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published photos of female astronaut Liu Yang is PS synthesis


AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

新华社造假中国女航天员刘洋照片一事,在网上被炒得火热。至发稿时,国内各大网站不见任何关于此事的报道,百度贴吧相关文章 纷纷被删除,造假已被另一种方式证实。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

官方新华社昨刊发中国首位女太空人刘洋的太空装及戎装照片,被指有「 PS」(电脑合成)之嫌,因两张照片不但表情一模一样,连前额留海头髮丝也一模一样;事件引起内地众多名人及传媒摄影人士关注,对新华社涉造假大表欷歔,要求当局调查。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

着名网站博联社总裁马晓霖指,初闻质疑不以为然,但细看后感到震惊,因 PS太明显了,「作为国家通讯社怎能做出这等事情来!」他唿吁活跃在网上的新华社着名摄记刘衞兵、唐师曾及《中国青年报》图片总监贺延光等关注跟进,要求当局调查,给公众一个交代。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实细看新华社所发刘洋照片,实非新华社记者原创,而是署名「秦宪安」。据查,秦为解放军总装备部政治部宣传部主任记者,大校军衔,中国摄影家协会会员。网民指,第一责任虽是秦,但新华社编辑发稿把关不严,同样难逃责任。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有媒体人士则呼吁,客观、真实是新闻的基本原则,路透社、美联社等都严格禁止对新闻图片进行增减信息等方面的修改,国内也有类似规定。然而,新华社竟然PS刘洋的照片!这完全突破了职业底线,极大地损害了新闻行业的公信力。对此,新华社应该且必须向新闻同行和全国人民道歉。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

另一些网友则表示,也许新华社是想展现女航天员最美好的一面,但实在没有必要采取这种方式,除了引发民众的质疑,对刘洋本人也一种伤害,反而适得其反,当然,这也符合天朝一贯的作风,非把真的弄成假的,把假的当真的,好好一桩事,非给人添堵不可。AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 AWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Xinhua News Agency's false Chinese female astronaut Liu Yang photo, fired too hot on the Internet. Not seen any reports on this matter to the press time, major domestic website, Baidu Post article have been removed, counterfeiters have been another way to confirm.The official Xinhua News Agency published the first Chinese astronaut Liu Yang's space suit and military uniform photo yesterday, accused of "PS" (computer-generated) is suspected, not only because of two photos exactly the same expression, even the forehead to stay sea hair exactly the same; The incident has aroused concern of the Mainland numerous celebrities and media photographers, involved in counterfeiting large table Xixu the Xinhua News Agency to require the authorities to investigate.Ma Xiaolin refers to the famous site Bo, president of Associated Press, the beginning of Wen questioned disagree, but after a closer look shocked, PS too obvious, as to the state news agency how can we make this kind of thing! "Hu Calls active on the Internet, Xinhua community with photo Kee Liu Weibing the Tang Shizeng picture, director of the China Youth Daily "He Yanguang attention follow-up to the authorities in their investigation, give the public an explanation.In fact, a closer look Xinhua News Agency issued Liu Yang photo, this is not the Xinhua News Agency reporter originality, but signed "Qinxian An. According to the investigation, Qin People's Liberation Army General Armament Department director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the journalists, the rank of colonel, the Chinese Photographers Association. Internet users means that the first responsibility of Qin, Xinhua editing press strict, be able to escape responsibility.Members of the media called for objective truth is the basic principle of news, Reuters, AP and so is strictly prohibited on the news photos to changes in information, and other modifications, the country has a similar provision. However, the Xinhua News Agency even PS Liu Yang photos! This breakthrough professional bottom line, and greatly damaged the credibility of the news industry. In this regard, the Xinhua News Agency should and must apologize to the counterparts of the press and the National People'sSome users may Xinhua News Agency is the best face to show female astronaut, but it is not necessary to take this way, in addition to lead to people questioning Liu Yang, a kind of injury, but just the opposite, of course, which also in line with the usual style of the Celestial EmpireAWWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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