本性暴露,还是入乡随“俗”、橘枳之变?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大门常开KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不要尾随、围观外国人——上世纪80年代,中国的《小学生守则》里有这样的规定。90年代中,美国人彼得·海斯勒(Peter Hessler)作为“美中友好志愿者协会”的一员来到中国长江边上的小镇涪陵教书的时候,像他这样的异域面孔,又搁在这样一个小地方,走到哪儿都会被围观。当时,全中国最有名气的草根外国人,是电视里那个会说一口流利中文的加拿大人“大山”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

多年后,当彼得·海斯勒的中文名“何伟”被更多中国人熟知的时候,他已经写出了中国纪实三部曲《江城》、《甲骨文》和《寻路中国》。在《江城》中,他回忆起作为一个“洋鬼子”,初到中国小镇时所感到的令人心力交瘁的压力:“别人对我无关宏旨的关注,老是冲着我戏谑性地大喊大叫,我极力挣扎着要弄明白一个外国人可以干什么不可以干什么。这样的骚扰也有另外一面,因为中国人对外国人总会有些好奇和迷恋,一旦交谈起来,他们往往比一般人对我要好得多。”观察敏锐的何伟用丰富的笔触点出了中国当地人和外国人之间微妙奇特的感觉:互相怀有好奇、迷恋和恐惧。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2000年,何伟担任《纽约客》杂志第一任驻京记者的时候,中国的门户开放程度比起他初来乍到时已经大相径庭,外国人入境量达到1016万人次(1980年时仅74万人次)。进入新世纪以后,外国人入境人数以年均10%左右的速度递增着。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

截至2011年,外国人入出境总数达5412万人次,其中在华常住外国人(即居住半年以上者)近60万人,是30年前的30倍;在华就业的有22万人,主要为三资企业工作人员、教师、外企驻华机构代表。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“随着我国经济社会快速发展,来华外国人持续较快增长,入境目的和身份日益多样,在华活动广泛复杂,流动性强。”公安部副部长杨焕宁说。根据公安部出入境管理局的统计,2011年来华人数居前十位的国家是韩国、日本、俄罗斯、美国、马来西亚、新加坡、越南、蒙古、菲律宾、加拿大。除了观光休闲、访问、会议商务基本持平外,服务员工、就业都上升了数十万人次。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

上海浦东机场、北京首都机场以及深圳罗湖口岸是历年外国人入出境人数最多的口岸。北京奥运期间,一句“我家大门常打开”概括了中国开放的程度。在北京接受第6次人口普查登记的外籍人员人数仅次于广州、上海,容纳约3万常住韩侨的望京区成了名副其实的“韩国城”;全球最大的小商品流通中心、浙江县级城市义乌是非洲人和中东人眼中的生意宝地;而在上海这座海派城市,隐现着一张张异域文化地图,外籍人士很容易就找到家的感觉……KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了首都及沿海城市以外,中国内陆城市的大街上也不乏老外的身影,当“国际外宾”成为“隔壁邻居”,本地人不再少见多怪。甚至有人用亲身例子“告诫”同胞,这年头千万别以为老外不懂中文而乱讲话,说不定对方一开口就用倍儿熘的京片子或麻辣川话呛得你一愣一愣。在微博视频中一人分饰12角而一夜爆红的“Mike隋”虽然是中美混血,却也打着“老外屌丝”的旗号博取眼球无数。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

泥沙俱下KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

盛况之下,一些“三非”外国人随着来华洪流进入,我国发生的涉外案件也明显增多,北上广等外贸发达地区尤其是来华外国人犯罪的高发地,涉及金融诈骗、走私贩毒等。广州街头就出现过少数外籍“行骗党”,诈称能用“神水”变出美钞;或声称曾在美军后勤部服役过,有美国政府从未公开发行过的大面额连号美钞兑换。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年4月12日,上海市第二中级人民法院向社会各界发布了2010年系列审判白皮书,其中《2005—2010金融犯罪审判白皮书》显示,金融票证犯罪案件中,外国人犯罪的案件呈上升趋势,占到一审案件的96%。且相关犯罪外籍人多来自东南亚国家。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,语言是外国人“淘金”的最便利手段。近年来,北京就查处过多起语言培训中心私自雇用无资质的“外教”事件。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了普通的刑事、民事案件,涉及传统安全与非传统安全、道德失范的事例也开始多见。6月9日,一条名为《上海地铁站口三个外国人围殴一个中国人》的帖子在某论坛网站上迅速传开。发帖人张先生称,6月8日下午1点左右,他和同事在地铁二号线北新泾站看到三名外国人对一名年轻人挥拳相向,张先生等人便上前劝阻,没想到双方就此发生肢体冲突。三名中方当事人不同程度受伤并已就医,而据他们所说,三名外国人都是未成年人。让他们气愤的是,直到11日,在笔录过程以及其他场合中,这三名欧美籍外国青年和他们的家长丝毫没有表现出歉意。张先生通过网络呼吁,“警方已经有了路面上的监控视频,希望能够找到在地铁站口的目击者,还原事实真相,用法律讨回公道。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

