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Yang Luo, 27 stylistic star cheated more than 5,500 million


6月26日,北京二中院开审诈骗案。被告人王媞和朱双双以低价买房买车为由,先后骗取了文体明星邹凯、杨威、杨云、罗雪娟、杨丽坤等27人,共计人民币5500余万元、港币228万元。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

center>cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

微博上曝出的王媞图片cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

假称能够买到低价房和车,先后骗取了体育界名人邹凯、杨威、杨云、罗雪娟和影视界名人杨丽坤等27人,共计购房款人民币5500余万元、港币228万元。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

今天上午,被控涉嫌诈骗罪的王媞和朱双双在二中院受审。据了解,因无法交付房产,退还部分诈骗款,最终给购房人造成损失共计3400余万元、港币200余万元。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庭上,王媞说,“所骗的钱中,有1000万元至1200万元给了北京奥运鞍马冠军肖钦。”截至记者发稿时,庭审仍在继续,肖钦对这一说法的回应还不得而知。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庭审现场cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

27名文体界名人被骗5000多万cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

上午10时,身材瘦削的王媞被押进法庭,看到旁听席上的家人,王媞眼圈红了,而跟在后面的朱双双则一直都在哭泣。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据检方指控,王媞伙同朱双双于2007年至2011年1月间,编造虚假身份,虚构能买到低价商品房,在北京市星河湾、公园大道等小区租赁多套房屋冒充待售房屋,骗取杨勇等27人购房款5500余万元、港币228万元,因无法交付房产,退还部分诈骗款,最终给购房人造成损失共计3400余万元、港币200余万元。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

另外王媞还于2010年9月至2011年1月间,编造能低价购买轿车的事实,骗取吴赫、梁露生等6人车款共计300余万元。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对于指控,31岁的王媞表示认罪。“为什么这些名人会相信你能买到低价房?”公诉人问,她低头想了想:“我不知道。”cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

王媞说,2010年5月前,买房的人都是朱双双介绍给她的。为了使得骗局像真的,王媞在泛海国际和天鹅湾分别租了2套房,谎称是自己买下的便宜房。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

王媞:还不上钱曾想自杀cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我当时都想自杀。”王媞说被自己骗来的钱中,有700万至800万元被她挥霍掉了,还有1000万元和1200万元给了肖钦,但是肖钦后来将钱拿走,车也开走了,钱就更还不上了。“你为什么要将钱给肖钦?”公诉人问。“肖钦说要开4S店,所以我就给他了。”王媞说。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

朱双双说自己相信王媞,是因为王媞说自己的父母都是高官,“我将自家的房子都卖了,还借了140万元给了王媞,搬进去才知道房子是王媞租的,我也被骗了。”朱双双说。cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

June 26, the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court trial fraud. Accused Wang Ti and Zhu both the grounds of low price to buy a car, has defrauded the stylistic star Zou Kai, Yang Wei, Yang Yun, Luo, Yang Likun and other 27 people, totaling more than 5,500 million and HK $ 228 million.center>Exposed on the micro-Bo Wang Ti ImageFalsely claiming to be able to buy affordable housing and cars, has defrauded 27 people of sports celebrities, Zou Kai, Yang Wei, Yang Yun, Luo and film and television celebrities, Yang Likun and other buyers a total of RMB 55 million yuan and HK $ 228 million. This morning, the king Ti and Zhu was charged with suspicion of fraud, both in the Second Intermediate People's Court for trial. It is understood that, unable to deliver real estate, refund part of the fraud section, and ultimately caused to buyers who lost a total of 3,400 million, more than HK $ 200 million. Court, Wang Wendy said, "cheat money, there are 10 million to 12 million yuan to the Beijing Olympic pommel horse champion Xiao Qin." As of press time the press conference, the trial continues, Xiao Qin's response to this statement shall conceivable. Courtroom 27 cultural and sports celebrities cheated more than 50 million 10:00, the skinny Wang Wendy escorted into the courtroom to see the gallery of family, Wang Ti eyes were red, with Zhu in the back of both, have been crying. According to the prosecutor accused Wendy Law, together with Zhu, both in January from 2007 to 2011, making up a false identity, fiction can buy cheap real estate in Beijing Star River, Park Avenue and other residential rental housing units posing as homes for sale The defraud Yong 27 to buy a house more than 5,500 million, HK $ 228 million, unable to deliver real estate, refund part of the fraud section, and ultimately to the buyers who lost a total of 3,400 million, HK $ 200 million. Wang Ti, in September 2010 to January 2011, making up facts can buy cheap cars to cheat Wu He, Liang Lusheng a total of more than 300 million cars. Allegations, the 31-year-old Wang Wendy pleaded guilty. "Why do these celebrities believe that you can buy affordable housing?" Asked the prosecutor, she looked down, thought: "I do not know." Wendy Wang, May 2010, to buy a house Zhu, both introduced to her. Order to make the scam like really, Wendy Wang in Asia Standard International and Swan Bay rented 2 suites, falsely claimed that they bought cheap room. Wendy: not on the money wanted to commit suicide "I want to commit suicide." Said Wang Ti lying to money, 7000000-8000000 yuan was squandered, there are 10 million yuan and 12 million yuan to the Xiao Qin, Xiao Qin and later the money away, the car drove off, the money is not on. "Why do you want to give money to Xiao Qin?" The prosecutor asked. "Xiao Qin said to open the 4S shop, so I gave him." Wendy said Wang. Zhu both say that they believe Wendy, Wang Wendy said that their parents are high-ranking officials, "I will be your house sold, borrowed 140 million to Wendy Wang, moved in, he learned that the house was Wang Ti rent I cheated. "Zhu said both.cjGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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