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上海地铁女性举牌抗议:我可以骚 你不可以扰(图)


Shanghai Metro female placards to protest: I can show you not disturbed


AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两名志愿者为抗议而在上海地铁里表演的行为艺术,引来了诸多路人和网友的关注AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月20日晚上,上海地铁第二运营有限公司官方微博“上海地铁二运”发布了一则微博:“乘坐地铁,穿成这样,不被骚扰,才怪。地铁狼较多,打不胜打,人狼大战,姑娘,请自重啊!”——配图是一名身着黑色丝纱连衣裙妙龄女子的背面,由于面料薄透,致使旁人能轻易看到该女子内衣,确实非常性感。AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但也正是这则提醒微博,引来了诸多网友的非议。一些网友认为,穿得暴露不暴露是个人自我选择的问题,没有任何人可以以此为借口对他人进行性骚扰。网友“大江Joe舅”则认为,如果法律或者地铁的营运法规没有规定她不能这么穿,那么就没有权力指责,“按照你的理论,游泳池不是所有的男人都要对女人动手动脚了么?”AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友“雪天放晴”更是直言:“你们是维护乘客人身安全的,不要推脱责任,更别给罪犯开脱!”AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但与这部分网友的态度相左的,则是另一面支持“上海地铁二运”的声音。“公共场所的穿着应该注意场合,这是起码的常识和公德!连这点常识都要质疑吗?简直滑稽!”这位网友认为,地铁二运作为官方微博,进行善意的提醒,完全应该,没有必要道歉。网友“@机场站王必磊服务团队”亦表态: 现在的年轻男女,低胸衫、超短裙、透视装等包罗万象,使得一些人有了想入非非的感觉,“更有甚者走上了骚扰的道路,所以我们在批判犯事者之余是否也要为自己的身体语言所反省一下呢?”AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而昨天上午,随着这场论战持续,两名年轻女子在上海地铁二号线,身着黑袍和普通衣装,蒙着面,手持彩板,上书“我可以骚,你不能扰”、“要清凉不要色狼”,以此向上海地铁二运抗议。这两位女志愿者的行为艺术随即引来关注,《女声报》官方微博“女权之声”对此进行了支持,并呼吁女性应拥有身体自主权并反对性骚扰。AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友“一Buddy一”在看到这次行为艺术后对此表示非常认可,他觉得,假如放任某些人说“女人穿的少就是诱惑男性犯罪”的言论,最终结果就是每位女性都要穿着厚实的衣物才能被允许出门。在正常的社会里,一个人即使裸体走在大街上,你可以报警,但你不可以侵犯她,这是基本的常识。网友“@我是你认识的王小能”也表态称,应正视女性在社会和历史中的位置,争取应当得到的权益,自尊自立,不被男权思想打压和自我禁锢,这就是女权,“在‘女人’和‘男人’之前,你必须先是个独立的人。”AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这两名志愿者的行为艺术引来了诸多议论,双方论战也依旧持续,不少网友还是指出,“上海地铁二运”发布的那条引发热议的微博,虽然确是为减少一些性骚扰事件的发生而提出的建议,但言辞也确实欠妥。至于网友们对此事的争议,亦在情理之中,但也请体谅地铁方面的用心,“希望双方都能有一个好的态度来妥善处理此争议。”AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Performance art, two volunteers to protest in Shanghai subway performances attracted the attention of many passers-by and usersIn the evening of June 20, Shanghai Metro Operation Co., Ltd. the official microblogging "Win" Shanghai Metro released a microblogging: the subway, dressed this way, is not harassment, strange. More subway wolf, to fight victorious fight, the war of crying wolf, girl, weight ah! "- with pictures is a dress the young woman on the back, dressed in a black silk yarn, fabric Baotou, causing others can easily see the underwear of the woman, is indeed very sexy . It is this reminder microblogging, drew the criticism of many users. Some users believe that the dress exposure should not be exposed individual self-selection problem, anyone can use this as a pretext for others to engage in sexual harassment. Friends, "the river Joe uncle believes that if the operation of the law or the subway regulations do not provide that she can not wear so, then there is no power to accusations," according to your theory, swimming pool, not all men should be the woman hands and feet? " Users snow cleared more bluntly: "You are to maintain passengers' personal safety, do not shirk responsibility, but do not absolve the criminals!"But at odds with the attitude of some friends, it is the other side of the support of the Shanghai Metro Win "sound. Public places should pay attention to wearing occasions, this is basic common sense and ethics should be questioned even that common sense? Really funny! "The users believe that the two subway operation is the official microblogging good reminder, totally should , there is no need to apologize. Users @ Airport Station Wang Bilei service team and position: all-inclusive, of the young men and women, low-cut shirts, short skirts, clairvoyant outfit makes some people have the feeling of dreams, "and some even took to the roads of the harassment, so we criticize the offender apart from whether there should also reflect on their own body language? " Yesterday morning, as this debate continues, two in Shanghai Metro Line, the young woman dressed in black robes and clothes, his face covered and armed with color plates, a letter, "I can show you can not be disturbed", to be cool and do not pervert "as a protest to Second Win of the Shanghai Metro. The performance art of the two female volunteers was immediately overwhelmed by the attention, "Girls" official microblogging "Feminist Voice support, and calls for women to have over their own bodies and against sexual harassment. Friends, "a Buddy" to see this performance art expresses very recognized, he felt, if the laissez-faire Some people say that women wear less temptation to male crime "speech, the end result is that every woman must wearing thick clothing before being allowed to go out. In a normal society, even if a person nude walking in the street, you can call the police, but you can not violate her, this is basic common sense. Users "@ me is you know Wang can" attitude, said, should look squarely at the position of women in society and history, to fight for deserved benefits and self-esteem self-reliance, and not be patriarchal ideology to suppress and self detained, this is feminism, "in before the 'woman' and 'man', you must first independent people. " Two volunteers arts attracted a lot of talk, both sides debate is still continuing, many users still pointed out that Shanghai Metro transportation Publish lead to hot microblogging, indeed to reduce the number of sexual harassment recommendations arising from the incident, but the words are indeed defective. As for the users who dispute on the matter, but also reasonable, but please appreciate the intentions of the metro area, "I hope both sides can have a good attitude to properly deal with this dispute."AgGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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