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香港巨富南丰创始人辞世 两女一妻争千亿遗产(图) Nan Fung founder died two women and a wife compete one hundred billion heritage



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图为香港富豪、南丰集团创办人及主席陈廷骅jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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南丰集团第二代掌门人、陈廷骅之女陈慧慧jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

富豪的辞世往往让家族争产陷入白热化。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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6月18日,香港富豪、南丰集团创办人及主席陈廷骅的外孙女张添珞,对外公布了外祖父的死讯。这份声明称,陈廷骅已于6月16日逝世,享年89岁。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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而陈廷骅家族的争产案,却从其生前闹到了他去世,至今仍在继续。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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在香港,陈廷骅拥有“棉纱大王”、“地产大王”、“窝轮大王”等称号。他一手创立的南丰集团,业务横跨地产开发、投资、建筑及航运等几大领域。由于该公司在1989年从港交所退市,因此无法准确估量目前的资产价值。但据香港媒报道,目前南丰集团在香港拥有的物业估值已高达660亿港元,加上公司在美国等地区的物业投资,这个商业王国的资产超过1000亿港元。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2011年福布斯香港富豪榜上,陈廷骅以约203亿港元排行第14位。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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香港中文大学会计学院及财务学系联席教授范博宏告诉本报,生前没有将财产规划清楚,家庭成员沟通不良、关系恶化等,往往是富豪争产案爆发的导火索。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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姐妹情失jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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就是这样一个让人艳羡的富豪家族,其家庭关系却因庞大的资产而破裂。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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据港媒报道,在陈廷骅去世前,他的两位女儿陈慧芳和陈慧慧曾分别邀请高僧到医院为其祷告。一位接近南丰集团的消息人士告诉本报,此举是陈廷骅早前安排好的。他希望此举能换来两姐妹的合作,进而挽回她们已破裂的关系。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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“事与愿违,两姐妹似乎没有和好的意愿。”上述消息人士告诉本报。而负责宣布陈廷骅去世消息的负责人告诉本报,对此事暂不予置评。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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目前,陈慧慧掌管着香港南丰集团,而其姐姐陈慧芳则负责陈氏家族在美国的家族生意。陈廷骅的前妻杨福和亦卷入了两姐妹的纷争。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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这场“老死不相往来”的姐妹矛盾爆发已有多年。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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据港媒报道,1985年,陈廷骅已决定要将南丰集团传给陈慧慧,并开始着手安排此事。当时,其妻杨福和与陈慧芳均对此无异议。在1995年,陈廷骅已被诊断出患有老年痴呆症,并在1999年诊断出晚期前列腺癌。直到2002年,即父亲患病后7年,陈慧芳收到父亲的电话,称他曾签署了很多文件,但已经忘记了签署的文件的内容。陈慧芳与母亲开始询问杨慧慧这些文件的内容,后者不愿透露,三者矛盾爆发。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2010年,杨福和将女儿陈慧慧告上法庭。香港法院起诉书显示,2003年至2005年间,陈慧慧在处理陈廷骅的财产分配及建立家族信托等事项时,曾向父亲作出失实陈述,违反合约及诚信,杨福和要求陈慧慧作出赔偿、退还涉款及交出账目。至今,此案仍未审结。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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去年4月,陈廷骅与杨福和同意离婚,结束了逾半个世纪的婚姻。有消息称,杨福和分得100亿港元现金作赡养费,以及3个物业项目,但消息未经官方证实。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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千亿资产传承之谜jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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超过1000亿港元资产的商业王国,杨福和为何只获得100亿港元?jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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其中玄机似乎在家族信托基金和陈廷骅慈善基金会中。消息称,陈廷骅早前曾立下遗嘱,把95%的资产放入陈廷骅慈善基金,只将剩下的5%留给后代。一份法庭文件显示,陈廷骅将赠予两位子女各31亿港元的资产。另外,他还将1995年于美国购买的几处物业和一个农场赠予陈慧芳。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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上述诉讼发生后不久,南丰集团在一份媒体公告中介绍,陈慧慧是“陈廷骅基金会”的主席,该基金会由陈廷骅创立,陈慧慧一直协助父亲为基金会工作。基金会成立的目的是为促进佛教信仰、教育、医疗、文化及扶贫等慈善事业。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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另外,陈慧慧还创办了“陈慧慧基金有限公司”,更兼任由她母亲所成立的“陈杨福和基金有限公司”信托人。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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“成为基金会的管理人可能亦是控制家族财富的方式之一。”一位从事私人银行业务的律师告诉本报记者。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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消息称,早前,香港法院委任陈慧慧为陈廷骅财产的受托监管人。“陈慧芳想加入慈善基金委员会,但陈慧慧大力反对。”上述消息人士透露,因为此事两姐妹对簿公堂。最后法官判定,因两姐妹关系不良,陈慧芳不应该加入委员会。上述事件成为杨福和将陈慧慧告上法庭的原因。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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“这个官司不好打。”据上述律师透露,一般慈善基金委员会的成员由基金成立人确定。一旦确定后,外人想加入,难度非常大。例如,龚如心的慈善基金,一旦授权委员会成员掌控资金的流向,一个慈善基金亦可能成为掌控股权和税务筹划的工具。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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南丰集团jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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南丰集团,Nan Fung Group,是香港的一个财团,其子公司南丰发展是一家活跃的地产发展商,著名业务或活动是香港地皮拍卖竞投、地产开发、投资及建筑。南丰集团不是香港上市公司,由陈廷骅家族持有南丰纺织联合有限公司曾经于香港交易所[109.10 1.58%]上市,之后在1989年私有化。 南丰集团的总部置于中环毕打街中建大厦9字楼。jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

