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印度4口之家身高合计7.84米 欲创世界最高家庭(组图)


Total family of four in India height of 7.84 meters to create the world's highest


jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

沙拉德(右一)和桑焦德(左二)及其两个女儿穆鲁加(左一)和萨尼娅(右二)。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

萨尼娅(右一)和穆鲁加(右二)与她们的朋友们合照。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

穆鲁加(左)和萨尼娅(右)两姐妹都打算利用自己的身高优势当模特。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一对夫妇不甘失“世界最高夫妇”头衔 欲创“世界最高家庭”纪录jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据新华社电 印度前篮球运动员沙拉德·库尔卡尼和妻子桑焦德身高合计4.06米,是印度合计身高最高的夫妇。如今,他们的两个女儿也已长大,身高均超过1.8米。库尔卡尼一家希望他们的合计身高能创下世界纪录。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

获评印度最高夫妇jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

沙拉德现年52岁,身高2.17米,曾在“维贾雅银行”篮球队效力。妻子桑焦德46岁,身高1.89米,精力充沛。两人身高合计4.06米,1988年12月结婚后,被印度《林姆卡纪录大全》评为“印度最高夫妇”。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

库尔卡尼夫妇曾打算争夺吉尼斯世界纪录评选的“世界最高夫妇”,但这一头衔2010年被美国加利福尼亚州斯托克顿市的韦恩·哈尔奎斯特和劳丽·哈尔奎斯特夫妇夺得,后者合计身高4.07米。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

英国媒体23日援引沙拉德的话报道:“我们有点遗憾。当你的生活变得不同,获得承认是件好事……不过我们有新的希望。”jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两个女儿均超1.8米jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

库尔卡尼夫妇的新希望来自女儿。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他们婚后育有两个女儿,如今大女儿穆鲁加22岁,身高1.85米,小女儿萨尼娅16岁,身高1.93米。一家人现在身高合计7.84米,有望冲击“最高家庭”的世界纪录。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》尚无“最高家庭”一项,不过考虑设立。吉尼斯发言人安妮-莉泽·劳斯说:“我们没有这一项,不过我们希望掌握任何有望创纪录的家庭的情况。”jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

桑焦德说,两个女儿刚生下来时就比普通婴儿长,一个体长0.61米,一个体长0.66米。而普通新生儿一般体长在0.38米至0.53米之间。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

穆鲁加对冲击吉尼斯世界纪录充满期待。她说:“我相当兴奋。我们喜欢个子高。许多人喜欢高个子,我每天都听到有女孩子抱怨自己个子矮。”jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两个女儿想当模特jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

库尔卡尼一家如今住在印度东部浦那。身高优势让他们在有些方面享受到便利,比如两个女孩都打算利用自己的身高优势当模特。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

穆鲁加说:“我们俩现在还在读书,不过都向模特经纪公司递交了申请。我们希望身高能延长我们的模特生涯。”jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,身高同样为他们带来烦恼。比如很难买到合适尺寸的衣服,走在街上,不得不接受路人好奇目光的“洗礼”,不得不把家中的门加大,定做家具,等等。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据桑焦德回忆,她十几岁时担心会因为身高嫁不出去。“在印度,男人通常不会找比自己高的妻子。”她说,“家庭中通常丈夫占主导地位,我也不愿意找个比自己矮的丈夫……我当时觉得自己很可能终生难嫁。”jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

后来,桑焦德的祖母在孟买的大街上偶遇沙拉德,之后为两人牵线做媒,最终促成这段姻缘。jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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The Mulu Jia (left) and Sanja (right), the two sisters are planning to use their height advantage as a model.Unwilling to loss of the world's highest couple title want to create the highest in the world family "record a couple According to Total Xinhua News Agency, former Indian basketball player Sharad Kulkarni and his wife, Sang focus Germany Height 4.06 m, a couple of India's total height. Today, their two daughters have grown up, height over 1.8 meters. Kulkarni a total height can be a world record. Was rated India's highest couple Sharad, 52-year-old, 2.17 meters tall, had effect in "Wei Jiaya Bank basketball team. 46-year-old wife Sang focus Germany, 1.89 meters tall, energetic. Two height total of 4.06 m, after getting married in December 1988, India's "Lin Muka Records as the highest in India couple. Kulkarni and his wife had planned to compete for the Guinness Book of World Records named the "world's tallest couple," but the title in 2010 in Stockton City, California, USA Wayne Hal Qwest, and Laurie Hal Qwest won a couple, the latter the total height of 4.07 meters. 23, the British media quoted Sharad as saying: "We are a little disappointed when your life becomes, the recognition of a good thing ... but we have a new hope." Two daughters, surpassed 1.8 m Kulkarni couples new hope from the daughter. Their marriage had two daughters, now eldest daughter, 22-year-old Mulu Jia, height 1.85 m, the youngest daughter Sanja 16-year-old, 1.93 meters tall. The height of the family now total 7.84 meters, is expected to impact the world record for the highest family. Guinness Book of World Records "there is no" maximum family "one, but consider the establishment. Anne - Lise Rouse, Guinness spokesman said: "we do not have one, but we hope to master any of the family is expected to record." Sang Jiao said, two daughters born just longer than an ordinary baby, a body length of 0.61 m, a body length of 0.66 m. Common neonatal body length of 0.38 meters to 0.53 meters. The Mulu Jia on the impact of Guinness World Records is full of expectations. She said: "I am very excited and we like tall Many people like the tall, every day I hear the girls complain that their short stature." Two daughters want to be a model Kulkarni family now lives in eastern India, Poona. The height advantage to allow them to enjoy the convenience in some respects, such as the two girls are going to use their height advantage as a model. "Mulu Jia said:" We were still studying, but submitted an application to the modeling agency and we hope that the height can extend our modeling career. " However, the height is the same for their trouble. Such as difficult to buy the right size clothes, walking down the street, had to accept the passers-by curious eye, "baptism", had to remove their furniture and doors to increase, custom furniture, and so on. Sang focus Germany recalled that she was a teenager to worry about because the height marry out. "In India, men do not usually find than their wife." She said, the family is usually the husband dominant, I do not want to find than their dwarf husband ...... I feel that they are for life may be difficult to marry . " Later, the the mulberry focus of Germany's grandmother on the streets of Mumbai encounter Sharad, followed by a matchmaker, bringing together the two ultimately led to this marriage.jGMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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