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贩婴223名 主犯被判处死刑 其他35名成员均重判(图)


Trafficking in infants and 223 principal offender has been sentenced to death


 TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

36名被告人出庭接受宣判,主犯蒋开枝(左一)TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不到一年的时间,36人的团伙从云南拐卖223名婴儿到河南,获利几百万元。前日,公安部督办的云南蒋开枝重特大拐卖婴儿犯罪案公开宣判, 36名被告人出庭接受宣判,主犯蒋开枝被判处死刑。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

贩卖1个男婴赚3万TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

审理证实,2009年底至2010年8月不到一年的时间,51岁的会泽农妇蒋开枝等人将从宣威、会泽、开远等地拐骗、收买来的223名婴儿贩卖到河南。蒋开枝从收买婴儿、雇佣和安排人员运送和接送婴儿、支付和收取买卖婴儿的费用等环节均起组织、领导和指挥作用。李金顺、徐顺花夫妻卖给蒋开枝婴儿29人,裴文兰等18人帮助蒋开枝运送婴儿194人。据悉,蒋开枝每贩卖一个男婴可获利3万余元,一个女婴获利2万余元;帮助其运送者每次可以获得3500元至4500元不等的报酬。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年1月,随着蒋开枝落入法网,该团伙最终被公安机关摧毁。法庭审理中,蒋开枝等36名被告人对公诉人指控的犯罪事实供认不讳。36名被告人中年龄最大的65岁,最小的刚满20岁。其中女性被告人高达28人,其中大部分都来自偏远山区,文盲和半文盲高达34人。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

犯罪成员多是亲戚TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

法庭审理认为:根据庭审查证的事实和证据表明,本案犯罪成员较为松散,多数被告人属于亲戚关系,经相互介绍参与犯罪,并且在共同犯罪中,相互独立,仅受蒋开枝指挥和安排。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据此,法庭以拐卖儿童罪判处被告人蒋开枝死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产;判处被告人彭庆托无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产;判处被告人宁选斌、 张林鹏、裴文兰有期徒刑15年,处罚金人民币10万元。同时对黄丽等31名被告人判处14年至3年有期徒刑不等,并处罚金。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

流程TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

接:购专车 雇司机TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为方便接送婴儿,主犯蒋开枝先后购买专车,同时雇佣了驾驶技术好的彭庆托、宁选斌、彭泽双专门为其开车接送婴儿及运送人员。每接送一个婴儿,蒋开枝支付100至500元不等的报酬。无独有偶,为方便拐卖婴儿,会泽县的李金顺和妻子徐顺花在2009年拾到一个婴儿出手获利后,专门购买了一辆轿车接送被拐婴儿。法庭审理证实,徐顺花夫妻先后出卖29个婴儿给蒋开枝,法院一审分别以拐卖儿童罪分别判处徐顺花夫妻有期徒刑8年,各处罚金3万元。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

收:医院附近租房TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为方便下家“交货”,蒋开枝除在昆明租房外,还在宣威某医院附近租房方便“收货”。被告人龚荣昆得知堂姐家生下一个男孩不想要,在2000元介绍费的吸引下,将孩子直接送到蒋开枝在医院附近的出租房,获得16000元。不久,龚荣昆又将侄子的儿子交给了蒋开枝。为组织足够货源,蒋开枝雇佣“临时母亲”代养婴儿,先后雇佣彭关怀等人帮助代养。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而彭庆托的妻子林燕得知提供一个男婴给上万元的消息后,也采取向亲朋好友要、送几百元营养费“收养”等方式四处“找货”。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

送:不坐火车坐飞机TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蒋开枝长期雇佣18名妇女将收购的婴儿运送到河南。为避免乘坐火车的疲劳和风险,在“收货”后,直接请人制作假出生证,以“孩子生母”的身份,坐飞机直接飞郑州。法庭审理证实,2009年至2010年期间,裴文兰、黄丽、彭云梅分别运送婴儿20人、18人、16人,饶正会、蒲秋燕各运送15人到郑州……每成功运送一个婴儿,蒋开枝支付报酬数千元。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而为减少风险,蒋开枝安排儿子张林鹏坐地郑州接货,直接交到负责出售的人员手中。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

声音 TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

买家需求旺盛TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

却处罚过轻TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“这个案件的背后,是许多家庭的辛酸故事。”曲靖市中级人民法院院长李雪松说:“如今发生在经济欠发达地区的拐卖儿童犯罪,已经形成了产、供、销一条龙的专业化网络。”TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李雪松院长分析认为,一是销路顺畅,有较大买方市场。受封建传统观念影响,一些人置法律于不顾高价收买儿童,以延续香火或显示家庭人丁兴旺,这就为人贩子拐卖儿童提供了市场。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

二是高额利润诱使犯罪分子铤而走险。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

三是作案易得手,不易被揭发。拐卖儿童较之拐卖妇女更为安全,易得手,即便日后儿童被解救也无检举揭发的能力,无法指认罪犯和提供证据,从而使犯罪分子可以逃避打击。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“最为重要的是,收买者成为打击盲点。”李雪松说,在现实的打拐行动中,对人贩子的处罚都比较严厉,但对收买者则处罚较轻或者不处罚。这种治标不治本的做法是造成买方市场需求旺盛的一个重要原因。TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

