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Chiang Kai-shek to save Chiang Ching-kuo from the the Su conditions


2月13日日记里,蒋介石叹息家庭破裂,“儿子远在他乡”。宋美龄显然也又和他讨论到蒋经国。他在日记中写下:“任何人认我为父,就必须承认我妻美龄为母。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蒋介石和儿子蒋经国(资料图)gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本文摘自《蒋经国传》,[美]陶涵 著,林添贵 译,华文出版社gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1930年12月初,宋庆龄在南京拜会蒋介石,讨论国民党抓到的一个叫牛兰(Hilaire Naulen)的状况。波兰人牛兰在被捕之前,从上海主持中国共产党的地区支部,也被认为负责印度、菲律宾、马来西亚、朝鲜、越南和日本各地的共产党之活动。宋庆龄是替莫斯科出面,提议国民党释放牛兰夫妇,换取蒋经国回到中国。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这倒是恰如其时的接触,因为蒋介石开始思念起滞居异国的儿子。1931年1月25日,6年来的第一次,蒋介石在日记里间接提到经国;他记下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我年轻时,没有努力学好约束自己,因此上不知孝敬父母,下不知疼爱子女。今既思之,实在遗憾。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

11月28日,也就是宋庆龄在南京出现的前几天,蒋介石在日记里记下他对经国的感情:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我非常想念经国,我没有好好照顾他,实在不对。我对此殊觉抱歉。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蒋介石并没有立即对宋庆龄的提议作答,当他和美龄讨论这件事时,谈论的重点是子嗣问题。他在1931年12月15、16日两天的日记里分别记下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“自从他前往俄国,我就不再能见到我儿;而(中华)民国目前犹在襁褓。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“天啊,我既未能忠于党国,又未能孝敬母亲、照顾子女,真是惭愧……孙夫人要求我释放牛兰,换取经国回国,可是我宁愿让经国远谪苏联,甚至命丧异域,也不能放走一个罪人换他回来。人是否有后,国家是否受侵凌,都是天命注定,我岂能逆天?我不能违反法令、背叛国家、伤害父母令誉或虚掷生命。为了我儿,牺牲国家利益,并不值得。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

12月15日,蒋介石再次下野,辞去本兼各职,带着宋美龄离开南京,回到溪口。蒋介石躲在妙高台和雪窦寺思索、反省。他在12月27日的日记中写下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一个人得到后世记住,是因为他具有道德情操和功业成就,不是因为他有子嗣。中国历史上多少英雄、烈士、大官……都没有子嗣,可是他们的精神和成就永垂人世。我为自己担心经国遇害而断了子嗣,大为惭愧。如果经国未被俄国敌人杀害,即使我可能再也见不到他,我深信他在我告别人世之后还是会回来。如果我死,他才能回国,我真心希望早早谢世,以告慰双亲之灵。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蒋介石耿耿于怀的就是不能上慰祖先。孟子说:“不孝有三,无后为大。”然而,身为国家领导人,蒋氏认为他不能因私人目标做出小小让步。4天之后,他依然为自己的决定委决不下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我情绪极乱……忠孝不能两全,可谓生不如死。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,其他的大事需要他注意。就跟过去一样,各方函电涌至,恳求他回南京主持军政。蒋氏与汪精卫再次言和,带着夫人告别溪口,回到南京。稍后不久,日军攻击上海守军。(译按:淞沪战争)gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1933年6月间,王明发电报把流放到西伯利亚的蒋经国召回莫斯科。经国抵达时,王明告诉他,蒋介石在上海宣布,听说儿子即将回中国;如果消息属实,他会当即逮捕儿子。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

时间又过了两年,蒋介石其实又开始挂念远谪异国的儿子,但他是亲情牵羁,不是王明所称的怒意未消。2月13日日记里,蒋介石叹息家庭破裂,“儿子远在他乡”。宋美龄显然也又和他讨论到蒋经国。他在日记中写下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“任何人认我为父,就必须承认我妻美龄为母。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1934年夏天,蒋介石“剿匪”战事逐步进展,国民党部队在德国军事顾问协助下,节节进逼,也使莫斯科修正观点。经国由莫斯科回到斯维德洛夫斯克之后,中国政府主动“与俄国正式交涉”恢复南京及莫斯科之双边关系,以及“遣返蒋经国”的议题。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1934年10月16日,中共开始撤出江西的长征。斯大林一连几个月都在细细盘算蒋介石要求放经国归国一事。蒋经国在回忆录中提到,从8月到11月,国家安全部(NKVD)突然密切监视他的一举一动,两名特务每天形影相随跟踪他。在紧密监视的过程中,蒋经国被拔擢为乌拉尔马许工厂报刊《重工业日报》(Heavy Machinery)的副主编。按一般常理,受到严重怀疑的人,不会有机会得到这个宣传机关的职位,因此,特务可能是要查证经国的忠诚度。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

