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47岁歌手蔡龄龄因抑郁症跳楼身亡 丈夫哭成泪人(图)


47-year-old singer jumped to his death due to depression


XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蔡龄龄在商业电台当唱片骑师,其后进军乐坛(资料图)XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据香港媒体报道,抑郁症又夺去一位艺人性命。继巨星张国荣9年前跳楼自杀身亡后,前唱片骑师兼女歌手蔡龄龄,怀疑因抑郁症困扰屡医不愈,昨晨被音乐人丈夫冯镜辉发现于薄扶林寓所跳楼,直坠地下重伤不治,结束47年生命,惨剧令圈中人震惊不已。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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堕楼身亡的蔡龄龄,英文名Aling,1965年1月11日出生,曾经在香港商业电台当唱片骑师,1989年出道签百代唱片,同年推出《蔡龄龄》专辑,翌年以一曲《细水长流》打响名堂,其后推出多张唱片,当中以《细水长流》及另外一首是改自出名的英文歌《LAMBADA》的《人生嘉年华》广受乐迷爱戴,可惜优美歌声已成绝响。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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夫发现房窗打开XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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蔡龄龄因工作关系,与音乐人兼唱片监制冯镜辉结下情缘,二人拍拖四年,于1993年12月26日共结连理。2001年,夫妇以410万购入薄扶林道宝翠园第3座一单位。昨晨9时许,夫妇在寓所内,冯如厕后发现妻子失踪,查看后见书房窗口打开,旁边遗留下妻子的拖鞋,探头查看妻子,见其已跌落地下空地。冯立即报警再下楼查看,当时蔡龄龄已经头破肢折,奄奄一息昏迷。冯情绪激动哭成泪人,救护员稍后到场,将蔡送院抢救,经抢救后终告不治。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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记者昨上门采访,该单位内有一年轻男子应门,但拒绝回应事件。而现场地面,有数格阶砖出现损毁,未知是否蔡龄龄堕地时,产生过大撞击力撞毁阶砖。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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近年淡出娱乐圈XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
据悉,婚后蔡龄龄曾一度退出乐坛,其后返回香港电台主持节目,近年淡出娱乐圈。据悉,蔡龄龄近年患有精神及抑郁病,两个月前更曾向家人透露,不堪病魔折磨欲寻死,幸及时被劝服,岂料昨早却坠楼身亡。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
冯镜辉于八十年代出道,与男歌手冯伟林(威利)等人组成威镇乐队,冯镜辉其后致力作曲及唱片监制。其中最为人熟悉是1986年为林忆莲监制首张个人专辑《爱情I don"t know》,其后两人多次合作,炮制多张脍炙人口唱片,亦传出过绯闻。XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Cai age old commercial radio when a disc jockey and subsequently into the music (Data) According to the Hong Kong media reports, the depression takes away the lives of an artist. Following nine years ago, superstar Leslie Cheung committed suicide by jumping, former disc jockey and singer Tsai, age age, suspected for depression troubled by repeated medical diseases, and musician husband, Feng Jing-Hui yesterday morning was found at Pok Fu Lam apartments jumping slammed underground died of his wounds, ending 47 years of life, the tragedy of the circle of human shock.And falling off killed the CAI age of age, the English name Aling, January 11, in 1965, was born once in the Commercial Radio Hong Kong when the disc jockey, the 1989 debut signing to EMI, the same year launched "Cai Age Age" album, the following year to a "steady" started whatever, and the subsequent launch of the album, "steady" and the other one is adapted from the famous English song "LAMBADA," "Life is Carnival" received by the fans loved, but unfortunately the beautiful singing has become extinct soon.Husband found room window openThe Cai age age working relationship, love, Feng Jing-Hui, musician and record producer, forged two dating for four years, on 26 December 1993 JCP Results couple. In 2001, the couple purchased 4.1 million Belcher, Pokfulam Road, a unit of three. Yesterday morning about 9 am, after the couple in his apartment, Feng go to the toilet to find his wife missing, view and see the study window opens next to the left over his wife's slippers, probe to view his wife, are reflected in the drop underground open space. Feng police immediately and then down the stairs to view, Cai age age head broken limbs fold, dying coma. Feng emotional Ku Cheng tears, the ambulancemen later scene, Cai was hospitalized, was certified dead by the rescue.Reporter-site interview yesterday, a young man in the door of the unit, but refused to respond to events. Site ground, several grid-order brick damage occurs, I wonder whether the Cai age age onto the ground, too large impact force crashing into the floor tiles.In recent years, fade entertainmentIt is reported that the marriage Cai age age was once out of music, followed by return to Hong Kong radio programs in recent years fade entertainment. Cai age age in recent years, suffering from mental and depressive illness, two months ago told the family revealed that bear the disease afflicted desire to commit suicide, fortunately in a timely manner to persuade surprise, yesterday morning, but falls dead.Feng Jing-Hui debut in the 1980s, with the male singer Feng Weilin (Willie) town of Granville band, Feng Jing-Hui was subsequently committed to the composer and record producer. One of the most familiar in 1986, Sandy produced debut solo album "Love I don the" t know ", the subsequent two, many times, processing more than one well-known LP, also came over sex scandal.XwTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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