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11 kinds of weapons the Pentagon to deal with aliens


美国航天局日前发布消息说,1977年发射的“旅行者1号”探测器已抵达太阳系边缘,这意味着“人类第一个星际使者”有望不久后首次脱离太阳系,进入星际空间。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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好吧,那让我们天马行空地想象一下,假如“人类星际使者”遭遇外星人怎么办?或者,更糟糕的情况,如果将并不友善的外星人引到地球,向人类发起袭击又该怎么办?人类在抵御外星人入侵时,是否已掌握合适的武器?sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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美国《外交政策》杂志网站近日发表《超级战舰 地球》(Battleship Earth)文章,披露了美国五角大楼拟用来对付外星人的“十一般”太空武器。主要内容如下:sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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夏季来临,好莱坞大片接连火热登场。耗资巨大的动作片如《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers), 《超级战舰》(Battleship), 与《普罗米修斯》(Prometheus)提醒我们,有一件事可以团结所有的美国人:对外星人袭击地球的共同恐惧。这些电影同时也告知世人,当宇宙舰队入侵时,人类在面对星际侵略者,不会轻易投降。我们将紧密团结在一起,携手击退装备着不可思议尖端武器的外星人……但是,我们到底用什么武器呢?我们真的准备好抵抗外星殖民者了吗?sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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幸运的是,五角大楼的国防高级研究项目局(DARPA),与几家世界上最大的武器制造商一道,正在设计创造未来的武器。从配备激光的喷气式飞机到超音速飞机,再到隐形斗篷,“武装到牙齿”的人类也许为了拯救地球能与外星人进行一次公平的决斗。你或许认为我在开玩笑,但如果不是作为训练手册,美国宇航局为什么要把《复仇者联盟》传输到国际空间站放映呢?下面就让我们看一下现在正在研发的一些最具宇宙价值的武器发明。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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高能液态激光器区域防御系统sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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这个官方名称听起来相当没有力度,但是不要被耍了——这是令人敬畏的激光武器。美国国防高级项目局当前正在研发这一武器,这些高级的激光武器之所以被看重,是因为他们能够“运用光的速度和力量抵抗多重威胁”。武器级的激光现在已成为事实,但在实际空战中过于笨重。国防高级项目局希望制造一种足够轻便的150千瓦激光武器,装备在战斗机上。当外星人母舰派出第一批飞碟编队时,这种激光武器就能派上用场。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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超音速飞行器sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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正如电影《雅汶战役》里的学生们所证实的,有时候宇宙的命运归结于一些高速飞行器。但我们打算重挫星际敌人的锐气时,需要的不仅仅是飞行技术。我们需要一些非常高科技的战斗机来击退外星舰队,而“猎鹰HTV-2”听起来像是完美典范。那么让我们花点时间,欣赏一下来自国防高级项目局的技术数据吧:sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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“猎鹰HTV-2”是一种无人驾驶的、靠火箭发射、可操控的飞行器。它在地球大气层的滑行速度令人难以置信,大约每小时13000英里。以“猎鹰HTV-2”的速度,从纽约到洛杉矶的飞行时间不到12分钟。“猎鹰HTV-2”还是一辆“数据卡车”,里面装备有大量的传感器,能够在一个不确定的作业范围内收集信息。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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真神奇!设计者是怎么创造出这么一种不可思议的飞机的?嗨,他们没有——还没有成功。最近的一次飞行测试,是在2011年的八月,结果在飞机起飞后36分钟,与地面失去了联系。据后来的报道称,“猎鹰HTV-2”飞行速度太快,以至于外壳都脱落了。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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航空自适应气动光学光速控制系统sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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通过研究外星人的“钛战机”与“赛昂突袭机”视频,我们知道从操控性角度来说,小型的外星飞行器比我们最先进的战斗机还要先进。所以当我们的飞行男孩或飞行女孩与外星战士交战时,让我们希望他们装备有来自国防高级项目局的正在发展的项目。该项目旨在“对目标进行打击(比如来袭的导弹)时,增进飞行器上高能激光的性能。”这也许在缠斗中仍难以获胜,但至少为我们赢得时间等待装甲部队来援。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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圆盘旋翼直升机sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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每个人都知道外星人飞碟在起飞前不需要在跑道上笨重地滑行——他们能垂直升空,保持完美的平衡,并选择任意方向迅速移动。人类的直升机也是垂直升降,但即使是最好的设计也会受限于地面状况,正如偷袭本·拉丹的MH-60黑鹰直升机,虽在袭击行动中立下大功,却也“无奈”折毁现场。圆盘旋翼直升机实际上是直升机与飞机的结合体,它不仅能垂直起飞与降落,而且还能收起旋翼叶片,依靠固定机翼,进入高速飞行模式,像飞机一样飞行。这对抵抗外星人入侵有帮助吗?但愿如此。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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重新设计的核动力潜艇sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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如电影《超级战舰》提醒我们,没人能保证外星侵略者从何处开始发起攻击。以海战为例,美国海军当前正寻求对俄亥俄级核动力潜艇进行更新换代。新潜艇将于2029年服役,大多数俄亥俄级潜艇装载弹道导弹——每艘潜艇最多可携带24枚——并形成美国核武的海上攻击力量。新潜艇名称为“SSBN-X未来二代潜艇。据乐观估计,每艘新潜艇的成本至少49亿美元,也有估计称高达90亿美元。这确实相当昂贵,尤其是在财政紧缩时期,飞涨的国防成本已经受到各方批评。但是,如果新潜艇能拯救人类免于灭绝,美国国会肯定还是会为自己花这笔钱的。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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反潜艇持续跟踪无人舰艇sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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看过电影《深渊》(The Abyss) 或 《深海圆疑》(Sphere)的人(好吧,只有很少的人看过《深海圆疑》)都知道,外星人的威胁可能会来自海底,对外星人来说,这与从太空发动袭击一样容易。但是,我们希望很快就有能力追踪他们在海底的行动准备。“反潜艇持续跟踪无人舰艇”是独立、无人的水面舰艇,专门设计用来追踪海底“最无声”的潜艇。与现有的无人水面舰艇会有不同,它能在公海独立行动,而不是依附于其他水面舰艇。