过了几个星期,国家安全部乌拉尔地区主管李希托夫(Lishtov)召见蒋经国,通知他,中国政府要求把他送回国。蒋经国说,李希托夫表示,国家安全部希望他写信给莫斯科的外交部,表明“你不愿意回到中国”。蒋经国声称他拒绝听命,几天后,李希托夫又对他说,中国大使馆有位秘书希望跟他会面。蒋经国和这位中国外交官单独会面,但邻室坐了两个人。这表示蒋经国不能自由发言。“我当然不敢多说话,也不敢透露希望回中国。我们只能谈谈国内的进步,以及我家人多么盼望我回国等等。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国驻苏大使馆立刻把和蒋经国接触的情形,向南京方面呈报。60多年之后,台北当局还不肯公开当年南京和驻莫斯科大使馆之间就这个议题的来往函电,突然忌讳蒋经国当时亲苏、反国民党的言谈会引起难堪、尴尬。1934年12月14日,蒋介石在日记中记下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“当我听到经国不愿由俄国回来,知道这纯是俄国敌人编造,故能平静处之。我能对此一笑置之,应该算是有了进步。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1937年初,蒋介石依然不能确定是否能再见到亲生骨肉。他在日记中写下:gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我深盼儿子能回来……但是若要我牺牲国家利益,我宁可无后。”蒋委员长没有承诺停止内战。此时,他的声望又告恢复,手上握有150万大军;空军虽然只有100架飞机,与日本相比是小巫见大巫,但是比起根本没有空中武力的毛泽东又强得多。由于听力障碍由美国陆军航空队退役的陈纳德(Claire Chennault)出任蒋介石的空军顾问。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2月间,莫斯科再次传唤蒋经国由史维德洛夫斯克进京,但是这一次要他带着家人及随身细软。工厂里许多同志来到斯维德洛夫斯克火车站,向他们认识的伊利札洛夫同志一家人道别,大家于寒风中在月台上唱歌、跳舞,举行茶会。蒋经国对朋友们宣称:“(苏共)中央派我到中国,以便把家父争取到我们这一边。”gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

镜头转到莫斯科,红军友人在伏特加酒和丰盛的菜肴助兴下告诉蒋经国,苏联会尽全力协助中国击退日本。当时还未遭到整顿的图哈切夫斯基元帅,极可能和他见面谈话。史狄孟尼可夫再次接见蒋经国,表示希望在蒋委员长领导下,中、苏关系日益密切。最高潮是经国进见斯大林话别,谈话主题无疑就是迫切需要成立抗日统一战线。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

3月初某个寒风刺骨的夜里,蒋廷黻大使接到使馆仆役的报告,有位中国客人到访,但是此人在未见到大使本人之前,不愿透露姓名。这位满脸笑容、两颊红润的青年访客进来后,立刻表明身份。蒋大使还来不及问话,经国已经问:“你认为我父亲希望我回国吗?”蒋大使向他担保,委员长渴望他能回国。1937年4月19日,苏联货轮缓缓驶进黄浦江,蒋经国伫立在甲板上眺望,芳娜抱着年仅两岁的孝文陪着他。岸上的工厂、船坞,远比经国记忆中来得多,污染越发严重。江湾岸边,日本海军第三舰队几艘军舰悄悄泊碇,灰色的帆布掩盖着舰上的炮管。gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