发生老外猥亵中国妇女的事件后,“童话大王”郑渊洁发微博称:“随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的外国人看中中国的机会,从而涌入中国。人多了难免鱼龙混杂,外国人和中国人争夺就业机会甚至犯罪。我认为政府应该与时俱进,提高外国人入境中国的门槛审查其经济实力。”他发起了一个民意调查,11533人参与投票,结果高达94.8%的人力挺“提高外国人入境中国的签证门槛,查外国人的存款、房产、有无工作”,只有5.2%的人支持“保持外国人入境中国签证的现状”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年,全国出入境边防检查机关不断加强口岸查处力度,严厉打击非法出入境活动,共查获偷渡人员2999人次,查处其他违反出入境管理法律、法规人员4.9万人次,查获网上追逃人员1140人次。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南橘北枳?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

3月30日,斯诺克球手奥沙利文在斯诺克中国公开赛发布会上,当众抽烟引起在场中国记者的不满。“在英国,室内是严格禁烟的,但在中国,你可以随心所欲做你想做的事情。我喜欢这种风格。”奥沙利文这样辩解。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对此,世界斯诺克协会新闻官马特专门解释说,奥沙利文抽烟不是存心冒犯记者,而是因为感到很放松。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

那些在中国闯红灯、耍流氓、吵架喧哗、寻衅滋事的老外,是不是也能用“感到很放松”作借口?中国网络电视台就两个老外在草坪乱吐瓜子壳一事,发起“为什么老外到了中国都跟着‘学坏’了”的民意调查,投票结果很有趣,持自省态度的人多过强烈谴责的。大多数人认为,“正人先正己,国人应警醒,不断提高素养”;“老外的话虽难听,但说的是事实”。少部分人觉得“老外不学好只学坏,说明其自身素质有问题”,“这只是个别现象,没必要小题大做”。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这样的结果表明,国人一方面认同外面的月亮并不比中国的圆,另一方面,也在关注自己的大环境,以及同胞应该负的责任。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

来中国生活多年的法国籍歌手戴亮面对近期发生的“英国流氓”、“俄罗斯音乐家”等事件,并不反对对老外恶行的批评,不过,他也能体会,中国的环境很容易让老外们迷失。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我晚上回家,路上经常有女孩子凑过来搭讪。你知道她们是干什么的,在我们国家,这是不可想象的。”戴亮租住在都市繁华区,夜幕降临,一些“特殊”的女孩按时“上班”,站上街头。“我们国家也有,但不是在街上就能碰到的。外国人会留下什么印象?印象就是你们国家很开放,这个不违法,没什么大不了。”戴亮还说,中国的卡拉OK里,小姐招手即来,西方人没见识过卡拉OK,更没见识过如此方便的“服务”。在这样的环境里,有的老外变得肆无忌惮。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

老外中间流传的另一个对中国的印象是:中国女孩很好骗。戴亮承认,一些老外在中国行为放纵,这是非常不好的,但需要追究的是,为何老外如此放纵?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

