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U.S. sites selected in 2012 the top ten best work and the ten worst


男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。男的绝对不能入错行,女的最好也能入对行。大学是关键阶段,选对了专业,也就是选对自己职业方向。选了倒霉的专业,毕业即等于失业;选了吃香的专业,尚未毕业,已经收到工作邀请了。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国著名的就业网站(CareerCast)前阵子作了一次调查,综合考虑身体要求、工作环境、收入、压力和雇佣前景 (physicaldemands, work environment, income, stress and hiringoutlook)等方面的因素,评选出2012年十大最佳工作和十大最差的工作。下面是最佳工作(bestjobs)名次。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第一名,软件工程师(SoftwareEngineer)。年收入88,142.00美元。主要是医疗、科学和产业用途的电脑软件系统的开发、研究和设计。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第二名,精算师(Actuary)。年收入88,202美元。精算师诠释统计数据来确定事故、生病、死亡和被盗和自然灾害造成的财产损失的几率。通常都受聘于保险公司,是个非常保险的工作。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第三名,人力资源经理(Human ResourcesManager)。年薪99,102美元。人力资源经理计划、指导或协调所有的人力资源活动和机构的职员。管理别人饭碗的人,当然不必担心自己的饭碗。通常都在大单位工作。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第四名,牙科保健员(DentalHygienist)。年薪68,109美元。其工作是协助牙医对群体的或个体的牙科病人的诊断和治疗。不是牙医。牙医平均年薪20万美元。美国国务卿年薪不到19万美元。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第五名,财务计划师(FinancialPlanner)。年薪104,161美元。投资组合管理,提供广泛的服务,目的在于帮助个体管理和计划他们的财务未来。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第六名,听力学专家(Audiologist)年薪67,137美元。工作是诊断和治疗听力问题。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第七名,职业治疗师(OccupationalTherapist)。年薪72,110美元。为那些精神、身体、情感等方面受损的人,开发个性化的活动项目(developsindividualized programs of activity),帮助他们“自力更生”(achievingself-reliance)。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第八名,网络广告经理(Online AdvertisingManager)。年薪87,255美元。计划、指导或协调广告政策、活动和网上的项目。因特网潜力无限,商机无限,网络广告经理需求日增。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第九名,电脑系统分析员Computer SystemsAnalyst。年薪78,148美元。为商业和科学机构计划、开发电脑系统。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第十名,数学家(Mathematician)。年薪99,191美元。应用数学理论和公式,在商业、教育或产业的领域,进行教学或解决问题。美国需要大量的数学人才。比如,任何人必须获得教师证书后才能担任公立中小学校教师,但是,数学教师可以例外,可以先上岗,而后补上证书。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第十名后还有许多相当不错的工作。第十一名至第二十名工作名称顺序如下。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

语言病理医师(SpeechPathologist),验光师(Optometrist),理疗学家(PhysicalTherapist),药剂师(Pharmacist),网站开发员(Web Developer),石油工程师(PetroleumEngineer),营养学家(Dietitian),统计员(Statistician),嵴椎 (推拿)治疗师(Chiropractor),社会学家(Sociologist)。qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Men fear the wrong profession, women are afraid to marry the wrong husband. Men must not be into the wrong line, the woman best to get into the row. The University is a critical stage, the election of a professional, that is, to choose their career direction. Chose the hapless professional graduation equals unemployment; choose a popular professional, has not yet graduated, and has received a job offer. The well-known U.S. Employment website (CareerCast) A while back, made a survey, considering the physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and employment prospects (physicaldemands, work environment, income, stress., And hiringoutlook) and other factors, selected in 2012 The top ten best work and the work of the ten worst. Here is the ranking of the best work (bestjobs). First, a software engineer (SoftwareEngineer). Annual income of $ 88,142.00. Medical, scientific and industrial use of computer software systems development, research and design. Second, an actuary (Actuary). Annual income of $ 88,202. The actuary interpretation of statistical data to determine accident, illness, death and stolen the chance of damage to property caused by natural disasters. Usually employed by an insurance company, is a very insurance. Third, Human Resources Manager (Human ResourcesManager). Annual salary of 99,102 dollars. Human resource managers for planning, directing, or coordinating all human resources activities and staff of the institutions. Management of the rice bowls of others, of course, do not have to worry about their jobs. Usually work in large units. Fourth, dental health workers (DentalHygienist). Annual salary of 68,109 dollars. Whose job is to assist the dentist on the diagnosis and treatment of the group or individual dental patients. Not a dentist. Dentists average annual salary of $ 200,000. U.S. Secretary of State salary of less than $ 190,000. Fifth, financial planner (FinancialPlanner). Annual salary of 104,161 dollars. Portfolio Management provides a wide range of services aimed at helping individuals manage and plan their financial future. Sixth, audiologists (Audiologist) annual salary of 67,137 dollars. The work is the diagnosis and treatment of hearing problems. Seventh, occupational therapist (OccupationalTherapist). Annual salary of 72,110 dollars. Mental, physical, emotional and other damage, the development of personalized activities (developsindividualized programs of activity), to help them become self-reliant "(achievingself-reliance). Eighth, online advertising manager (Online AdvertisingManager). Annual salary of 87,255 dollars. Plans, guidance or coordination of advertising policies, activities and online projects. The Internet has unlimited potential and unlimited opportunities, the increasing demand for online advertising manager. Ninth, computer systems analysts Computer SystemsAnalyst. Annual salary of 78,148 dollars. Plans for commercial and scientific institutions, the development of computer systems. Tenth, mathematicians (Mathematician). Annual salary of 99,191 dollars. The application of mathematical theories and formulas, in the field of business, education or industry, teaching or problem-solving. The United States needs a large number of mathematical talent. For example, any person must obtain a teacher certificate as the primary and secondary public school teachers, however, mathematics teachers can be an exception, first job, then make up a certificate. After 10 there are many very good work. Eleventh to the 20th name in the following order. Language pathologist (SpeechPathologist), optometrist (Optometrist), physiotherapy Jurists (PhysicalTherapist,), pharmacists (Pharmacist), site developer (Web Developer), Petroleum Engineers (PetroleumEngineer), nutritionist (Dietitian), Statistician ( statistician), the crest of vertebral (massage) therapist (Chiropractor), sociologist (Sociologist).qvCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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