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Scholars openly called for a "boycott" Deng Xiaoping: the reform slogan into a burden


在当代中国历史上,口号一直发挥着独特的作用。从毛时代“两个凡是”的疯狂个人崇拜,到邓小平执政期间围绕改革发出的诸多呼吁,再到现今和谐社会及科学发展观等,口号因其高度的概括性成了一个时代特色的鲜明表征。随着改革开放的不断推进,此前被人们奉为金科玉律的口号开始遭遇“滑铁卢”,尤其表现在对邓小平的“抵制”上。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中欧陆家嘴国际金融研究院执行副院长刘胜军18日发表题为《那些应该退出历史舞台的口号》的文章,公开呼吁“抵制”邓小平围绕改革提出的口号,如“摸着石头过河”、“让一部分人先富起来”、“以经济建设为中心”及中国特色的提法等。并直言,此类在当时发挥巨大积极作用的口号,已经成为社会进步的障碍,理应以与时俱进的态度予以扬弃。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在“摸着石头过河”上,刘胜军表示,在改革初期,限于没有经验,同时也面临着诸多意识形态的障碍,所以“摸着石头过河”堪称一种最现实的改革哲学。但时至今日,中国改革面临的主要问题已经不再是经验的缺乏抑或是方向的不明晰,而是既得利益的阻碍。换言之,中共需要审时度势,冲破固有改革思路,以免在利益的裹挟下迷失了改革的方向。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事实上,不独是刘胜军,此前已经有很多学者围绕“摸着石头过河”发表了类似的观点。如北京大学光华管理学院名誉院长厉以宁在接受某报刊采访时直言,现在已经不能再靠“摸着石头过河”来指导改革实践了,因为“水深了”已经摸不着“石头”了,现在需要的,是自上而下的顶层设计。中共团报《中国青年报》也曾发表中共中央党校社会学教授吴忠民题为《从“摸着石头过河”到“改革攻坚期”》的评论文章,建言中共应把握住改革的主动权,而不是一味固守着原来的口号固步自封。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在“让一部分人先富起来”的问题上,刘胜军从中国现阶段的贫富差距悬殊的现实境况入手,称这一口号对今时今日的中国来说隐含着对违法的宽容,这种提法在法治不健全的改革探索期是有必要的,但如今已经成了建设法治市场经济的阻碍。故而得出结论——“不仅应该废除‘让一部分人先富起来’的提法,而且应立即出台针对富人的‘遗产税’,通过再分配缩小收入差距。”4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,围绕“以经济建设为中心”及中国特色的提法等,刘胜军也呈明了抵制的态度。并摆出了此类口号的“副产品”——地方政府普遍罹患“GDP崇拜综合症”、政府过度介入经济活动导致腐败问题失控、“中国特色”屡屡被当做拒绝制度改进的托词和挡箭牌等。并在文末将这些曾经发挥积极作用的口号比作推进改革、建设法治市场经济的“观念包袱”和前进路上的“绊脚石”。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随着中国十八大换届的临近,中国国务院总理温家宝曾多次围绕现阶段中共政改问题公开发声,且强硬姿态毕现。从带头力推政治体制改革,到针对政党腐败而发出的“人亡政息”论,不难看出,中共高层在努力探索一条适合于中国的政改之路。不过,正如诸多学者公开抵制“观念包袱”的文章中所呈明的,中国政改要想走出“中国特色”的禁锢,首先得甩掉已然不适宜中国现阶段发展步伐的思想包袱,才能轻装上阵。如若不然,恐将长期停留在边摸石头边过河阶段,从而错过大好的改革良机。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有句老话叫“条条大道通罗马”,当下的中国不只是在选择哪条道路通往“罗马”的问题存在分歧,而且“心中的罗马”到底在哪儿也缺少共识。围绕政改问题发出的声音已经屡见不鲜,但潜移默化进行的渐进式改革并未阻挡住不改革带来的诸多问题。一方是民众尤其是学界的极力呼吁建言,另一方是中共高层不间断地政改决心,如此合抱之力却并未能扫除改革路上的拦路虎。原因何在?将邓小平改革口号放入“回收站”容易,在短时间内形成系统的替换物显然考验着中共执政党的洞见和水平,更何况,从口号的形成到深入人心,还有诸多变量和可能性存在。4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In contemporary Chinese history, the slogan has always played a unique role. Crazy cult of personality, from the Mao era of "two whatevers" and Deng Xiaoping during the administration of the focus on reform issued a lot of appeal, to the harmonious society and the scientific concept of development today, the slogan for its high level of generality has become an era featuring distinctive characterization . With the continuous progress of reform and opening up previously been regarded as sacrosanct slogan began to experience the "Waterloo", especially Deng Xiaoping's "boycott". CEIBS Lujiazui International Finance Research Institute, executive vice president Liu Shengjun 18 published an article entitled "the slogan that should be the stage of history", open call for "boycott" of Deng Xiaoping around the slogan of reform, such as "feeling the stones" "Let some people get rich first", "taking economic construction as the center and the reference to Chinese characteristics. And respect, such play a significant positive role in the slogan has become an obstacle to social progress, and should be abandon times the attitude. "Feeling the stones", said Liu Shengjun, in the early stages of reform, limited to no experience, but also facing many ideological obstacles, and the "feeling the stones" called one of the most realistic reform philosophy. Today, the main problem facing China's reform and no longer experience a lack of or direction is not clear, but the vested interests of the obstacles. In other words, the CCP needs to size up the situation, breaking the inherent reform ideas, so as not to lose the direction of reform in the interests of the coerced. In fact, not only Liu Shengjun had been many scholars around the "feeling the stones" made