June 18, Regal Hong Kong, Nan Fung Group founder and granddaughter of President Chen Din Hwa Tim Luo, announced the death of the grandfather. The statement said Chen Din Hwa was June 16, died at the age of 89.Production and DH Chen family dispute case, yet during his lifetime was referred to his death, continues today.In Hong Kong, Chen Din Hwa has the title of "cotton yarn King", "real estate magnate," Warrant king ". Nan Fung Group, he single-handedly founded the business across the real estate development, investment, construction and shipping, etc. in several major areas. As the company's delisting from the HKEx in 1989, and therefore can not accurately estimate the current value of the assets. According to Hong Kong media reports, the valuation of properties owned by Nan Fung Group in Hong Kong up to HK $ 66 billion, plus investment property in the United States and other regions, the assets of the business empire of more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars.2011 Forbes Hong Kong rich list, Chen Din Hwa approximately HK $ 20.3 billion ranked 14.The Chinese University of Hong Kong Accounting Institute and co-professor of the Department of Finance Fanbo Hong told the property during his lifetime did not plan clear, poor communication between family members, the deterioration in the relationship, often is the middle case of the rich dispute broke out the fuse.Sister love lostIs an envy of the rich family, family relationships because of the huge assets and rupture.According to the Hong Kong media reports, before the death of DH Chen, Chen Huifang and Chen Wai Wai Vivien his two daughters were invited monks to the hospital for their prayers. A source close to Nan Fung Group source told the newspaper, this is the DH Chen earlier arranged. He hoped that the move in exchange for the cooperation of the two sisters, and thus restore their broken relationships.It did not, the two sisters did not seem to good intentions. "The source told the newspaper. Responsible person in charge of the news announced the death of DH Chen told the newspaper, declined to comment on the matter temporarily.Wai Wai Vivien charge Nan Fung Group, Hong Kong, and his sister Chen Huifang Chen family is responsible for the family business in the United States. DH Chen's ex-wife, Yang Fu, and also involved in the dispute between the two sisters.This "never in contact with" the sisters conflicts for years.According to the Hong Kong media reports, in 1985, DH Chen has decided to Nan Fung Group passed Wai Wai Vivien, and began to arrange the matter. At that time, his wife, Yang Fu and Chen Huifang all this without objection. In 1995, DH Chen has been diagnosed with dementia, diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 1999. Until 2002, seven years after the father's illness, Chen Huifang received his father's phone, saying he had signed a lot of files, but have forgotten the contents of the documents signed. Chen Huifang Yang Huihui mother began asking the contents of these files, the latter declined to disclose the three conflicts.In 2010, Yang and daughter Wai Wai Vivien court. Hong Kong Court of Justice indictment that between 2003-2005, Wai Wai Vivien deal with Chen Ting Hua's property allocation and the establishment of family trusts and other matters, had his father make a misrepresentation, breach of contract and good faith, Yang Fu and requirements Wai Wai Vivien to make compensation, refund involving an amount and pay the accounts. So far, the case has not yet concluded.In April last year, Chen Din Hwa and Yang Fu and agree to a divorce, ending more than half a century of marriage. It is said that Yang Foo Oi share of HK $ 10 billion in cash for alimony, and three property projects, but the report has not been officially confirmed.The mystery of one hundred billion of assets heritageBusiness empire of more than HK $ 100 billion in assets, Yang, and why only HK $ 10 billion?These subtleties appear in family trusts and DH Chen Charitable Foundation. The sources said that the earlier DH Chen intestate, 95% of its assets into a Charitable Foundation DH Chen, and only the remaining 5% for future generations. A court filing, DH Chen will be given to the two children of HK $ 3.1 billion in assets. In addition, his will in 1995 in the United States to buy several properties and a farm gift Chen Huifang.Shortly after the occurrence of the above proceedings, the Nan Fung Group in a media announcement, the Wai Wai Vivien DH Chen Foundation Chairman of the Foundation was founded by DH Chen, Wai Wai Vivien has been assisting his father to work for the Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation was established to promote the charitable cause of the Buddhist faith, education, health care, culture and poverty alleviation.In addition, the Wai Wai Vivien also founded the Wai Wai Vivien Fund Limited, more part-time "Chen Yang Foo Oi Foundation Trust, established by her mother.Become the administrator of the Foundation is one of the control of family wealth. "A lawyer in private banking told this reporter.The sources said earlier appointed by the courts of Hong Kong Wai Wai Vivien Chen Din Hwa property entrusted with the supervision of. "Chen Huifang want to join the Charitable Fund Committee, but Wai Wai Vivien vigorously opposed." The above-mentioned sources, the court because the matter two sisters. Finally, the judge ruled that the poor relations between the two sisters, Chen Huifang should not join the committee. The above incident Yang Foo Oi Wai Wai Vivien court's reasons."This lawsuit is not good to play." The lawyer said, the General Charitable Fund Committee members determined by the establishment of the Fund. Once finalized, the outsiders want to join, very difficult. For example, Gong such as the heart of charitable funds, once authorized members of the Committee to control the flow of funds to a charitable fund may also control the equity and tax planning tool.Relevant informationNan Fung GroupNan Fung Group, Nan Fung Group, a consortium of Hong Kong, its subsidiary, Nan Fung Development is an active real estate developers, the well-known business or activities of the Hong Kong land auction bidding, real estate development, investment and construction. Nan Fung Group is not a Hong Kong listed company, Nan Fung Textile Joint Co., Ltd. held by the DH Chen family had at Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited [109.10 1.58%] listed after privatization in 1989. Nan Fung Group's headquarters at the Central, Pedder Street, Central Building, 9th Floor.jpVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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