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China's new leaders will be committed to friendly with Russia?


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名俄罗斯高级外交官说,普京最近访华留下的印象是,中国新一代领导人仍然致力同俄罗斯友好,中国领导层更迭不会影响两国关系。但评论认为,两国未来的对立和竞争将更加激烈。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*俄副外长:俄中战略伙伴有长远未来*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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俄罗斯副外长莫尔古洛夫对媒体表示,俄罗斯同中国的战略伙伴关系拥有长远未来,这种关系不会随国际形势的变化而波动,因为两国的长远战略利益彼此吻合。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*中国领导层更迭不影响俄中关系*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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这名负责对华关系的副外长说,虽然胡锦涛等中国现任领导人即将卸任,但中国领导层的更迭不会影响俄中关系。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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俄罗斯总统普京不久前访华时,分别同被认为是中国未来领导人的习近平和李克强会晤。莫尔古洛夫说,普京的印象是,中国新一代领导人将继续致力同俄罗斯友好。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*学者:表面关系好 实质关系越来越坏*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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不过,俄罗斯军事与政治分析研究所副所长赫拉姆奇辛说,伴随俄罗斯同中国经济实力差距日益拉大,双方之间的互不信任感将越来越强烈。两国之间的对立竞争只会日益激烈。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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赫拉姆奇辛说:“从表面上看,俄罗斯同中国的关系将很好。但实质上两国关系将变得越来越坏。但两国领导人和官员将尽量不公开流露对对方的不满。因为向外部世界,特别向美国人展现俄中友好,对两国都非常有利,所以双方会继续玩弄这种把戏。但在暗中,两国之间的争斗只能更加激烈。”RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*峰会无结果 中国封杀印度 军方警觉*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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赫拉姆奇辛说,这次在北京结束的上合组织峰会没取得任何结果。峰会上通过的文件对各方都没有约束力。俄罗斯一直游说和推动让印度加入上合组织,但最后还是被中国封杀。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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赫拉姆奇辛说,中国解放军的一些演习、军力和武器部署在许多方面都把矛头指向俄罗斯,引起俄罗斯军方的警觉和担忧,但军方同样不会公开表达不满。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*习近平、李克强与俄联系较少*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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莫斯科大学教授格里波拉斯说,从个人背景上看,习近平和李克强等人过去同俄罗斯没有太多联系。俄罗斯的精英阶层对这两个人的了解也不多,但未来决定俄中关系走向的仍然是各自的战略利益。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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格里波拉斯说:“中国新领导人同俄罗斯的联系和渊源,我想,这个问题虽然能影响两国关系发展,但不会取决定作用。因为未来两国领导人之间的工作关系,双方之间的利益,将很快使中国新领导人和普京彼此了解,他们会很快知道对方关心和感兴趣的焦点问题。”RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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*俄中竞争公开化*RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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官方的俄新社最近刊载评论文章说,俄罗斯同中国的关系变得更加实际,而且两国的竞争不断公开化,这首先表现在中亚地区和上合组织内部。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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俄罗斯副外长否认两国在上合组织内部有分歧和竞争。他说,成员国在上合组织未来发展方向上立场一致。而且俄罗斯同中国在众多国际问题上的立场非常接近。RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Russian senior diplomat said that Putin's recent visit left the impression that the new generation of Chinese leaders remain committed to friendly with Russia, the Chinese leadership of the change will not affect bilateral relations. However, comments that the future of confrontation and competition of the two countries will become more intense. * Efuwaizhang: Russia-China strategic partnership with long-term future * Russian Deputy Foreign Minister 莫尔古洛夫 told the media that Russia and China's strategic partnership with long-term future, this relationship does not fluctuate with the changing international situation, because the two countries' long-term strategic interests consistent with each other. * China's leadership the change does not affect the relations between Russia * Deputy Foreign Minister responsible for relations with China, said that although the current leader, Hu Jintao and other outgoing, but the Chinese leadership the change will not affect Russian-Chinese relations. Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to China, respectively, were considered to be future leaders in China, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang met.莫尔古洛夫 said Putin's impression is that a new generation of Chinese leaders will continue its efforts with the Russian-friendly. * Scholars: the surface of a good relationship with substantive relations are getting worse and worse * However, the deputy director of Institute of the Russian military and political analysis 赫拉姆奇辛, accompanied by Russian and Chinese economic strength of the gap is widening, a sense of mutual distrust between the two sides will become stronger and stronger. The opposition between competition will only become increasingly intense. 赫拉姆奇辛 said: "On the surface, Russia's relations with China will be good, but essentially bilateral relations will become more and more bad leaders and officials will try not to publicly reveal on the other side dissatisfaction to the outside world, especially to the Americans to show Russia and friendship between the two countries are very favorable, so the two sides will continue to play this game in the dark, the battle between the two countries can only become more intense. " * Summit inconclusive blocked Indian military alert * 赫拉姆奇辛 this the end of the SCO summit in Beijing did not yield any results. Documents adopted by the summit are not binding on the parties. Russia has been lobbying and promoting India to join the SCO, but in the end was blocked. 赫拉姆奇辛 said some of the Chinese People's Liberation Army exercises, military power and weapons deployed in many respects regarded spearhead point to Russia, the Russian military vigilance and worry, but the military also will not openly express their dissatisfaction. * Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, contact with the Russian less * Gerry Porras, Professor of Moscow State University, personal background from the point of view, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, who do not have too much contact with Russia in the past. Russia's elite is not much understanding of the two men, but the future to determine the relations of Russia and still own strategic interests. Gerry Porras said: "the new leader of the Chinese and Russian links and origin, I think this issue can affect the development of bilateral relations, but it does not take a decisive role, because the working relationship between the future leaders of the two between the interests of the parties, will soon be the new leader of China and Vladimir Putin to know each other, they will soon know each other focus of concern and interest. " * Russia to compete in the open * The official Russian news agency recently published a review article, said Russian relations with China become more realistic, and the competition between the two countries continue to open, which is first expressed within the Central Asia and SCO. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister denied that there are differences and competition between the two countries within the SCO. He said that the Member States in the direction of future development of the SCO in the same position. Russia and China's stance on many international issues are very close.RYQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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