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鸡出土西周青铜酒器"禁" 考古史上极其罕见(组图)


Chicken unearthed Western Zhou Dynasty bronze wine vessel from the "forbidden"


RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
新出土的3000年前酒器,下方长方形器皿为“禁”RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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考古现场新华社记者 都红刚 摄RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陕西省宝鸡市南郊石嘴头村4组发现一座西周贵族大墓,出土青铜器规格之高、数目之多、保存之完美,为数十年来之最。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨天,一位青铜器专家激动地对记者说:“马承源(已故著名青铜器专家)先生在天有灵,也会兴奋!”他说,尤其其中出土的器型巨大的青铜“禁”(一种酒器),堪称圆了中国青铜器学界的梦。“过去中国的青铜器专家都要到纽约大都会博物馆,隔着玻璃去看那套世界仅存的西周青铜‘禁’,而这次出土的西周早期青铜‘禁’更加精美完整,而且了解了出土原始状态,有助于学界研究其神秘的‘禁’在当时的功用。”RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

发现颇具传奇色彩RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,宝鸡石嘴头村西周墓的发现颇具传奇色彩。6月22日上午,村民曾小刚在建房开挖宅基地时,无意中挖到一件青铜器,向文物主管部门汇报。文物工作者赶来展开抢救性考古发掘,发现这是一座西周大墓,20余件珍贵青铜器先后露出,其中一件青铜“禁”,最是令考古人员惊讶。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这不是曾小刚的宅基地上第一次发现青铜器。今年3月,他筹建婚房,在公路边山坡挖土。3月20日,挖掘机已开挖约3米深时,突然挖出了青铜器。经文物工作者清理,这是一座商末周初时期的武士墓,出土礼器、车马器、工具、兵器等文物129(组)188件,其中铜尊、卣、罍保存完好,造型纹饰精美。铜尊带鋬,铸有族徽和铭文,在宝鸡地区尚属首次发现,全国也不多见。而这次曾家的宅基地再次动工,不料才动工两个多小时,就在开挖约70厘米深的槽中再次发现了青铜器。此次是一座西周初期贵族墓葬,出土的器物均是国之重器。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

考古史上极其罕见RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

该墓位于宝鸡市渭滨区石鼓镇石嘴头村四组,长4.3米、宽3.6米、距离地表深2.4米,两椁一棺形制,墓主头南脚北,仅留部分骨骼,椁上部发现马车1辆,出土车軎3件、铜泡17件、銮铃3件、铜鸟2件、车饰2件。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

现已出土青铜器有23件,其中一件长约90厘米、厚10厘米、纹饰精美的案形青铜器,正是在我国考古史上极其罕见的“禁”。这件“禁”的上面和旁边,还摆放着方彝、卣、尊、罍、斗、爵等多种青铜酒具。同时还有鼎、簋等出土。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

更多谜团有望解开RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据考证,“禁”是承放酒器之具,如同箱形方案。它为什么被称作“禁”呢?文献记载,商人嗜酒成风,到商纣王时期达到顶峰。纣王在朝歌修建了“酒池肉林”,荒淫无度的侈靡生活导致了牧野之战的彻底失败,被周武王所灭。西周建国后,总结前朝教训,坚决禁止酗酒。酒要饮,又不能失度,所以,就把这种盛放酒器的案形器叫做“禁”。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

青铜“禁”传世和考古发掘都很少见,最早见于西周早期,春秋偶尔也有,流传甚少,考古界公认世界现存的“禁”不超过10件,而且其他都是单件,像包括其他酒具在内完整的“禁”,此前仅见纽约大都会艺术博物馆收藏的一套,为稀世之宝。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据考古人员预计,随着考古清理的深入挖掘,将会有数百件青铜器文物出土面世。而墓主无疑拥有显赫的贵族地位,甚至可能是王室成员。随着发掘的进行,其身份之谜有望揭开。这是30多年来我国商周墓葬考古的一次重大发现。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

关于青铜“禁”,史籍记载甚多,但直到1901年,学者均只知其名,未见过实物这不仅是因为它的使用有着严格的礼制等级要求和规定,而且只有王室才能使用,因此,它就显得弥足珍贵和极为稀少。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