戴亮向《新民周刊》讲述了他初到中国时的亲身经历。2000年到中国留学不久,戴亮背着吉他在学校的晚会上首次表演,刚下舞台,就有女孩找他。接下来,有3个女孩主动地邀约他。“我想学外语啊。”“你们法国人很浪漫啊。”戴亮很快发现,这些开场白,是女孩们主动约会的信号,这样的热情,让像他这样信奉男生追女生的西方人,有些招架不住。不过,适应了一段时间后,很多外国青年难以抵挡“进攻”,挽起了姑娘们的手。戴亮说,一些老外会认为,既然中国女孩如此主动和开放,那么,我随便一点也是没有关系的。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这一点,何伟在涪陵时也深有同感,好不容易,才摆脱“小姐”李佳丽的死缠烂打。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小姐的热情何尝不是一种社会缩影。近现代以来,中国人对外国人的态度因历史和时代背景的变化而微妙转变,从昔日的排斥、好奇、围观、恐惧,到一种似有刻意的好感、善待和崇拜。电视推销广告中,不乏挂“洋”头、请所谓“洋专家”现身说法的例子。曾有“洋托儿”告诉媒体记者,洋托儿也和国内演员一样,为了钱才去接拍广告,至于广告真伪、是否涉嫌虚假宣传,那是政府部门关心的事。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

法律面前人人平等,理论上说,外国人在中国法律制度上不会享受超国民待遇,但现实往往并非如此。日本人环球旅行者河源启一郎在武汉丢失自行车,3天内,警方帮他找回车子。警方很无奈地表示,并没有对日本游客区别对待。河源启一郎的一番话值得玩味:“武汉警察之所以对我丢车这件事上心,因为一个外国人在武汉丢了车是件没面子的事。‘面子’对中国人来说很重要,我觉得它是个好东西,因为你会不断努力避免丢面子。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

至于“超国民待遇”,河源说当他用中文跟杂货店老板买东西时,店主往往态度很差,而当他改用日语、亮明外国人身份时,对方“态度会发生180度大转变,不但热情,还会问我从哪里来,到哪里去,给我指路”。“中国人显然对外国人特别好,我希望中国人对彼此能更好一些。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

因清扫“洋垃圾”、赶走“洋泼妇”等激烈言辞而被部分外籍人士强烈指责的央视英语频道主持人杨锐事后也辩称:“对我不满的外国朋友冷静一下,博主对中外种族歧视和排外行为都持批评态度,讨厌洋混混,中国不是他们的天堂。”“扫洋垃圾必要,但也要警惕排外情绪,警惕义和拳运动的变异。反省一下自己,许多中国人的种族歧视也很严重,歧视自己,有自卑感,盲崇白人,对其他有色人种颇有微词。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在武汉工作生活的法国小伙刘本恩(Benoit Cezard)在接受《新民周刊》采访时说,“在任何一个国家,与移民有关的问题都是媒体的焦点和人们讨论的热点。对我而言,道德问题没有国界和种族之分,性骚扰和强奸这种恶行,放在任何一个国家背景之下都是令人愤怒的,而见义勇为的举动中国人也做过不少,不是吗? 还有俄罗斯音乐家在火车上和那位中国妇女之间的冲突,在中国人之间也时有发生,我觉得没有必要因为当事人是外国人而放大这个事件,而是应该让人们思考这种冲突发生的根本原因是什么——那便是一个具有普遍性的道德问题。总的来说,这些人和这些事件都是个案,不应该上升到国家层面上。人分好人和坏人两种,而不是巴西好人或是英国坏人。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

管好外国人KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

北京此次展开的“三非”百日行动并非首创。据统计,2000年至2005年全国公安机关共查处“三非”外国人12万余人,遣返4万余人;2011年,查处了2万“三非”外国人。据统计,“三非”案例中,非法居留的占到80%,其中绝大多数是因不了解中国法律规定而短期逾期滞留等情节轻微的人员,恶意非法居留占5%左右。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有数据显示,上海市查处的“三非”外国人案件,从2002年的485起猛增到了2009年上半年的1800余起。其中非法居留从437起增到1600余起,非法就业案件从30起升到了100多起,处罚的涉案外国人从525人次攀升到2000余名。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

北京理工大学移民法学者刘国福认为:“从官方公布的数据看来,之前打击‘三非’的行动是有成效的。问题是,打击以后要根据所掌握的大量信息倒推管理环节上的漏洞,完善制度建设、形成有效的预防机制以及严密的司法制度,不然问题的根子没有解决,打一下过一段时间又会死灰复燃,问题会周而复始地出现。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

