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上海机场多个航班延误 旅客情绪激动冲击柜台(组图)


Shanghai airport flight delays, passengers emotional impact of the counter


XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月21日晚,北京、广州相继出现雷暴天气,虹桥机场出港航班亦受到影响,近千名旅客滞留2号航站楼,期间有部分旅客因不满东航航班长时间延误,竟向登机口柜台发起了“进攻”。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨天,北、广、深等地又遭雷雨袭击,空港运行再次受阻,上海虹桥、浦东两机场的数百个进出港航班晚点。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

东航航班延误11小时XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月21日,广州、深圳机场遭遇雷暴天气,流量控制严重,数百架航班进出港延误,北京机场上空也被雷雨覆盖,全天取消航班达26架次。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

受此影响,多架原计划从上海飞往京、穗、深的航班只能将起飞时间一推再推,当晚虹桥机场滞留旅客有近千人。长时间的等待让一些旅客情绪激动。如原定16:30从上海飞往深圳的东航MU5283航班,一直到次日凌晨1点仍未有动静,焦躁的旅客因讨不到说法,开始向登机口柜台发起“进攻”。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友“鳄鱼王子V”昨日1:33发布微博称:由于航班等待时间过长,且东航规定不能退票,最终登机口引发了一场混乱。他发布的图片显示,大量旅客聚集在登机口,饼干、面包等食物散了一地,隔离护栏也被推倒,很多人都怒目圆睁,还有人高举双拳,向工作人员大声抗议。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对此,东航方面的解释为:在等候期间,工作人员已经通告航班动态信息,并提供了食品和饮料。 “个别旅客不接受宾馆住宿安排,机场派出所民警前往劝导。 ”XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

机场方面则表示,机场警方接警后立即加强现场秩序维护,开展法制宣传,劝阻旅客过激行为。最终,MU5283于昨日3:45起飞。截至昨日9时许,此前延误航班已全部飞离虹桥机场。期间,未发生扰乱机场秩序的治安案件。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨日又有数百架次航班延误XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨日,深圳和广州再次遭遇恶劣天气,上海至广州的航班陆续备降桂林等地。 14时至18时,该航线上的众多航班无一准点,一些航空公司干脆取消了20时左右的航班。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

相同情况也出现于上海至深圳航线。受雷雨影响,原定昨日下午从上海至深圳航班超过一半均被取消,另有多个班次延误。 15时前后,数家公司启动了深圳地区的大面积延误蓝色预警。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

截至昨晚20时30分,浦东机场进出港航班中有253架次出现延误,虹桥机场则有223架次航班宣告晚点。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

根据气象信息,明后几天上海也将遭遇雷雨天气,机场进出港航班可能会受到影响。机场方面提醒旅客,遭遇航班延误或取消,旅客应克制情绪,避免过激行为。根据《民用航空安全保卫条例》规定,旅客不得无证进入机场控制区;随意穿越航空器跑道、滑行道;强行登、占航空器等,违反者将依照依据《治安管理处罚法》规定处罚,情节较重的可依照《刑法》相关规定追究刑事责任。XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

On the evening of June 21, Beijing, Guangzhou, have thunderstorms, Hongqiao Airport departing flights were also affected, nearly a thousand passengers stranded in Terminal 2, during the long delay of some of the visitors because of dissatisfaction with China Eastern Airlines flight, actually to the gate counter launched the "offensive".Yesterday, the attacks of the North, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places will again be thunderstorms, airport run again blocked, Shanghai Hongqiao and Pudong airports hundreds of inbound and outbound flights delayed.China Eastern Airlines flights were delayed 11 hoursJune 21, Guangzhou, Shenzhen Airport suffered thunderstorms serious, flow control, hundreds of flights in and out of delay, over the Beijing airport thunderstorm coverage, cancellation of flights throughout the day up to 26 vehicles.Affected by this, the original plan for the aircraft to fly from Shanghai to Beijing, Guangzhou, deep flights can only be taken off the time-delayed night Hongqiao Airport stranded passengers there are one thousand. The long wait for some passengers emotional. Scheduled to fly from Shanghai to Shenzhen 16:30 Eastern Airlines MU5283 flight, no movement until 1:00 the next day, anxious passengers were given no argument, began to be launched to the boarding gate counter "offensive".Users crocodile Prince V "Yesterday 1:33 microblogging: flights to wait too long, and China Eastern Airlines provisions can not refund the final gate led to a confusion. He released pictures show, the large crowds of visitors gathered at the gate, biscuits, bread and other food scattered over the ground, the separation barrier has also been torn down, many people are angry staring eyes, also hold high fists, loud protest to the staff.In this regard, the CEA's explanation: during the waiting period, the staff has been communicated to the flight dynamic information, and provides food and beverages. Individual travelers do not accept hotel accommodation arrangements, airport police station to persuasion. "The airport is said to strengthen the order at the scene immediately after the airport police alarm maintenance, the legal system propaganda to discourage visitors excesses. Ultimately, the MU5283 at 3:45 yesterday to take off. As of 9 pm yesterday, after the delayed flights have all departed Hongqiao Airport. Period did not occur to disturb the public order cases, the order of the airport.Yesterday, there are hundreds of flights were delayedYesterday, Shenzhen and Guangzhou in bad weather, flights from Shanghai to Guangzhou, one after another alternate Guilin. 14:00 to 18:00, the number of flights on the route one accurate point, some airlines simply canceled flights around 20:00.The same situation also appears in the route from Shanghai to Shenzhen. Impact by thunderstorms, originally scheduled for yesterday afternoon flights from Shanghai to Shenzhen, more than half have been canceled, otherwise multiple frequency delay. Around 15:00, the company launched a large area of ​​the Shenzhen area to delay the blue warning.As of 20:30 last night, 253 vehicles delays Pudong Airport inbound and outbound flights, Hongqiao Airport, 223 flights declared late.Based on meteorological information, the next few days, Shanghai will also encounter a lightning storm, airport arrival and departure flights may be affected. The airport to remind travelers suffered flight delays or cancellation, passengers should be restrained emotion, to avoid excesses. According to civil aviation security provisions of the Ordinance, the passenger shall not be without a license to enter the airport control area; Crossing aircraft runway or taxiway; force their way, accounting for aircraft, etc., violators shall be punished in accordance with the basis for the Security Administration Punishment Law, the plot than the weight can be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Penal Code.XhbRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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