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清华大学出版首份招生特刊 奶茶妹妹成封面女郎(图)


Tsinghua University, published the first enrollment special tea sister into a cover girl


从6月14日起,一份原本只有清华大学的学生才看得见的报纸将“上市”了。特刊的封面照上的五个年轻人都是清华“网络红人”,其中一个就是广为人知的南京女孩奶茶妹妹章泽天。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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清华出特刊“招”人气 校媒《清新时报》出版首份招生专辑LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从6月14日起,一份原本只有清华大学的学生才看得见的报纸将“上市”了。特刊的封面照上的五个年轻人都是清华“网络红人”,其中一个就是广为人知的南京女孩奶茶妹妹章泽天。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《清新时报》,这是清华大学学生媒体,因为校长陈吉宁的一句话点拨,出版了清华大学首份招生特刊。它将跟随高招老师,乘上飞机,去往全国各地。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

特刊出炉LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

首次全彩“亮相” 封面用红人“揽客”LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨天新鲜出炉的清华大学《清新时报》的招生特刊封面,五个在校生欢迎的手势让人心向往之。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

奶茶妹妹章泽天、参加《非你莫属》的博士李一舟、录制了《天天向上》的校园歌手马瑞男,一个个清华的“网络红人”们的献身说法,让这份招生特刊充满了吸引力。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

特刊共有12个版,是《清新时报》史上首次全彩色印刷。除了陈吉宁校长致高考(微博)生的一封信,他们还采访了六位今年保送上清华的新生以及六位已经在清华就读的老生。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《清新时报》做了新尝试,用视觉版展示了一个清华学生的四年生活轨迹,包括大一军训、男生节、女生节、暑期实践、恋爱、寝室等。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

还介绍了清华大学的衣食住行,包括食堂美食、住宿介绍、自行车文化等。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小编爆料LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

校长给灵感 寻清华“代言人”费心思LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《清新时报》的执行总编张晏慧回忆说,整个招生特刊的“灵感”,源于4月中旬新校长的一句点拨。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈吉宁校长在上任后视察《清新时报》,偶然间说道:“你们每年都做新生特刊,会放在送给新生的袋子里,那你们也可以做招生特刊啊。”LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

几位报纸骨干眼前一亮,记下了这个idea(点子),很快和学校招办敲定了这次的招生特刊的策划。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

首先要选的就是封面人物,当然是一帮最有特点的“清华人”。六位将上清华的保送生,会吸引考生的兴趣;而六位清华“老生”,也能帮大家勾勒具体的清华形象。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

找“老生”颇费心思,先得是大一学生,奶茶妹妹很快被选中。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

还想找一群工科男,因为他们是清华最大的群体,是清华的社会形象,绝不能是传统工科男的木讷和学霸形象。最近红遍网络的清华宣传视频男主角朱俊林,作为播音特长生出身的工科男,就进入了各位小编的视线。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大一大二和大三都凑齐了,就差一个大师哥了。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在《非你莫属》因舌战群boss而出名的李一舟就成了最好的选择。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我不是清华本科毕业,实际上也不太典型。可能还是受之前媒体的影响,身上有了一个标签。”李一舟说,最近,很多高中生,甚至他们的父母,都通过网络向他咨询一些选专业的问题。所以他高兴地接受了这个任务。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

即将“上市”LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一万份特刊发往全国LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从定下整体的规划、采访,到最后的定版,《清新时报》招生特刊前后历时一个多月制作完成。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我们觉得最后的效果还不错,想坚持下去,每年都出一期。”张晏慧说,这是头一年做招生特刊,付印了1万份。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

目前特刊已经全都送达招办,近期将跟随招生老师去往全国各地,发放给有可能上清华或者对清华存有兴趣的学生。LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

校方表示:“今年办得挺好的,希望能形成传统,以后每年都出一期。”LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Since June 14, a was only visible newspapers, Tsinghua University students will "listed". Special issue of the cover, the five young people are Qinghua "Red Network", one of which is well-known Nanjing girl tea sister Zhang Ze. Qinghua a special "trick" popular school media "Fresh Times" published the first enrollment albums Since June 14, a was only visible newspapers, Tsinghua University students will "listed". Special issue of the cover, the five young people are Qinghua "Red Network", one of which is well-known Nanjing girl tea sister Zhang Ze. "Fresh Times", which is a Tsinghua University student media, because the word coaching principals Chen Jining, published by Tsinghua University Admissions special. It will follow the tactics teachers passenger on the plane to go across the country. Special bakedThe first full-color "appearance" cover Reds "Showmanship"Yesterday freshly baked Tsinghua University "Fresh Times" enrollment special cover, five students welcome gesture makes the heart desire. Zhang Ze-day tea sister, to participate in "non-you must go to" The Dr. Lee a boat, recording the "every day" of the campus singer Rui Ma M, a Tsinghua University "network Reds" have the dedication to say, let this enrollment special is full of attraction. The special 12 version, is the history of "Fresh Times" first printed in full color. In addition to the letter of Chen Jining principals caused by the College Entrance Examination (microblogging), they also interviewed six walks this year, Tsinghua University freshmen and six of the older students studying at Qinghua. "Fresh Times" made a new attempt to display a visual version of a Tsinghua student's four years of life trajectories, including the first year of military training, the boys section and girls section, summer practice, love, bedroom, etc.. Also describes the basic necessities of Tsinghua University, including the cafeteria food, accommodation introduction, bike culture. Xiaobian brokePrincipals to look for inspiration Tsinghua "spokesperson" to bother"Fresh Times" executive editor of Yan Hui recalled that the entire enrollment special "inspiration" from a coaching new principals in mid-April. Chen Jining principal inspection after taking office, "Fresh Times" by accident, said: "every year you do newborn special issue will be placed to give the newborn bag, then you can also do the enrollment special." Several newspapers backbone shines note of this idea (ideas), and enrollment in special planning finalized soon and the School Admissions. The first thing to choose is the front cover, of course, a bunch of the most characteristic of "Tsinghua" The six will be on the walks students of Tsinghua University, will attract the interest of the candidates; six Qinghua older students, but also help everyone to outline a specific image of Tsinghua. Looking for "older students" a lot of thought, first served is a freshman, tea sister soon be selected. Also looking for a group of engineering male, because they are the largest group of Tsinghua, Tsinghua social image, and must not be a traditional engineering man dull and learn Pa image. Recent Tsinghua promotional video actor Zhu Junlin popular in the network, broadcast the origin of the talented students of engineering male entered the line of sight of you Xiaobian. Freshman sophomore and junior are put together, he sent a Tai Shige. In the non-none other than "the boss of the war of words group known Lee a boat has become the best choice. "I am not a Tsinghua undergraduate graduation, actually is not very typical. May still be subject to the influence of the media before, who had a label." Li Zhou said, recently, many high school students, and even their parents, through the network to get advice on some selected professional problems. So he gladly accepted the task. Soon to be "listed"10,000 copies of Special Report sent to the countrySet the overall planning, interviews, to the last fixed version, which lasted more than a month before and after the completed Special Report on "Fresh Times" enrollment. "We feel that the final results were pretty good, would like to stick to it, every year one." Zhang Yan Hui said, this is done in the first year of enrollment special issue, printing 10 000 copies. The special issue has been all served Admissions, teacher recruitment, go across the country will soon follow, payment may go to Tsinghua University Tsinghua there interested students. The school said: "This year, do pretty well, I hope the tradition every year since a."LPZRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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