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Myanmar will usher in a foreign investment boom


gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

缅甸议会大厦之壮观令人惊讶得瞠目结舌。你可以称其为壮丽,或者称之为大胆妄为。因为从规模上来讲,它超过英国白金汉宫和法国凡尔赛宫的总和。如今,议会大厦孤零零地矗立在新首都。几年前,缅甸当权者就已经将首都迁移到偏远的后方,距离仰光数百公里远的内比都。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Blick aus Bus auf Autobahn
Bilder aus Myanmar von Michael Wetzel, DW Juni 2012

Autobahn in MyanmargQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大轿车行使在缅甸的公路上,有些地段的公路甚至拥有16条车道,给人一种超现实的感觉。除了德国代表团的大巴之外,似乎就再没有其他的车辆。起码德国代表团的大巴一路没有遇到其他车辆。公路周围是一片绿色。德国代表团的大约40名成员不是企业家就是银行家,或者工程师和顾问。他们前来缅甸寻求商机。日程上排满了对缅甸各政府部门的访问。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

投资者排队等候gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

到达缅甸工业部后,德国代表团成员很快意识到,他们并不是唯一的来访者。缅甸工业部正在忙着接待众多的访客。缅方接待人员充满歉意地表示,德国代表团只能排队等候。之后的结果正如人们所经常听到的:缅甸现在热烈欢迎外国投资者,特别德国投资商。现在,缅甸正在酝酿一条法律,进一步保障外国投资者的权益。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Pagode in Rangun
Bilder aus Myanmar von Michael Wetzel, DW Juni 2012

Pagode in Rangun MyanmargQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
代表团的大巴继续驶向昔日首都仰光。它依然是该国最大和最重要的城市。缅甸的高速公路再次让人意识到,该国还有很多事情要做。公路破旧不堪,急需进行维修。由于道路破旧,行车时间延长,加剧了旅途的疲劳。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

支持缅甸的民主建设gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
缅甸是世界上最穷的国家之一。目前有很多外国投资者对在该国进行投资感兴趣,但是投资热潮尚未开始。缅甸反对党的一位负责人对德国代表团成员说,不久后将开始出现投资热。但是他警告外国投资者不要草率地进行投资。否则会使旧的统治者受益而不是老百姓。他呼吁德国在建设民主,维护人权和治国方面为缅甸提供帮助。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
仰光的商业氛围并不落后于其他亚洲大都市。然而,其他亚洲大城市鳞次栉比的钢结构高楼大厦,这里则绝无仅有。不过这种情况将很快得到改变。gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Myanmar's parliament building of the spectacular German surprise dumbfounded. You can call for the magnificent, or call it bold recklessly. Scale, it more than the sum of Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Versailles, France. Today, the parliament building standing alone in the new capital. A few years ago, those in power in Myanmar capital to migrate to remote rear distance of Yangon, hundreds of kilometers away within the ratio. Of Autobahn in. Myanmar Limousine exercise on the road in Myanmar, some sections of the highway even with 16 lane, giving a surreal feeling. In addition to the German delegation bus seems to be no other vehicles. At least the coach of the German delegation did not encounter all the way to other vehicles. The road is surrounded by a green. Is the banker of the German delegation of about 40 members are not entrepreneurs, engineers and consultants. They come to seek business opportunities in Myanmar. Full access to the Myanmar government departments on the agenda. Investors waiting in line Reach the Myanmar Ministry of Industry, the German delegation will soon realize that they are not the only visitors. Myanmar Ministry of Industry is busy to receive many visitors. Myanmar reception staff that is full of apologies, the German delegation can only wait in line. After the results, as people often hear: Myanmar is now a warm welcome to foreign investors, especially German investors. Now, Myanmar is brewing a law to further protect the rights and interests of foreign investors.Pagode in Rangun Myanmar The Delegation bus towards the former capital of Yangon. It is still the largest and most important cities of the country. Myanmar highway again a realization of the country there are many things to do. The road is dilapidated and in urgent need of maintenance. Broken-down roads, the journey time, exacerbated by the fatigue of the journey. Support the building of democracy in Myanmar Myanmar is one of the world's poorest countries. There are many foreign investors interested in investing in the country, but the investment boom has not yet started. Burma's opposition, a person in charge of the German delegation said that the investment boom, and soon after began to appear. But he warned that foreign investors do not rush to invest. Otherwise it would benefit the old rulers rather than ordinary people. He called on Germany to help in building democracy, safeguard human rights and rule of Myanmar. Yangon's business climate is not lagging behind other Asian metropolis. However, other Asian cities row upon row of steel high-rise buildings, is unique. However, this situation will soon change.gQvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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