February 13 diary, Chiang Kai-shek sigh of broken families, "My son is far away". Kai-shek and his apparently discussed the Chiang Ching-kuo. In his diary he wrote: "Any person who recognized my father, you must admit that my wife Mei Ling as mother." Chiang Kai-shek and son Chiang Ching-kuo (data plan) This article is from the Chiang Ching-Chuan [U.S.] Tao Han, Lintian Gui translation, the Chinese Press In early December 1930, Soong Ching Ling in Nanjing, met with Chiang Kai-shek, to discuss the KMT caught a cow blue (Hilaire Naulen) status. Polish cattle Lan before his arrest, host regional branch of the Communist Party of China from Shanghai, is also considered responsible for the activities of the Communist Party of India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam and Japan around. Soong Ching Ling to come forward for Moscow, the proposed the KMT release Niu Lan and his wife, in exchange for Chiang Ching-kuo to return to China. This is indeed just as the contact time, because the lag from the Chiang Kai-shek began to miss the son of a foreign. January 25, 1931, six years for the first time, Chiang Kai-shek in the diary alluded to by the country; he write down: "When I was young, makes no effort to learn to restrain himself, therefore I do not know your parents, I do not know love their children. Jinji think of them, it is regret." November 28, which is a few days before the Soong Ching Ling in Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek in the diary to write down his feelings by country: "I very much miss Ching-kuo, I did not take good care of him, it is wrong, I am ill early." Chiang Kai-shek did not immediately Soong Ching Ling proposal to answer, when he and Mei Ling to discuss the matter, focusing mainly on the heirs. Respectively in the two days 15th and 16th December 1931 diary note of: "Since he went to Russia, I will no longer be able to see my children; (China), Republic of China is still in swaddling clothes." "God, I not only failed to be loyal to the party-state has failed to honor mothers, child care, really ashamed. Ms. Sun asked me to release the cattle Lan in exchange by the country to return, but I prefer to leave by the country much disgrace the Soviet Union, and even loss of life a foreign land, we can not let go of a sinner to change him back. whether the country by the humiliation, are destiny destined, how can I Guards? I can not violate the laws, betrayed the country and hurt the parents to make the reputation or squander life. To my children, at the expense of national interests, not worth it. " December 15, Chiang Kai-shek again step down and resigned as the chief of the functional, with Kai-shek left Nanjing, Back Xikou. Chiang Kai-shek hiding in the Myoko Taiwan and Xuedou Si thinking, self-examination. In his diary on December 27 wrote: A later remember, because he has the moral character and meritorious achievements, not because he has heirs. How many heroes and martyrs, a high official in the Chinese history ... all childless, but their spirit and achievements are down in this world. I worry about by the country killed off the heirs, greatly ashamed. If the country is not Russia an enemy killed, even though I may never see him again, I am confident he will be back after I leave this world. If I die, he can return home, I really want to die early, and to comfort the Spirit of the parents. Chiang Kai-shek is brooding on the comfort ancestors. Mencius said: "lack of filial piety, without issue." However, as a national leader, Chiang Kai-shek that he can not make a small concession for personal goals. Four days later, he still never for their own decided to appoint the following: "My mood is very chaotic ... Zhongxiao can not be reconciled, can be described as living death." However, other event needs his attention. Just like in the past, the parties to the influx of letters and telegrams, begged him back to Nanjing to preside over the military and political. Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei words and once again, with his wife farewell Xikou back to Nanjing. Slightly later, the Japanese attacked Shanghai garrison. (Translation: the Songhu war) June 1933, Wang Ming, power generation, exiled to Siberia, Chiang Ching-kuo recall to Moscow. By the arrival of the country, Wang Ming told him, Chiang Kai-shek announced in Shanghai, I heard that the son is about to return to China; If true, he would immediately arrest the son. Time over two years, Chiang Kai-shek in fact, began to miss much disgrace the son of the exotic, but his family led by the custodial, not Wang Ming call of anger still lingers. February 13 diary, Chiang Kai-shek sigh of broken families, "My son is far away". Kai-shek and his apparently discussed the Chiang Ching-kuo. In his diary he wrote: "Any person who recognized me father, you must admit that my wife Meiling for the mother." In the summer of 1934, Chiang Kai-shek "counterinsurgency" war gradually progress, the KMT forces in the assistance of the German military advisers, edging, also Moscow