我国关于在华外国人的管理主要基于《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》以及实施细则、《外国人在中国就业管理规定》、《外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法》、《出境入境边防检查条例》等。其中,《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》是1985年代制定的,外国人在中国就业管理规定也是1996年原劳动部、公安部等部门联合发布的,多年未曾修改。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随着国内国际形势的变化,现行法律法规的滞后问题已经显现。今年4月,全国人大常委会对新的《出境入境管理法》进行了二审,新法由《外国人入境出境管理法》与《中国人入境出境管理法》合并而成的,特别是对“三非”外国人的处罚力度有了进一步提高,包括提高罚款数额,在全国主要城市设立一些非法外国人的拘押场所,加强对非法外国人的清理和遣返。刘国福说,新法案可能本月底就会通过,如果如期通过,这将是管理境内外国人最重要的法律。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

以前,外国人案件是全部交由地市一级公安机关处理的,如果由县级公安机关层层上报到省部级,会影响办事效率低。新的出境入境管理法出台以后,会将涉外案件处置权力下放到县一级公安机关。在这种情况下,加强对外事管理警察的培训就尤为迫切。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘国福举例,广东的出入境管理系统都曾邀请专家给干部作专门培训,但“全国范围内这样的做法还不是很多”,“我个人感觉,管理者的疑惑在于有些法律规定不是很具体,执行起来不知道怎么去做;如果国际惯例方面的了解太少,就不太敢做;还有些制度创新虽然很好,但在上级没有具体政策之前,下面没有权限做,因循守旧,管理效果就不好。”总而言之,就是没有经验的基层派出所遇到涉外事件往往不敢管、不会管、管不了。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘国福还认为,一方面边检口岸、出入境管理机构要从源头提高门槛、做好把关,比如对来自非法移民高发国家的人士进行严格审核,另一方面也要重视给入境外来人员提供配套的衔接服务。KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“中国一直以来不认为自己是移民国家,对外国人的管理没有放到重要的位置。而国际上的惯例是一国的移民管理机关委托民间机构开设‘融入课程’,根据入境者身份提供不同的培训课程,涉及语言、历史、文化等,帮助外来(移民)者尽快融入当地、接受当地的价值观和法律。移民者还会收到一本指导手册,上面细致地介绍在当地生活中遇到求医、就业、住房、入学等问题应该怎么做,这样对新生活就心里有谱。”刘国福说,这种做法在欧美澳国家都很普遍,但中国还没有相关措施,“其中涉及到师资、教材、场所、预算等很多挑战需要努力应对。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“沟通才能理解,不然就容易发生冲突。”刘国福指出,像广州发生的黑人聚集围攻事件,不宜过分渲染,但问题需要正视,以免愈演愈烈,“冷静看待,尽快探索方法,比如社区成立外国人理事会、免费发放中英文对照的宣传册等,让他们融入当地社会,而不是刻意隔离。”KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Everyone probably would not have thought 20 years ago, the nationwide hot "Beijingers in New York, 20 years later, we will hot foreigner in China."KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Foreigners mixed hardKvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Everyone probably would not have thought 20 years ago, the nationwide hot "Beijingers in New York, 20 years later, we will hot foreigner in China."KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Yes ah, fate has turned in three decades. To that year, born of a blue recruit child outside with a glance of the foreign faces, Mandarin aura of sound, the best arms gold fluffy - then, a strut of a foreigner in China, just like a duck and even fame . Today, however, mixed with more and more difficult.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Why?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Because China's position has changed. China horizons wide. People no longer look up to foreigners. Upside down, and even "gentlemen were all love money", the foreigner anti want to look up rich and powerful in Europe and the United States, "see the goods on the sweep sweep China. True so-called passage of time, people have changed, the world is really unpredictable wow!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Does anyone remember the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo, more Chinese people have seen more foreigners, tens of millions of Chinese tourists in the Expo and colored foreigners "heard but not bow to see a turn around each other again, it can be called zero distance feeling - "the original foreigner also a scholar and riffraff, there are the elite and the scum it?!"KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Western financial crisis, the West one can not hide depression, letting foreigners in some people eyes, from the VIP steep drop in gold Chinese.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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About 1,200 years ago, Liuzuhuineng go to Guangzhou France Temple, stresses the value of India were Master "Nirvana Sutra", the banner was the wind, the two monks debate on wind streamers, a wind, a banner moving, heated debate endless. Benefits can be thought, that would to Youde jack said: not the wind, nor streamers move, your heart!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Yes ah, in fact, foreigner or foreigners, Chinese or Chinese. As long as our heart, to keep the heart of a big country China - self-confidence, love, calm, rational, tolerant, regardless Yang who praised me for who laugh at me who banished me all but the wind is a banner global world, so why not cool with this heat? !KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"VIP" era of the foreigners who have gone, the only true heart, does not move!KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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(Writer Hu Fen exhibition)KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Foreigners change "bad"?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese people always cherish the curiosity of the "international friends" and "foreign guests" began to wonder: how around the emergence of so many foreigners of low quality or even "foreign garbage"? Is the nature of exposure, or into the village with the "vulgar", trifoliate orange of the change?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Reporter - Shao MelodyKvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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All disputes arising from a wretched foreigner in the streets of Beijing molesting a Chinese woman start. Then, a Russian cellist's feet on the train and smelly mouth provoked greater outrage. As if the tacit agreement of the kind of "proof", a time, the country one after another emerge similar to "hand shot": Xi'an, on the bus refused to seat vertical middle finger foreigners were driven out of the car; Ningbo, two foreign man sitting on the lawn melon seeds spitting the shells, is discouraged, and overreaching. "This is China, everyone!"; Guangzhou, hundreds of blacks gathered demonstrators, chasing police with civil disputes, which, following the 2009 years later another outbreak ...KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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At the same time, Beijing has launched a clean-up "non-action: for the effective maintenance of foreign capital law and order, from May 15 to the end of August, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau will focus its efforts to clean up the" three non-foreigners Hundred Days special rectification actions . In the meantime, members of the public in Beijing illegal immigration, illegal residence, illegal work of foreigners to report foreigners constitute a crime will be held criminally liable.