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Israel found that the precious gold treasures of 3,000 years ago biblical times


北京时间6月21日消息,据美国国家地理网站报道,以色列考古学家近期在以色列默基多地区一处废墟中挖掘出大量圣经时代的名贵珠宝和称为“紧急宝藏”的古代货币等宝藏。美国国家地理网站近日通过一组图集详细介绍了此次考古发现的重要成果。出土的文物向人们展现了三千多年前中东地区的人们生活画面,其中包括他们面对危险逃离家园时紧急留下宝藏的情景。LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

考古学家介绍说,“尽管被埋藏了1000多年,这些名贵珠宝和‘紧急宝藏’还是在以色列重见天日。即便埋藏他们的家族已经让这些宝藏逃过了无以计数的危险。”在上个月出土的具有3000多年历史的戒指和耳饰是在一处房子废墟中的一个陶罐中被发现的。虽然2010年这处废墟就已经被发掘出来,但是直到去年,考古学家们才完全清理出里面的文物,开始了相关的研究。以色列特拉维夫大学考古学家撒列尔-芬克尔斯坦介绍说,“这些珍宝可能是属于一户富有的迦南人。迦南人是5000年前开始居住于巴勒斯坦和腓尼基地区的闪族人。”以色列外交部称,这些在默基多地区附近发现的文物应该可以称得上圣经时代最珍贵的宝物之一。LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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精美的耳饰LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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芬克尔斯坦认为,“这是一件非常难以置信的文物。”他对这一装饰了野生山羊形状的金耳饰赞不绝口。“当我们在默基多进行发掘工作的时候,我们一般都能发现一些比较普通的耳饰。它们有着简单的设计。但是这个耳饰的设计要好得多,也显得更大一些,它看起来更加用心制作。据我们所知,这是黎凡特地区发现的唯一一件类似的文物。”黎凡特地区包括了东地中海地区和周边的内陆地区,包括以色列、约旦、黎巴嫩、叙利亚和其他一些中东地区。LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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高山上的城市LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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芬克尔斯坦介绍说,“默基多是一座著名的迦南城市,它始建于公元前11世纪。人们都认为这里的珠宝都被藏起来了,被埋葬在这一层一层的沉淀物之下。当时埃及人统治这个地区的时候,这些废墟得以从埃及人的搜刮中逃脱。这个3000多年历史的遗址是在一个出土过很多象牙雕饰的遗址附近被发现的。所以,这个地方可能是这个城市财富最集中的地区。这些珠宝拥有者的社会地位可以从这个宝库本身的质量和里面出土的文物质量以及这个遗址的建筑结构来推测。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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平实的外包装LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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芬克尔斯坦介绍说,“这些布满裂痕的陶瓷碎片是从这个宝库中出土的有3000多年历史的文物之一。不过这个容器本身却显得那么的平实。他们把宝藏放在一个容器中,然后把容器安放在房间的一角,然后用两个碗盖住它们,就这么简单。我们可以这么猜测,他们当时或许没有足够的时间来把这些宝藏埋到地底下去了,当时房子已经被点燃,而且他们也再也回不来了。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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这些出土的铁器时代的玛瑙珠与当时埃及地区的工艺相吻合,或许它们就是在当时从埃及地区进口过来的。芬克尔斯坦研究团队在开始新一轮发掘工作的时候,对这些问题很感兴趣。芬克尔斯坦表示,“我们猜测这些文物出现的时间大约是在公元12世纪末期埃及霸权崩塌之后的一段时间。当然,也可能是在埃及王朝的末期。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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多层夹心“蛋糕”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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作为圣经故事中善与恶的交战地,默基多城现在成为了考古学家煞费苦心地发掘这段历史的最佳地点,即便这里已经被历史层层掩埋。从公元前7000年到圣经时代,这个城市在陆路贸易路线上是关键的一站。在相当长的一段时间内,这个城市拥有着连续性的文明,包括迦南人、埃及人、以色列人和波斯人,这些混合起来的文化创造了一个对于考古学家来说无法抗拒的夹心蛋糕。LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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紧急宝藏LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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在6月5日,以色列文物管理局考古学家埃米尔-阿拉德杰姆展示了四枚发现于Qiryat Gat城附近罕见的古罗马钱币,这些文物是以色列最近的第二批黄金出土文物的一部分。阿拉德杰姆介绍说,“这些大约2000年前的文物属于公元132年至135年的Bar-Kokhba起义时期。Bar-Kokhba起义是历史上最激烈的反抗罗马人的起义。这次起义持续了长达3年的时间,最后这一地区的人们得到了自由。但好景不长,后来罗马人又杀回来了,摧毁了那里所有的社区,杀掉了所有的人。这也解释了为什么现在看到宝藏都是被遗弃在长时间无人居住的家中的现象。我们把这样的宝藏称为紧急宝藏,就是当你发现敌人杀过来了的时候,赶紧把所有值钱的东西都藏在一起,以备自己日后回来还能再找到。当然在这个例子中,人们都没能再回来寻找他们埋下的宝贝。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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罕见的花LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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阿拉德杰姆介绍说,这一枚纯金制造拥有2000年的历史的花型耳饰很明显是属于一个富贵人家。一般来说,在罗马地区,人们通常是用石头制作耳饰然后附上金箔让它们看起来是金子做的。这是在一处古罗马和拜占庭时期的建筑外面发现的,当时这耳饰和其他一些值钱的物品被布料包裹着埋在地下以保其安全。LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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不可磨灭的印象LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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阿拉德杰姆介绍说,“这枚罗马时期的戒指,是水牛城出土文物之一。它可能原来被用作火漆印章,上面印着一位穿着长袍的妇女。我们猜测这个人物可能是胜利女神-罗马的维多利亚女神。这枚戒指上的雕刻非常具有象征性。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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古老的钱币LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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此次考古发现的成果,不只是那些2000多年前在中东地区罕见的罗马皇帝图拉真在位时期的金质钱币,还有140枚银质钱币。与4枚金币对比,这些银质钱币已经被腐蚀得面目全非了。