correction point of view. By the country from Moscow back to Las Sverdlovsk, after the Chinese government initiative with Russia, representations "to restore bilateral relations in Nanjing and Moscow, as well as the issues of repatriation of the Chiang Ching-kuo". October 16, 1934, the PRC began to withdraw from the Long March in Jiangxi Province. Stalin for several months, in the careful calculations of Chiang Kai-shek asked to take the issue by the country returned. Chiang Ching-kuo in his memoirs that, from August to November, the Ministry of State Security (by the NKVD) suddenly to closely monitor his every move, the two agents go hand every day to track him. Closely monitored the process, the Chiang Ching-kuo was promoted to the the Ula Palma Xu factory newspaper "heavy daily" (Heavy Machinery), deputy editor. General common sense, subject to serious doubt, not have the opportunity to get the propaganda organ of the post, so the spy to verification by the loyalty of the country. After a few weeks, the Ministry of State Security head of the Ural region Leahy Kostov (Lishtov,) summoned the Chiang Ching-kuo, informing him that the Chinese government asked him sent home. Chiang Ching-kuo, said Leahy Kostov said that the Ministry of National Security he wrote to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, that "you do not want to return to China. Chiang Ching-kuo claimed that he refused to take orders from a few days later, Leahy Kostov said to him, the Chinese Embassy a secretary would like to meet him. Chiang Ching-kuo and the Chinese diplomat, a separate meeting, but the neighboring room sat two people. This means that Chiang Ching-kuo can not speak freely. "Of course I can not speak, did not dare to give hope back to China. We can only talk about the progress of the domestic, as well as my family how I long I came back." Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union immediately contact and Chiang Ching-kuo case, reported to Nanjing. After 60 years, the Taipei authorities also refused to disclose the year between Nanjing and the embassy in Moscow on this issue correspondence and, suddenly taboo Chiang Ching-kuo was pro-Soviet, anti-Nationalist discourse would cause embarrassment, embarrassment. December 14, 1934, Chiang Kai-shek in a diary note of: "When I heard through the country do not want to come back, know that this is pure Russian enemies fabricated, and it could be the calm at and I can laugh about it, should be considered a progress by the Russian." In early 1937, Chiang Kai-shek still not sure whether I'll see flesh and blood. In his diary he wrote: "I sincerely hope that his son to come back ... but to me the expense of national interests, I'd rather not." Chiang Kai-shek did not promise to stop the civil war. At this point, his reputation and resume, hands to hold 1.5 million troops; Air Force 100 aircraft, compared with Japan pale into insignificance, but also much better than no air force Mao Zedong. Hearing impairment by the U.S. Army Air Force retired Chennault (Claire Chennault) as the Air Force advisor to Chiang Kai-shek. In February, Moscow again summoned to the Chiang Ching-kuo by 史维德洛夫 Intrinsic Beijing, but this time he took his family and carry valuables. Many comrades in the factories came to Las Sverdlovsk railway station, they know 伊利札洛夫 gay family say goodbye in the cold on the platform singing, dancing, a tea party held. Chiang Ching-kuo declared: friends (CPSU) Central sent me to China, in order to fight for my father to our side. " The scene turns to Moscow, the Red Army friends, vodka and hearty dishes add to the fun and told Chiang Ching-kuo, the Soviet Union will do its utmost to help repel Japanese. The rectification 图哈切夫斯基 marshal, had not yet been most likely to meet him to talk.史狄孟尼可夫 again met with Chiang Ching-kuo, and expressed the hope that under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, the Sino-Soviet relations have become closer. The climax is Jin Jian Ching-kuo Stalin bid farewell to the topic of conversation is undoubtedly an urgent need to set up anti-Japanese united front. A bleak night in early March, Contension ambassador received the report of the embassy servants, the Chinese guests visited, but Ambassador I is not seen before, the condition of anonymity. The smiles, rosy cheeks, young visitors came immediately identify. Jiang Ambassador had a chance to questioning, the country has asked: "Do you think my father I return home?" Jiang ambassador assured him, the chairman of the desire he can return home. April 19, 1937, the Soviet cargo ship pulled into the Huangpu River, Chiang Ching-kuo standing on the deck overlooking Fang Na holding only two years old Takafumi accompanied him. Shore factories, shipyards, more than the memory by the country, pollution is more serious. The Jiangwan shore, the Japanese Navy Third Fleet warships moored quietly anchor gray canvas cover up the barrel of the ship.gUhRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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