美国将迎来无人舰艇的时代,那外星人呢?sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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极度精确的任务型弹药sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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外星人的移动极其快速,因此瞄准并击落他们很有难度。这对人类狙击手来说是个难题,但这也会很快解决。五角大楼国防高级研究项目局正在研发世界上第一个“引导型子弹”。这类子弹射击之后能改变轨道。2009年时代杂志撰文披露,“该项目研发的子弹,一旦朝某个特定的目标射击,就能通过改变路径直至击中。”当入侵者以寄生虫的形态进入人类身体,并偷偷生长,最终捅破肚皮鲜血四溅之前,这种子弹迟早能用上。实际上,子弹在那个时候不会有什么帮助,但是“宁可事先谨慎有余,也不要事后追悔莫及”。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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精准的瞄准器sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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如果发生地面战争,不知道我们将要面对的外星人是笨重的爬行大虾还是敏捷的异形,但是只要配备车载“瞄准线检测单元”,我们就会胸有成竹。“瞄准线检测单元”安装有视觉与红外相机,无论是在静止还是运动的条件下,均能“探测、定位并瞄准射击手,同时还能挫败多种形式的威胁,如子弹、火箭弹、反坦克导弹及直接开火的大炮”。核心理念是以足够快的速度探测与分析威胁,使自动化系统或军车中的部队能及时反应。“魅力四射”吧!sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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流体动力学磁发电机爆炸装置sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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在地面上,人类战士如果装备有这些子弹,那么跟小小的绿色敌手对阵时还是有优势的。这类子弹的名称为“万磁王”(Magneto),与《X战警》(X-Men)超级变异人的名字一样。这种子弹 “以压缩的磁场流发电机(CMFG)驱动,采用水流动力方式形成金属喷流。”国防高级研究项目局有意模煳精确的意思。但似乎是想利用磁场将融化的金属击向目标。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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自适应装甲sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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外星人或许已经有能力以红外线跟踪并观察目标,就如同“捕食者”无人机。但自从有了英国宇航系统公司的“像素点装甲系统”,这已不成为问题。适应性装甲以层层的六边形“像素点”覆盖于军车之上,能迅速改变其温度。军车上装载的热照相机可抓拍远景,并改变军车的热信号,使之在红外扫描中不被探测到。它甚至能模仿其他军车的热信号来掩饰真实的目的。当然,如果你未进入装备自适应的军车,又不想被红外线扫描探测,你还可以像电影中的施瓦辛格那样,用泥浆把自己覆盖起来。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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空基系统sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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当人类与星际入侵者爆发战争时,战场将是真正全球性的。近期,空基系统以拖延时间与成本超支而臭名昭著,但当外星导弹开始飞向地球时,我们还是应该为耗资数十亿美元的项目感到高兴。洛克希德•马丁与诺思罗普•格鲁曼公司牵头研发的空基系统将由一系列卫星(包括椭圆轨道卫星与地球同步卫星)与地面数据处理中心组成,以探测地球上任何地方导弹发射与核弹爆炸的情况。第一颗精心设计的空基系统卫星于2011年发射,但我们希望,在“邪恶之神”洛奇敞开地狱之门之前,其他系统配套设备能尽快就位。sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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NASA has announced that at the launch in 1977, "Voyager 1" detector has arrived in the solar system edge, which means that the first human interstellar messenger "is expected soon after the first out of the solar system into interstellar space.    Well, let us imagine rambled, Human Starry Messenger "encounter aliens how to do? Or, even worse situation, if you are not friendly aliens diverted to the Earth, launched attacks to humans how should I do? Human beings to resist an alien invasion, have mastered the appropriate weapons?    U.S. Foreign Policy "magazine website recently published a" super-battleship Earth "Battleship Earth, article, the disclosure of the U.S. Pentagon to be used against the aliens" ten general "space weapons. The main content is as follows:    Summer, the Hollywood blockbuster series of fiery debut. Cost of great action films such as "the Avenger Union" (the Avengers), "super battleship" (Battleship), and "Prometheus" (Prometheus) reminds us that there is one thing that can unite all Americans: attacks on aliens common fear of the Earth. These films also inform the world, when the universe Fleet invasion, mankind in the face of the interstellar aggressor, will not easily surrender. We will work closely together, hand in hand to repel armed with incredibly sophisticated weapons of the aliens ... But we in the end with what weapons? We are really ready for a good resistance to the alien colonists?    Fortunately, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), with several of the world's largest arms manufacturers to work together is designed to create a weapon of the future. From the jet to supersonic aircraft equipped with a laser, then the invisibility cloak, "armed to the teeth" of the human may be in order to save the Earth with the alien a fair duel. You might think I was joking, but if not as a training manual, NASA Why should the "Avenger Union transfer to the International Space Station screenings? Here let us look at some of the most weapons of the value of the universe invented now being developed.    