一起出土的宝藏还包含了一些不起眼的物件,这些物件最初的目的是为了在危险临近的时候保护这些之前的东西。与这些钱币和珠宝一起发现的,还有两把银质的汤匙。基于对同时期罗马遗址,包括庞贝城遗址出土文物的研究,阿拉德杰姆认为,“这些汤匙要么是平时食用的食具,要么是医用器械。但是不论出于何种用途,它们都是值钱的文物,不管因为它们是银质的还是因为它们是作为特殊的器具。”LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Beijing, June 21, according to the report of the National Geographic website, Israeli archaeologists in the ruins of Israel Moji in a recent dig out a large number of biblical times, expensive jewelry and ancient currency known as the "emergency Treasure Treasure . National Geographic site has a Photo Set details the important results of the archaeological discoveries. The unearthed relics to show people the picture of life for people three thousand years ago in the Middle East, where they face the danger to flee their homes, emergency leave treasures scenarios.LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The archaeologist said, "Although it was buried 1,000 years, these precious jewels and 'emergency treasure' or brought to light in Israel even buried their family has to make these treasures escaped the danger of countless" last month rings and earrings with 3,000 years of history unearthed in a jar in the ruins of a house was found. Although the ruins of 2010 has been uncovered, but it was not until last year, archaeologists have to fully clean out the relics inside, and began related research. The Salie Er - Finkelstein, Israel Tel Aviv University archaeologists said, "these treasures belong to a wealthy Canaanite Canaanites 5,000 years ago living in Palestine and Phoenician Semitic "Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that these relics found in the Moji more than in the vicinity should be regarded as one of the most precious treasures of biblical times.LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Beautiful earringsLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Finkelstein, "This is an incredible heritage." He full of praise on this decorative gold earrings the shape of wild goats. In Moji, excavations, we generally can find some of the more common earrings. They have a simple design, but much better design of the earrings, but also look bigger, it looks more carefully executed. According to our knowledge, this is the Levant region found only one similar heritage. "Levant region, including the eastern Mediterranean region and the surrounding inland areas, including Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and some other Middle East region.LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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City in the mountainsLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Finkelstein said, "Moji more than a well-known cities of Canaan, which was founded in the 11th century BC people think that where the jewels are hidden, buried in layers of sedimentation matter under when the Egyptians ruled the region, these ruins are to escape from the Egyptians plundered the ruins of the 3,000 years of history is to be found at an unearthed near the site of a lot of ivory carving, so this place may be is the most concentrated areas of urban wealth. jewelry owner's social status to infer from this treasure trove of quality and which cultural relics unearthed quality as well as the construction of the site structure. "LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Plain packagingLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Finkelstein said, "These are covered with cracks in the ceramic debris from this treasure trove of unearthed cultural relics of 3,000 years of history, but the container itself is so plain. Their treasures in a container, container placed in the corner of the room, then cover them with two bowls, so we can guess so, they may not have enough time to bring these treasures buried in the earth, when the house has been lit. and they never come back. "LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Unearthed Iron Age agate beads, consistent with the process of Egypt, they may at the time imported from Egypt over. Finkelstein research team began a new round of excavations on these issues