a similar point of view. Such as the Peking University Guanghua School of Management, honorary president of Li Yining told a newspaper interview bluntly, can no longer rely on "feeling the stones" to guide the practice of reform, because the "depth" has touched the "stone", is now need is a top-down top-level design. The Chinese Communist group "China Youth Daily" also published a review article entitled "from" feeling the stones "to" reform crucial period "of the Central Party School of Sociology, Professor Wu Zhongmin, suggestions Communist China should seize the initiative in reform , rather than stick to the original slogan rest on its laurels. "Let some people get rich first", Liu Shengjun between the reality of the situation of China at this stage of the gap between the rich and the poor from the start, said the slogan for today's implicit tolerance for illegal, this reference to the exploration of sound rule of law reform is necessary, but has now become obstacles to the construction of the rule of law and market economy. Therefore conclude that - not only should be abolished 'Let some people get rich,' was, and should be immediately introduced for the rich 'inheritance tax' to narrow the income gap through redistribution. " In addition, focusing on economic construction as the center and the reference to Chinese characteristics, Liu Shengjun boycott attitude clear. And put on such slogans "product" - the local government generally suffer from GDP worship syndrome, excessive government intervention in the economy led to the problem of corruption out of control, "Chinese characteristics" has been used as a refuse system improvements excuse and pretext. Compared to the slogan of those who play an active role in the Wen weekend to push forward reform, building the rule of law and market economy, "the concept of burden and in the way of a" stumbling block ". With the approaching of the 18 large general in China, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has repeatedly around this stage, Chinese Communist political reform public voice, and the hard-line stance is completed. Take the lead in pushing the reform of the political system, the issue for political parties, corruption the "Renwangzhengxi" theory, not difficult to see, the CPC leadership in efforts to explore a suitable road of political reform in China. As many scholars openly resisted the concept of burden "article was political reform in order to out of the" Chinese characteristics "of imprisonment, must first get rid of the ideological burden of the already inappropriate at this stage the pace of development in order to pack light battle. Otherwise, terrorism will be long remained at the edge touching the stone side across the river stage, and thus miss the great reform opportunity. The old saying that goes "All roads lead to Rome", in China today is not just choose which roads to Rome "differences, and the hearts of Rome," Where children also lack of consensus. Around the sound issue of political reform have been frequent, but the subtle progressive reform did not stop many problems do not live reform. The party is the people, especially academics strongly called for suggestions, the other senior Chinese Communist uninterrupted Lands to change the determination, so encircle the power and failed to remove the stumbling block of the reform on the road. Why not? Deng Xiaoping's reform slogans into the Recycle Bin easily, clearly a test of insight and level of the Chinese Communist ruling party, not to mention the formation of the system alternatives in a short time, to the deeply rooted from the slogan of the formation, there are many variables and possibilities exist.4HERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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