High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System    This official-sounding name, considerable efforts, but do not be fooled - this is awesome laser weapon. The U.S. Defense Advanced Projects Agency is developing the weapon, the reason why these advanced laser weapon value, because they can use the speed of light and strength to resist the multiple threats ". Weapons-grade laser has now become a reality, but in actual air combat too bulky. The Defense Advanced Projects Agency to create a sufficient portable 150 kilowatt laser weapons, and equipment of the fighter. When the alien mothership sent the first batch of UFO formations, this laser weapons can come in handy.    Supersonic aircraft    As confirmed by the movie "The Battle of Yavin, the students, sometimes the fate of the universe due to a number of high-speed aircraft. However, we intend to fell the elan of the interstellar enemy, not only flying skills. We need some very high-tech fighters to repel the alien fleet, "Falcon the HTV-2" sounds like a perfect example. So let's take a moment to appreciate the technical data from the Defense Advanced Projects Agency:    Falcon the HTV-2 is an unmanned, by rocket launchers, aircraft control. Sliding speed of the Earth's atmosphere was incredible about 13,000 miles per hour. "Falcon the HTV-2" from New York to Los Angeles in less than 12 minutes flying time. "Falcon the HTV-2" or a "data truck which is equipped with a large number of sensors to gather information in an uncertain operating within.    Really magical! Designers is how to create such an incredible aircraft? Hey, they do not - have not yet succeeded. A recent flight test in August 2011, the results 36 minutes after takeoff, the ground lost contact. , According to later reports, "Falcon the HTV-2 flight speed is too fast, so that the shell off.    Aviation adaptive aero-optical speed of light control system    Study alien TIE fighters and Cylon Raiders "video, we know from a handling point of view, a small alien spacecraft also advanced our most advanced fighter aircraft. So when the flight or flight boys girls and alien warriors when fighting, let us hope they are equipped from the Defense Advanced Projects Agency is developing the project. The project aims to crack down on the target (such as incoming missiles), enhance the performance of high-energy laser on the aircraft. "This may be the fight in the still difficult to win, but at least wait for the armored forces to aid us time.    Disc rotor helicopter    Everyone knows that the alien flying saucer on the runway before take-off does not require bulky to glide - vertical take off, perfect balance and choose any direction to move quickly. The helicopter is also a vertical lift of the human, but even the best design will be limited on the ground situation, as the attack on Osama bin Laden's MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, although the feats in the attacks, but also "helpless" fold destroyed the scene. The disc rotor helicopter is actually a combination of helicopters and aircraft, it can not only vertical takeoff and landing, but also to put away the rotor blades, relying on fixed-wing, high-speed flight mode, like an airplane flight. This right to resist an alien invasion? I hope so.    Re-designed nuclear-powered submarines    If the movie "super battleship" to remind us that no one can guarantee where the alien invaders from attack. For example, the U.S. Navy is currently seeking the replacement of the Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarines to naval warfare. The new submarines will be in 2029 serving most of the Ohio-class submarines loaded ballistic missiles - each submarine can carry up to 24 - and the formation of the maritime strike forces of the U.S. nuclear weapons. The name of the new submarines SSBNs-X second-generation submarine, according to optimistic estimates, the cost of new submarines at least $ 4.9 billion, estimates that up to $ 9 billion. This is really quite expensive, especially in times of fiscal austerity, the soaring defense costs has been criticized from all sides. However, if the new submarines to save mankind from extinction, the U.S. Congress must still spend the money for themselves of.    