with great interest. Finkelstein said, "We suspect that these relics appear about the period of time after the collapse of the Egyptian hegemony in the late 12th century, of course, may also be the end of the dynasty in Egypt."LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Multi-layer sandwich cake "LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As fighting between good and evil in the biblical story to Moji many cities now become the best place to archaeologists painstakingly explore this history, even here has been the history of buried layers. From 7000 BC to biblical times, the city is a key station in the overland trade routes. Quite a long period of time, the city has the continuity of civilization, including the Canaanites, Egyptians, Israelis and Persians, these mixed-up culture to create an irresistible archaeologists sandwich cake .LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Emergency treasuresLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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June 5, the emir of the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist - Arad Jim shows four found in Qiryat Gat, near the city of rare Roman coins, these relics are part of Israel's recent second batch of gold archaeological finds . Arad Jim said, "These are about 2000 years ago, the relics belonging to the AD 132 to 135 years, the Bar-Kokhba uprising period. Bar-Kokhba revolt was most intense in the history of the uprising against the Romans. The uprising lasted up to three years, and finally the people of this region free, but did not last long, and later the Romans to kill back, destroying where all communities, kill all the people. This also explains why now see the treasures are being abandoned in the house long uninhabited phenomenon. we have this treasure called the emergency treasure when you find enemies to kill came, and quickly all the valuable things are hidden together. back but also to prepare for his own future, to find, of course, in this example, people no longer come back to find their buried treasure. "LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Rare flowersLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Jim Allard said, This is a pure gold 2000 history of the flower earrings obviously are a rich people. In general, in Rome, people often is made with stones earrings and then attached to the foil so that they appear to be made of gold. This is found outside the building of a Roman and Byzantine periods, these earrings and other valuable items to be fabric wrapped buried in the ground in order to maintain its security.LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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An indelible impressionLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Allard, Jim said, "While the Roman ring, is one of the Buffalo archaeological finds, it may originally have been used as a wax seal, printed a robed women. We hypothesize that this figure could be the goddess of victory - Rome Victorian goddess. engraving on the ring is very symbolic. "LNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Ancient coinLNZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The results of the archaeological discoveries, not just 2,000 years ago in the Middle East a rare Roman emperor Trajan during the reign of gold coins, 140 silver coins. In contrast with the four gold coins, these silver coins have been eroded beyond recognition. With unearthed treasures also contains some obscure object, the original purpose of these objects in order to protect these things before the approaching danger. Found together with these coins and jewelry, as well as two silver spoons. Based on the same period of Roman ruins, including the study of the Pompeii ruins of archaeological finds, Allard, Jim, "These spoons or usually eating utensils, or medical equipment, but for whatever purposes they are worthless artifacts, because they are silver or because they are a special apparatus.
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