36 the defendant to appear before the sentencing, the main culprit Jiang open branches (left)TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Trafficking 223 babies less than a year, the gang of 36 people from Yunnan to Henan, a few million dollars of profit. The day before yesterday, supervised by the Ministry of Public Security of Yunnan Jiang branches of major trafficking infant crimes committed by an open verdict, the 36 defendants to appear before the sentencing, the main culprit Jiang open branch was sentenced to death.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The sale of a boys earn 30000TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The trial confirmed that, by the end of 2009 to August 2010, less than a year, 51-year-old Ze peasant Jiang branching from Sherwin huize, Kaiyuan and other places of abducting, 223 bribe to baby trafficking to Henan. Jiang branching from link to buy babies, employment, and arrange transportation and shuttle infant, payment and charge the costs of the sale of babies from the organization, leadership and command of the role. The Lijin Shun, Chee Soon Juan to spend the couple sold the Baby 29 Pei Wenlan 18 Jiang branching to help Jiang branching delivery of the baby 194. It is reported that Jiang branching out can be a profit of 300 million yuan each of trafficking a baby boy, a baby girl with a profit of 200 million yuan; transporting each 3500-4500 yuan, ranging from compensation.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In January 2011, With Jiang branching arrested, the gang eventually the public security organs destroyed. The court confessed to the crime of the 36 defendants, Jiang branching prosecutors charged. 36 accused, the oldest 65 years old, the youngest just turned 20 years old. The female defendant up to 28 people, most of which come from remote mountainous areas, the illiteracy and semi-literate up to 34 people.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Criminal members of the multi-relativesTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The court said: According to the trial to verify the facts and evidence show that members of the case crime is relatively loose, the majority of the accused belong to relatives briefed each other of involvement in crime in the crime, independent of each other, subject only to the in Jiang branching command andTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Accordingly, the crime of trafficking in children, the court sentenced the defendant Jiang branching out of the death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life, confiscation of all personal property; sentenced accused Pengqing care to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property; sentenced the defendant to rather choose Bin, Zhang Linpeng, Pei Wenlan imprisonment for 15 years, a fine of 100,000 yuan. Huang Li and other 31 defendants sentenced to 14 years to three years imprisonment ranging from a fine.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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ProcessTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Then: purchase car hire driversTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Transfers babies for the convenience, the main culprit Jiang open branches have to buy the car, hired a good driving skills Pengqing care rather choose Bin, Penzer pairs specifically for its Shuttle infant and transportation by car. Transfer a baby, the Jiang branching pay ranging from 100-500 yuan reward. Similarly, to facilitate the trafficking of baby, the Huize the Lijin Shun and his wife Chee Soon Juan spent in 2009 picked up a baby shot profit, specializes in buying a car shuttle abducted baby. The court confirmed that Chee Soon Juan to spend the couple has to sell 29 babies to open branches to Jiang, the Court of First Instance sentenced the couple of Chee Soon Juan spent eight years in prison to the crime of trafficking in children, everywhere a fine of 30,000 yuan.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Received: Hospital nearby rentalTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
For the convenience of the next house "delivery", Jiang open branches in addition to the rent in Kunming, still Sherwin a hospital in nearby rental convenience, "receipt". Defendant Gong Rongkun learned cousin home gave birth to a boy does not want a referral fee in 2000 yuan, attracted, the child directly to the rental Jiang branching near the hospital, get 16,000 yuan. Soon, the son of the the Gong Rongkun turn nephew to the Jiang branching. Jiang branching employment for the organization of sufficient supply, "Provisional mother on behalf of raising the baby, has hired the Peng care to help on behalf of raising.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Also take care of his wife Pengqing Lin Yan learned that a baby boy to the message of the million to friends and family to send a few hundred dollars these payments, "adoption" four "to find goods.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Send: do not take the train to flyTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Jiang branching long-term employment to 18 women will acquire the baby transported to Henan. In order to avoid fatigue and risk of traveling by train, after receiving "directly asked people to make fake birth certificates, the identity of the child's mother, fly directly fly to Zhengzhou. The court confirmed that the period 2009 to 2010, Pei Wenlan, Huang Li, Peng Yunmei respectively delivery of 20 infants, 18, 16, Rao will be positive, Pu Qiuyan transported 15 people to Zhengzhou. For each successful delivery of a baby, Jiang branching pay remuneration of several thousand dollars.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
To reduce the risk of Jiang branching arrangements son Zhang Linpeng ride to Zhengzhou to accept the goods directly vested in the hands of the personnel responsible for selling.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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SoundTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Strong Buyer DemandTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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But punishment is too lightTY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Behind the case, is the story of the bitterness of many families." Li Xuesong, Qujing City Intermediate People's Court, said: "crime of trafficking in children in economically underdeveloped areas, has formed a production, supply, marketing one-stop professional of the network. "TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Xuesong Dean analysts believe that the First, the market for smooth, a large buyer's market. By the feudal traditional concepts, some people ignore the law bribed children at high prices, is a continuation of incense or family flourishing population, which provides a market for traffickers of child trafficking.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Second, the high profits induce criminals to take the risk.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Third, crime is easy to succeed and can not easily be uncovered. Trafficking in children is more secure compared to trafficking in women, easy to succeed, even the future of children were rescued and no ability to expose, unable to identify offenders and provide evidence, so that criminals can evade punishment.TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"The most important thing is bribed by the fight against blind spot." Said Li Xuesong, in the reality of the anti-trafficking operations, traffickers punishment a bit harsh, but to buy off those penalties less severe or not to punish. This the palliatives practice is an important reason why a buyer's market demand.
TY5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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