清光绪二十七年(公元1901年),宝鸡市斗鸡台戴家弯村的农民在村北的坡地上挖地时,挖出了各种青铜器30多件,其中包括著名的“柉禁十三器”:禁、尊、觚、斝、盉、爵、角、斗各1件,卣2件,觯4件。最先,这套弥足珍贵和极为稀少的青铜器被大古董商端方获得,并著录在《陶斋吉金录》中。1911年辛亥革命之后,端方卒于四川,由于家道衰败,其子弟于1924年将这套青铜器以约20万两白银的价格卖于美国传教士福开森,福开森又以30万美元的价格卖给了美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆。这也是目前出土铜禁和共存酒器均保存完整的唯一成套青铜器。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1927年秋天至1928年春,土著军阀党玉琨在戴家弯大肆盗掘文物活动,共挖出青铜器上千件,其中举世罕见的三件青铜“禁”出土。这些“禁”中的一件很快流入日本,但最终又传入国内,被天津博物馆收藏,为国家一级文物。另外两件下落不明。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1978年,河南省淅川县的下寺2号楚墓中也出土了一件铜禁。器身为长方形,通高28.8厘米,通长131厘米,通宽67.6厘米,重94.2公斤,现藏于河南博物院。据河南博物院外联科科长刘路昨日证实,该禁出土即为单体,且为破碎后修复,非成套。RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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The tomb is located in four groups Weibin town of Shek Kwu stone mouth Tau Tsuen, 4.3 m long, 3.6 meters wide from the surface and 2.4 m deep, two coffin shape of a coffin, the tomb first southern foot of the North, leaving only part of the bone, coffin the upper one found the carriage unearthed car Wei 3, copper bubble 17, 3 Luen-bell, copper Bird 2, Jushi 2.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Now unearthed 23 bronzes, which is about a 90 cm, 10 cm thick, beautifully decorated case-shaped bronzes, it is in China's archaeological history of extremely rare "forbidden". Above and next to the "forbidden", but also placed Fang Yi, wine container, respect, Urn and bucket, Jazz and other bronze wine. Also Ding, Gui unearthed.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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More mystery is expected to unlockRyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to research, the "forbidden" bearing to put wine vessel with, as the box scheme. Why is it called the "forbidden"? Literature, businessmen alcohol was rampant, and to King Zhou period reached its peak. King Zhou built in Chaoge the "Jiuchiroulin" the life of extravagance, the text extravagance led to the complete failure of the Makino war destroyed by King Wu of Zhou. The Western Zhou Jianguo, summed up the former lessons, and resolutely prohibit alcohol. Wine to drink, they can not lose a degree, so put this in full bloom wine vessel from the case-shaped device called "forbidden".RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Bronze "forbidden" handed down, and archaeological excavations are very rare, was first seen in early Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn and occasionally spread very little, archaeologists recognized as the world's remaining "ban" is not over 10, but others are a single piece, like the other wine with, including a complete ban, had only to see the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art collection a rare treasure.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to archaeologists is expected, with the archaeological dig cleanup, there will be hundreds of bronze artifacts unearthed available. Tomb undoubtedly has a prominent aristocratic status, and may even be members of the royal family. With the excavations carried out, the mystery of his identity is expected to be opened. This is a major discovery of more than 30 years of the Shang and Zhou tombs archeology.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Bronze "forbidden" Discovery of theRyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Bronze "ban", many historical records, but it was not until 1901, scholars only know its name, have not seen the kind, not only because its use has a strict ritual system level requirements and regulations, and only the royal family to use. Therefore, it is precious and very rare.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Emperor Guangxu 27 years (AD 1901), the slopes of the north of the village, Baoji City, the cockfighting Taiwan Dai bend village farmers digging uncovered a variety of bronze over 30, including the famous "Fan ban 10 three ": the ban on respect, Gu, Jia He, MG, corner, fighting a wine container 2, 4 goblet. First, this precious and extremely rare bronze large antique dealer Duan Fang and recorded in the "Tao Zhai Ji Golden recorded". After the Revolution of 1911, the Duan Fang died in Sichuan, consist in the decline of their children in 1924 a set of bronze sold about 20 million taels of silver prices in the American missionary, Ferguson, Ferguson again 300 000 sold for $ U.S. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is currently the only complete set of bronze unearthed copper ban and the coexistence of wine vessel preserved intact.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the fall of 1927 to the spring of 1928, the indigenous warlords party Yukun three bronze Dai bend big excavation of cultural relics, the total dug thousands of pieces of bronze, which is rare in the world of "forbidden" unearthed. These "forbidden" in a soon into Japan, but eventually spread to the domestic, the Tianjin Museum National Treasures. The other two missing.RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In 1978, Xichuan County, Henan Province, under the Temple on the 2nd Chu Tomb unearthed a copper ban. As a rectangular 28.8 cm high, through a long pass 131 cm through 67.6 cm wide, and weighs 94.2 kilograms, now in the possession of the Henan Museum. According to the Henan Museum outreach section chief, Liu Lu, yesterday confirmed the ban unearthed is the monomer, and is broken after repair, non-complete setsRyARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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