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chinese people always cherish the curiosity of the "international friends" and "foreign guests" began pondering two questions -KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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How around the emergence of so many foreigners of low quality or even "foreign garbage"?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Uncivilized behavior of these foreigners is the nature of exposure, or into the village with a "conventional", trifoliate orange of the change?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The door is always openKvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Do not trailing, the crowd of foreigners - the 1980s, China's primary school Code provisions. 1990s as one of the "US-China Friendship Volunteers Association, American Peter Heisler (Peter Hessler) came to the edge of China's Yangtze River town of Fuling teaching, like him exotic face, put In such a small place, go where onlookers. At that time, China's most famous grass-roots foreigners, is a fluent Chinese Canadians on TV will say "mountain".KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Years later, when Peter Heisler's Chinese name, "Hessler" is more known, he had to write Chinese documentary trilogy "River City", "Oracle" and "pathfinding". In the "River City", he recalls starting as a "foreign devils" first arrived in the Chinese town feel the pressure of the physically and mentally exhausted: "People focus on irrelevant, always joking manner at me shouting I strongly struggling to figure out a foreigner can not be doing what this harassment there is another side of China to foreigners will always be some curiosity and fascination, once the conversation, they are often better than the average person . "observant Hessler rich brush strokes to point out the subtle and strange feeling between the Chinese locals and foreigners: mutual cherished curiosity, fascination and fear.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2000, Hessler was the Beijing correspondent of the "New Yorker" magazine, the gateway to the degree of openness than he first arrived to differ materially, the entry of foreigners amounted to 10.16 million people (in 1980 only 740 000 people). Entering the new century, the number of foreigners entering a speed of about 10% of the average annual increments.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As of 2011, foreigners into the exit total of 54.12 million people, of which nearly 60 million people in China resident alien (ie, live more than six months), 30 times in 30 years ago; employment in China, 22 million people, mainly , teachers, and foreign companies in China on behalf of the staff of the foreign-funded enterprises.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Foreigners "With China's rapid economic and social development, sustained and rapid growth, the purpose of entry and identity are increasingly diverse, wide range of complex activities in China and strong liquidity." Vice Minister of Public Security Yang Huanning said. According to the statistics of the Exit and Entry Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, 2011 in China the number of top ten countries are Korea, Japan, Russia, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Mongolia, the Philippines, Canada. In addition to the tourism and leisure, access, meeting business was essentially flat, the service employees, employment increased by hundreds of thousands of people.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Beijing Capital International Airport and Shenzhen Lo Wu Control Point is the calendar year of foreigners into the largest number of departing port. Beijing during the Olympic Games, a "door is always open" to summarize the degree of openness in China. Second only to Beijing to accept the registration of the sixth census, the number of expatriates in Guangzhou, Shanghai, to accommodate about 30,000 resident Koreans Wangjing area has become a real "Korea Town"; the world's largest center for small commodities, Zhejiang county-level cities Yiwu is the treasure of African and the Middle East in the eyes of business; Shanghai in Shanghai, this city, surfaced with a picture of exotic cultural map, expatriates can easily find the feeling of home ...KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition to the capital and coastal cities, China's inland cities on the street there are some figure of the foreigner, and become the "next-door neighbor" When foreign guests, locals no longer rare and strange. Some people even use a personal example of "caveats" compatriots, these days do not think that the foreigners do not understand Chinese and chaos speech, maybe the other one opening with the Bel leavened dialect or spicy Sichuan, then choke you leng leng. Mike Sui "microblogging video played 12 point night bursts of U.S. mixed, but also the name of the banner of the" foreigner Cock wire to win the eye numerous.