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Clinton: China is to cut Iran's oil imports


6月28日对伊朗的制裁生效前,美国已经对那些大幅减少进口伊朗石油的国家给予了制裁豁免权。美方称,这些国家的行动为美国对伊朗的制裁提供了协助。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而作为伊朗石油出口的大买家,中国迄今尚未得到美国的制裁豁免权。伊朗五分之一的石油销往中国。不过克林顿周三表示,不排除有向中国给予豁免权的可能。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

周三,克林顿在同美国前国务卿贝克举行会晤时说,"我们已看到中国正缓慢而稳步的采取行动","我必须根据美国的法律去证明,一些国家是否已减少了对伊朗的石油进口,就像我能够证明印度、日本和韩国这么去做了一样。"c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

克林顿还说,"我想,中国正朝着这个方向努力。"c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

承诺削减石油采购c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国和欧盟认为,伊朗以民用核计划为掩饰,试图制造核武器。而德黑兰方面予以否认,称核计划严格用于民用和平目的。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除欧盟27国已宣布禁止从伊朗进口石油外,其他伊朗石油的买家也在6月28日——美国制裁伊朗的法案生效前,对伊朗的石油进口减少了五分之一。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

实际上,早在今年3月,美国国务院就宣布,日本及包括法国、德国、希腊、意大利等10个欧盟国家获得制裁豁免权。但当时,伊朗的石油进口大国中国、印度和韩国都未在获得豁免权之列。直到美国确信,印度和韩国表现出"大幅减少"进口伊朗石油之后,两国才免遭美国制裁。此外,不久前在美国新公布的豁免名单中又增加了马来西亚等7个国家。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

去年年底,美国总统奥巴马签署了对伊朗加大制裁的法案。根据该法案,任何同伊朗央行有商业往来的外国企业同美国金融系统的联系将被切断。而中方曾多次表示,反对单边制裁强加第三国的做法。c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Before the commencement of the sanctions against Iran on June 28, the U.S. has substantially reduced for those countries to import Iranian oil to give sanctions immunity. The United States said that the actions of these countries have provided assistance to U.S. sanctions against Iran. As a big buyer of Iranian oil exports, China has yet to get U.S. sanctions immunity. Iran's fifth oil sold to China. But Clinton said on Wednesday that does not exclude the possibility to give immunity. On Wednesday, Clinton said in a meeting with former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, "We have seen that China is slowly but surely take action", "I have to prove that under the laws of the United States, some countries have reduced Iran's oil imports , just as I was able to prove that India, Japan and South Korea, so do the same. " Clinton also said, "I think China is moving in this direction." Commitment to cut oil procurement The United States and the European Union, Iran's civilian nuclear program as cover up, trying to produce nuclear weapons. Tehran denies the charges, saying its nuclear program is strictly for civilian and peaceful purposes. In addition to the EU-27 has announced a ban on other buyers of Iranian oil from Iran's oil imports in June 28 - before the commencement of the bill of U.S. sanctions against Iran, Iran's oil imports to reduce the fifth. In fact, as early as March of this year, the U.S. State Department announced that Japan and France, Germany, Greece, Italy and other 10 EU countries for sanctions immunity. But at that time, Iran's oil importer, China, India and South Korea, none of access out of the immunity. Until convinced that the United States, India and South Korea showed "significantly reduce the imports of Iranian oil, the two countries against the U.S. sanctions. In addition, in the newly published list of exemptions in the United States recently added seven countries such as Malaysia. Late last year, U.S. President Barack Obama signed a bill to increase sanctions against Iran. Under the Act, any foreign enterprises doing business with the Central Bank of Iran with the U.S. financial system will be cut off. The Chinese side has repeatedly expressed opposition to the practice of unilateral sanctions imposed on third countries.c7XRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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