The antisubmarine keep track of unmanned ships    Seen the movie "The Abyss" (The Abyss,) or "deep-sea round the suspect (the Sphere) (OK, only a few people have seen the deep-sea round the suspect") know, alien threats may come from the seabed this attack from space, the alien is as easy. However, we hope to soon have the ability to track their operational readiness in the seabed. "Anti-submarine unmanned ships to keep track of is the independent, unmanned surface vessels, specifically designed to track the sea" the most silent submarine. With the existing unmanned surface vessels will be different, it can act independently on the high seas, rather than attached to the other surface ships. The United States will usher in the era of unmanned ships that alien?    Extremely precise task of ammunition    Alien is moving extremely fast, so the target and shoot down them very difficult. Human sniper is a problem, but this will be resolved soon. The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing the world's first "boot bullet." After the firing of such bullets can change the track. 2009 Time magazine article disclosed the bullets of the project R & D toward a specific target shooting, you can change the path until it hit. "Form of the parasite into the human body when the intruder, and secretly growth, eventually pierce the belly before the blood splattered, bullet sooner or later can be used on. In fact, the bullet at that time will not have any help, but would rather advance more than cautious, and do not post rude awakening ".    Precision of sight    The event of a ground war, do not know that we will have to face the alien is the bulky crawling prawns or agile shaped, but with a car "line of sight detection unit, we will confidently. "Line of sight detection unit installed in the visual and infrared cameras, whether at rest or exercise conditions, can detect, locate and target shooters, but also to defeat the various forms of threats, such as bullets, rockets, anti-tank missiles, and direct fire cannon. " The core concept is fast enough detection and analysis of threat forces in the automated system or military vehicles to a timely response. "Glamorous"!    Fluid dynamics magneto explosive devices    On the ground, the human soldiers are equipped with these bullets, then with a small green rival against advantage. The name of such bullets as "Magneto (Magneto is) the name of the super mutants, and" X-Men (X-Men). The driver of the magnetic field compression in this bullet to the flow generator (CMFG) hydrodynamic formed metal jets, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency intends to die burnt the precise meaning. But it seems to want to use the magnetic field to molten metal hit the target.    Adaptive armor    Aliens may have the ability to track and infrared observation of the target, like the Predator UAV. However, since with British Aerospace Systems pixel armor system, which has not become a problem. Adaptive Armour leads the layers of hexagonal pixels covering on top of military vehicles, can quickly change its temperature. Military vehicles loaded on the thermal camera can capture sweeping vistas, and change the thermal signal of the military vehicles, and not be detected in the infrared scan. It can even mimic the heat signature of other military vehicles to conceal the true purpose. Of course, if you did not enter the military vehicles equipped with adaptive, they do not want to be infrared scanning detection, you can also like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie as mud to cover up.    Space-based systems    When humans with interstellar intruders outbreak of war, the battlefield is truly global. Recently, space-based systems to delay the time and cost overruns notorious But when the alien missiles began to fly the Earth, we should be a multibillion-dollar project was pleased. Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman-led R & D space-based system will be a series of satellites (including elliptical orbit satellite and geostationary satellite) and ground data processing center to detect any place on Earth missile launch the situation with the nuclear bomb. First a well-designed space-based systems satellite launch in 2011, but we hope, before the "evil god" Rocky open the gates of hell, the other system equipment in place as soon as possible.sh8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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