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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NishajuxiaKvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Grand under some "non" foreigners with the entry of China torrent of foreign-related cases increased significantly, the north and wide foreign trade developed regions, particularly the high incidence of crimes committed by foreigners in China, involving financial fraud, smuggling and drug trafficking and so on. The streets of Guangzhou appeared in a small number of foreigners to defraud the party can jactitation "Shenshui conjure up dollar bills; or claiming to have served in the U.S. military logistics department, the U.S. government has never publicly issue large denomination with The greenbacks exchange.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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April 12, 2011, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court released to the community a series of trial in 2010 White Paper, the 2005-2010 financial criminal justice white paper, financial bills in criminal cases, cases of crimes committed by foreigners rise trend, accounting for 96% of the cases of first instance. And foreign-related crime come from Southeast Asian countries.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition, language is the most convenient means of foreigners "gold". In recent years, Beijing has investigated too much from the language training center without permission to employ non-qualified "teacher" event.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition to the ordinary criminal and civil cases involving examples of traditional security and non-traditional security, Demoralization is also common. June 9, the one called "the rapid spread of the Shanghai subway station three foreigners hit a" post in a forum on the website. Posted by Mr. Zhang said that around 1 pm on June 8, he and his colleagues in the Metro Line Beixinjing see the three foreigners on a young man punched opposite, Mr. Zhang, who approached discourage I did not expect the two sides made any physical confrontations. The parties to the three Chinese were injured and had medical treatment, according to them, three foreigners were minors. Make them angry, until the 11th, in the record process as well as on other occasions, three in Europe and America Membership foreign youth and their parents did not show apology. Mr. Zhang through the network called, "a police surveillance video, hoping to find witnesses in the subway station, to restore truth, justice with a law has been on the road."KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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After the occurrence of the foreigner obscene Chinese women's event, the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie send microblogging, said: "With China's economic development, more and more foreigners Chinese and China's opportunities, and thus the influx of Chinese. More people will inevitably quite a mixed bag foreigners and China compete for job opportunities and even crime. I think the Government should advance with the times, to increase the threshold of foreigners entering China to review its economic strength. "He initiated a public opinion survey, 11,533 people take part in the voting results as high as 94.8% quite the manpower "to improve the threshold of foreigners entering China visa check deposits of foreigners, real estate, with or without work", only 5.2 percent of the support to "maintain the status of foreigners entering the Chinese visa.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In 2011, the frontier inspection offices of the national immigration strengthen port efforts to deal with a crackdown on illegal immigration activities and seized a total of 2999 people, smuggled people, investigate and deal with other violations of immigration management laws, regulations and 49,000 people, 1140 people seized the online pursuit .KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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South orange North trifoliate orange?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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March 30, snooker player Ronnie O'Sullivan Snooker China Open conference on public smoking, the dissatisfaction caused by the presence of Chinese reporters. "In the UK, interior is strictly non-smoking, but in China, you can arbitrarily do you want to do. I like this style." O'Sullivan such excuse.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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World Snooker press officer Matt is dedicated to explaining the O'Sullivan smoking did not mean to offend the reporter, but because it was very relaxed.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Those in China, running red lights, bullying, quarreling noise, disturb the foreigners, is not it also can "feel relaxed" as an excuse? The issue of network television two foreigners shell seeds spit in the lawn, initiated Why foreigners to China and went to the 'bad', "the opinion polls, the voting result is very interesting, holding a self-examination attitudes than strongly condemned. Most people think that laughs at himself first, people should be alert to the continuous improvement of literacy; "foreigner, then ugly, but telling the truth". The handful of people feel that "foreigners do not learn just bad, its own quality issues", "This is just an isolated phenomenon, not necessary to make a fuss".KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Such results show that people agree on the one hand outside the moon does not round than the Chinese, on the other hand, is also concerned about the environment, and compatriots should bear the responsibility.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Life in China for many years the French singer wearing bright face of the recent incident of "English hooligan", "Russian musicians and other events, not against the criticism of foreigners evil, but he can understand China's environment is very easy foreigners who lost.