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Investors are more pessimistic global economic outlook.


DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2012年6月21日星期四,全球股市平均下跌2%,布伦特原油价格跌至18个月来的最低点,主要由于中国、欧洲和美国都报告说,制造业发展进一步减速,导致投资人对全球经济前景感到更加悲观。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
在这些令人失望的经济数据公布的前一天,美国央行联邦储备委员会刚刚延长了其货币刺激计划,以提振美国经济。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
道琼斯指数暴跌250,使星期四成为三个星期来纽约股市表现最差的一天。高盛集团预期,标准普尔500指数会继续下滑,建议投资人卖空。黄金价格下降了2.5%,将今年来的收益一扫而空。而美元对其他主要货币则大幅升值。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
根据星期四公布的经济数据,欧元区的商业活动在6月份连续第五个月走软,中国制造业也继续萎缩,而海外市场需求减弱则使美国制造业增长减速。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
新的经济数据给全球经济前景蒙上更大的阴影。在人们对欧洲债务危机深感担忧的同时,美国和亚洲经济走势放缓,全球经济势必受到伤害,导致股票市场卖压沉重。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
星期四,道琼斯工业平均指数下跌250.82点,跌幅1.96%,以12,573.57收盘。标准普尔500指数损失30.18点,跌幅2.23%,以1,325.51作收。纳斯达克综合指数下跌71.36点,跌幅2.44%,收在2,859.09点。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
一天之前,美联储延长了公债收购计划,而不是像很多人预期的那样实施更加广泛的刺激措施,这使外汇投资人颇感失望。美联储是在对美国这个世界头号经济大国今明两年的经济增长和就业状况降低预期之后宣布这一决定的。美联储同时表示,假如形势继续恶化,央行将采取更多的刺激措施。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
在欧洲,初步的经济数据显示,欧元区17国制造业和服务业全面滑坡,工厂订单减少,失业人口增加,商业信心疲弱。就连欧洲经济的龙头老大德国都连续两个月欲振乏力,制造业活动处于三年来的最低水平。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
在亚洲,汇丰银行报告说,中国私营产业在6月份连续第八个月收缩,主要受到出口需求疲软的影响。而政府对于房地产市场的控制又给国内需求造成压力。经济学家预测,中国经济发展在今年第二季度势必连续第六个季度减速。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
在星期四的石油市场上,布伦特原油价格跌至18个月来的最低点,达到每桶89.23美元。纽约市场的原油价格收在每桶78.20美元,跌幅高达4%,达到2011年10月4日以来的最低点。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
欧洲市场和亚洲市场星期四也大都走软。DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Thursday, June 21, 2012, global stock markets fell by an average of 2 percent, the Brent crude oil prices dropped to the lowest point in 18 months, mainly due to China, Europe and the United States have reported that the development of the manufacturing industry further deceleration in investment of the global economic outlook was more pessimistic. The day before the announcement of disappointing economic data, the U.S. central bank Federal Reserve Board has just extended its monetary stimulus plan to boost the U.S. economy. The Dow Jones index tumbled 250, three weeks to the New York stock market performance the worst day on Thursday. Goldman Sachs Group expects the S & P 500 will continue to decline, it is recommended that investors short selling. Gold prices fell by 2.5 percent, this year's revenue to be swept away. While sharp appreciation of the dollar against other major currencies. Commercial activities according to economic data released Thursday, the euro area in June, the fifth consecutive month to weaken the Chinese manufacturing sector continued to shrink, while the overseas markets and weaker demand for U.S. manufacturing growth is slowing down. New economic data to the global economic outlook cast a larger shadow. People deeply worried about the debt crisis in Europe, the slowdown in the United States and Asian economic trends, the global economy is bound to hurt, leading to heavy selling of the stock market. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 250.82 points, down 1.96 percent, to 12,573.57 closing. Standard & Poor's 500 index lost 30.18 points, or 2.23 percent to close at 1,325.51. The Nasdaq composite index fell 71.36 points, or 2.44 percent, to close at 2,859.09 points.  A day before the Fed to extend the bond purchase program, rather than a lot of people expected to implement more extensive stimulus measures, which makes foreign investors disappointed. The Fed announced this decision is expected to reduce the United States, the world's largest economy, the next two years, economic growth and employment status. The Fed also said that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the central bank will take more stimulus measures. In Europe, the preliminary economic data show that the 17-country euro zone manufacturing and services a comprehensive landslide, factory orders to reduce unemployment to population growth, business confidence is weak. Even the leader of the European economy in Germany for two consecutive months are lacking, the lowest level of manufacturing activity in the past three years. In Asia, HSBC reported that Chinese private industry in June, the eighth consecutive month of contraction, primarily due to weak export demand. Government control of the real estate market gave domestic demand pressure. Economists predict that China's economic development for the sixth consecutive quarter in the second quarter of this year is bound to slow down. In the oil market on Thursday, Brent crude oil prices dropped to the lowest point in 18 months, reaching $ 89.23 a barrel. New York crude oil prices closed at $ 78.20 a barrel, a drop of up to 4 percent, the lowest point since October 4, 2011. Thursday, European and Asian markets mostly to weaken.DmyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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