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中国政府表态称愿与不丹正式建交 印度大感焦虑


Chinese government stance gratified sense of anxiety in India established


GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国国务院总理温家宝21日在里约热内卢会见不丹首相吉格梅·廷莱。温家宝表示,中国愿在和平共处五项原则基础上,与不丹建立正式外交关系,早日划定两国边界。中不政府首脑会晤引起印度媒体密切关注,“中国准备与不丹建交”更令印媒大呼担忧。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据《印度时报》23日报道,在巴西召开的联合国可持续大会期间,中不领导人举行了一场“出人意料”的会谈,“据称两国讨论了解决边界争端的方式”。《印度教徒报》引述中国媒体的报道说,在中不首脑会晤后,双方表示愿意建立正式外交关系。不过,《印度时报》宣称,建交一事目前还没有来自不丹方面的确认。有消息人士说,不丹政府已向新德里澄清,他们尚未对北京做出任何承诺。“但很明显的是,里约峰会期间的中不首脑会谈并非偶然,近来一名中国特使已抵达廷布(不丹首都),与不丹政府举行了谈判”。报道称,中国和不丹并非一直毫无关系,中国特使还曾被邀请参加不丹年轻国王的加冕礼和婚礼。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《印度斯坦时报》23日说,建立外交关系和解决长期存在的边界争端已进入中不两国的主要议事日程。《印度教徒报》称,尽管不丹和中国尚未建交,但自从2010年1月以来,两国在廷布已经举行了19轮会谈。据称,“会谈似乎已取得进展”。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中不走近让印度媒体忧心忡忡。《印度时报》评论称,随着印度最坚定的盟友不丹准备同中国建立全面外交关系,印度在边境地区将被迫面临新的战略局面。“到目前为止,不丹是南亚唯一一个没有同中国建交的国家,但这即将改变”。《印度教徒报》称,不丹是印度的坚定盟友,不印两国有着密切的外交、政治和军事关系。该报说,不丹对于印度的安全至关重要。不丹的地理位置使其与中国的任何边界解决方案都会引起印度关注。消息人士说,印度控制的三国交界地区的所有山嵴使其拥有优势地位,但不丹未来可能会向中国妥协,从而动摇印度的优势”。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

印度媒体说,印度政府对中不之间的任何交流都“很感兴趣”,因为这将对印度的战略布局产生巨大影响。不过,印度已经预料到不丹的立场转变,“一个新不丹正在崛起,它将做出除印度之外的选择”。日本宣布,他们将在2014年前在不丹开设使馆。另外,不丹自称是南亚最廉洁的国家,希望以此吸引大量外国投资,而中国无疑是其中最有吸引力的投资国之一。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,中国要在西藏林芝地区打造国际旅游城的计划也成为印度媒体关注焦点,《印度时报》说,此计划可能涉及吸引大批汉族人在靠近印度边界的地区定居。GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

21, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met in Rio de Janeiro, Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley. Wen said China is willing to work on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and Bhutan established formal diplomatic relations and demarcate the border between the two countries as soon as possible. Not the meeting of Heads of Government to pay close attention to the Indian media, but also printed media shouted "China is prepared to establish diplomatic relations with Bhutan for concern.According to the Times of India 23, the Sustainable United Nations General Assembly held in Brazil, not leaders held a "surprise" talks, "said the two countries to discuss the way to solve the border dispute. "The Hindu newspaper quoted the Chinese media reported that after the summit, both sides expressed their willingness to establish formal diplomatic relations. However, the Times of India claimed that the establishment of diplomatic relations issue is still no confirmation from Bhutan. The source said that the Government of Bhutan has New Delhi to clarify that they have yet to Beijing to make any commitments. "But it is clear that, during the Rio Summit in the summit meeting is not accidental, recently a Chinese special envoy arrived in Dating Bu (the capital of Bhutan), held talks with the Government of Bhutan. Reported that China and Bhutan are not always unrelated, the Chinese special envoy also been invited to participate in Bhutan's young king's coronation and wedding."Hindustan Times", 23, said the establishment of diplomatic relations and to resolve long-standing border dispute has entered between the two countries on the agenda. "The Hindu", Bhutan and China has not yet established diplomatic relations since January 2010 in Thimphu between the two countries have been held 19 talks. Said, "talks seem to have been made progress".Not approached the Indian media worried. The Times of India commented that as India's most steadfast ally Bhutan ready to establish full diplomatic relations with China, India, in the border areas will be forced to face the new strategic situation. "So far, Bhutan is the country of South Asia, the only one there is no diplomatic relations with China, but that is about to change. "The Hindu", said Bhutan is a staunch ally of India, not China and India has close diplomatic, political and military relations. The newspaper said that Bhutan is essential for India's security. Bhutan's location so that it will lead to India's concern with any border solution. The source said that all the mountain ridge of the Indian tri-border region, it has a dominant position, But Bhutan future may compromise the Chinese to undermine India's advantage ".Indian media said that the Government of India on any exchange not very interested, because it will be India's strategic layout of a huge impact. However, India had expected to Bhutan's position changes, "a new Bhutan is on the rise, it will make a choice except India". Japan announced that they opened in 2014 in Bhutan Embassy. In addition, Bhutan claiming to be the least corrupt countries in South Asia, hoping to attract a large number of foreign investment, while China is undoubtedly one of the most attractive investment country.In addition, China to create an international tourist city plan in Nyingchi, Tibet has also become the focus of media attention in India, "The Times of India said that this plan may be involved in attracting a large number of Han Chinese to settle in areas near the Indian border.GvtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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