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"I go home at night on the road often have girls come together and strike up a conversation, you know they are doing in our country, this is unthinkable." Wear bright rental in the city downtown area, nightfall, some "special" girl time "at work" and stood on the street. "Our country, but not in the street and come across a foreigner what impression? Impression is that your country is very open, this is not illegal, no big deal." Wearing bright said of Kara OK , Miss raise an arm, Westerners have never seen Kara OK, never seen such a convenient service. In such an environment, and some foreigners become unbridled.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The foreigner circulated among the other impressions of China: Chinese girl is a good cheat. Wearing bright acknowledged that some foreigners in China, acts of indulgence, which is very bad, but need to be investigated is why foreigners so indulgent?KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Wear bright, to the Xinmin Weekly, "tells personal experience when he first arrived in China. 2000 to study soon, wearing a bright carrying a guitar for the first time performing in the school's party, just under the stage, there is a girl looking for him. Next, there are three girls active solicitation of him. "I would like to learn a foreign language you Frenchman is very romantic." Wearing bright soon discovered that these opening remarks, the signal of the girls take the initiative to date, this passion, Westerners believe in the boys chase the girls like him. were struggling to cope. Adapted for some time, however, difficult for many foreign youth to resist the "offensive" to roll up the girls hand. Some foreigners think Chinese girl is so active and open, then I casually point is not related to wear bright.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This, Hessler in Fuling when, deep share, finally, to get rid of "Miss Li Jiali stalker.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Miss enthusiasm is it not a social microcosm. Since the modern attitudes toward foreigners due to changes in the history and background, a subtle shift from the rejection of the past, curious onlookers, fear seems to deliberately favor, treat and worship to a. TV selling advertising, there are many hanging the "foreign" head, the example of the so-called "foreign experts" their own experiences. Had told reporters "foreign child care, ocean nursery and domestic actors, the filming of advertising for the money, advertising authenticity, whether the alleged false propaganda, it is the concern of government departments.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Equality before the law, in theory, of foreigners in the Chinese legal system does not enjoy national treatment, but the reality is often not the case. Japanese Global Traveler Heyuan Keiichiro lost bike in Wuhan, 3 days, the police to help him retrieve the car. Police said very reluctantly, and did not treat the Japanese tourists difference. The Heyuan Keiichiro words worth pondering: "Wuhan police the reason why the I Diuju it got the idea because a foreigner lost his car in Wuhan is not the face of things. 'Face' for the Chinese people important, I think it is a good thing, because you will continue to strive to avoid losing face. "KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As for the "super-national treatment", Heyuan, the owner is often poor attitude when the Chinese with the grocer to buy things when he switched to the identity of the Japanese, Liang Ming foreigners, the other attitude will be a 180-degree change , not only enthusiasm, but also asked that I come from, where to go, show me the way. "China is clearly foreigners, especially good, and I hope the Chinese people to each other better."KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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CCTV English Channel host Yang Rui after clean "foreign garbage", get rid of "foreign bitch fierce rhetoric has been strongly criticized by some expatriates have also argued that:" I am dissatisfied with foreign friends is cool, bloggers on the Chinese and foreign race discrimination and xenophobia critics hate the ocean bully and China is not a paradise. "garbage necessary to sweep the ocean, but we must guard against xenophobia, and guard against the variability of the Boxer movement. reflect on their own, many Chinese people's race discrimination and discrimination in their own, have an inferiority complex, blind Chong white veiled criticism of other people of color. "KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Working life in Wuhan French guy Benn (Benoit Cezard) said in an interview with the Xinmin Weekly, "In any country, and immigration-related issues are the focus of media attention and people a hot topic for me, the moral no national boundaries and racial problems, sexual harassment and rape of this evil, placed in the context of any one country are outrageous, and courageous move also done a lot, is not it? Russian music home on the train and the conflict between the Chinese women between the Chinese people from time to time have occurred, I think there is no need to enlarge this event because he is a foreigner, but should make people think this conflict of fundamental What is the reason - that is, a universal moral issue. Collectively, these and these events are the cases should not rise to the national level. people sharing both good and bad, instead of Brazil, a good man or the British bad guy. "KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Manage foreignersKvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Beijing the launch of the "three non-Hundred Days of action is not the first. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2005, the public security organs across the country investigated and handled 12 million people in the "three non-foreigners, repatriation of more than 40,000 people; in 2011, dealt with a 20 000" non "foreigners. According to statistics, the "three non-case, the illegal residence accounted for 80%, of which the vast majority do not understand the Chinese law, short-term retention overdue minor personnel, malicious illegal residents accounted for about 5%.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data show that the Shanghai investigation of the "non" foreigners of cases jumped from 485 in 2002 to 1,800 in the first half of 2009 onwards. Which illegal residents increased from 437 to more than 1,600 from more than 100 cases of illegal employment rose from 30 cases, the penalties involved foreigners from 525 people climbed to more than 2,000.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Beijing Institute of Technology immigration law scholar, Liu Guofu, think: "opinion from the official data, before the action against 'non' is effective, to combat after a lot of information to grasp, push down on the management aspects of vulnerability perfect system construction, the formation of an effective prevention mechanism and strict judicial system, or the root cause of the problem is not resolved, playing relapse over time, the problem will appear again and again. "KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
China on the management of foreigners in China is mainly based on the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Management Act and the Rules for the Implementation of foreigners in China Provisions, "of foreigners in China for permanent residence approval management approach", "Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection Ordinance. Among them, the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Administration Law "was enacted in 1985's, foreigners in China Provisions are also 1996 the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments jointly issued the years has not been changed.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
With the changes in domestic and international situation, the existing laws and regulations lag problem has emerged. In April of this year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the new "Immigration Control Act, the second instance, the new law by the merger of" Entry and Exit of Aliens Law "and" China Entry and Exit Management Act, especially the "three non-punishment of foreigners has been further improved, including raising the amount of the fine established in major cities, places of detention of illegal aliens, and to strengthen the clean-up and repatriation of illegal aliens. Liu Guofu said the new bill may be the end of this month will pass, if the schedule through, it will be the management of foreigners in the most important laws.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Before, the cases of foreigners are all handled by the city level public security organs, several levels to the provincial and ministerial level by the public security organs at the county level, will affect the efficiency is low. After the introduction of the new Immigration Control Act, the decentralization of the foreign-related cases disposed of under the authority of the county-level public security organs. In this case, on the foreign affairs police training is particularly urgent.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu Guofu For example, the Guangdong Entry-Exit Management System have invited experts for specialized training to the cadres, but across the country this practice is not a lot, "I personally feel that managers doubt that some law is not very specific, the Executive them do not know how to do it; if too little understanding of the international practice, it is not dare to do; some institutional innovation, though good, but before the higher level there is no specific policy, the following do not have permission to do so, follow the beaten track, the effect of management on the bad All in all, is no experience in the Police Station to experience foreign events are often afraid to pipes, not tubes, can stop.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Liu Guofu also believe that on the one hand, border crossings, immigration management agencies from the source to raise the threshold, do the checks, for example, from illegal immigration to countries with high stringent audit, we must also attach importance to the entry of foreign personnel supporting the convergence of services.KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"China has always been do not think they are a nation of immigrants, the management of foreigners into the important position. The international practice is that a country's migration management agency commissioned by the private sector to create 'integrated into the curriculum', according to the immigrant different training courses involving language, history, culture, and foreign (immigrant) who help to integrate into the local, as soon as possible to accept local values ​​and laws. immigrants also receive an instruction manual, the above detailed introduction to local life encountered in medical treatment, employment, housing, schooling, and issues such as how to do it, this new life he was a spectrum. "Liu Guofu, this approach is very common in the countries of Europe, the United States and Macao, China, there are no measures," which involves teachers, teaching materials, venues, budget and many challenges need to work to deal with. "KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Communication to understand, or prone to conflict. "Liu Guofu pointed out that gathered siege incident like Guangzhou occurrence of black, should not be exaggerated, but the need to address in order to avoid intensified," cooling-off look, as soon as possible to explore methods, such as the community set up a foreigner governing will be distributed free of charge in English brochure, so that they integrate into the local community, rather than deliberate isolation. "
KvBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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