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中国35城市生活质量报告发布 满意度北京倒数第8. China 35 cities in the quality of life report released satisfaction last eight



16日发布的“2012中国35城市生活质量报告”显示,全国35个城市生活质量满意度(主观)指数为50.88。生活成本偏高成为导致城市居民生活质量偏低的重要因素。MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“2012中国35城市生活质量报告”由首都经贸大学与中国社科院经济研究所联合成立的中国经济实验研究院发布。调查显示,全国35个城市生活质量满意度(主观)指数为50.88,较2011年的全国平均值49.71有所提高,生活质量满意度指数超过50临界点,进入满意区间。MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

生活质量满意度(主观)指数排名前10位的城市有:长春、杭州、石家庄、济南、合肥、福州、宁波、青岛、厦门、银川。排名后10位的城市分别为:沈阳、南宁、北京、太原、深圳、哈尔滨、昆明、南昌、兰州、贵阳。生活质量客观指数排名前10位的城市分别是:北京、广州、深圳、上海、南京、西安、呼和浩特、杭州、厦门、武汉。排名后10位的城市分别是:合肥、南宁、石家庄、哈尔滨、郑州、兰州、乌鲁木齐、重庆、南昌、西宁。MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国经济实验研究院院长张连城认为,今年的生活质量满意度(主观)指数高于2011年,说明民生工程的深入实施取得了效果。尽管如此,城市居民主观满意度仍然偏低。这可以从分项指数中得到解释。受访者对生活质量各方面的满意程度依次下降排序为:人力资本、社会保障、生活感受、生活水平、生活成本。生活成本满意度越低说明城市生活成本越高。上述结果说明,拉动中国城市居民生活质量偏低的重要因素是生活成本偏高,而城市生活成本的核心问题是物价和房价。 MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

调查显示,除杭州和青岛两城市预期房价看跌、济南看平外,其他32个城市预期房价均为看涨,只是程度有所不同。这说明在严厉的调控下,房价仍存在上涨预期,尽管目前尚不存在大涨的预期。张连城表示,城市生活质量的主观感受与实际生活质量存在反差,这在大城市中尤为明显。这说明城市规模过大可能不利于人们生活幸福指数的提高。遏制房价、稳定物价、管理好通胀预期,才能进一步提高城市居民生活质量。MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

16 "2012 China 35 cities in the quality of life report shows that the country's 35 urban quality of life satisfaction (subjective) index is 50.88. The high cost of living is an important factor for the low quality of life of urban residents.MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"2012 China 35 urban quality of life report by the Capital University of Economics and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Research, jointly established by China Economic Research Laboratories release. The survey shows that 35 urban quality of life satisfaction (subjective) index of 50.88, than the 2011 national average of 49.71 improved quality of life satisfaction index of over 50 critical points to enter the satisfaction interval.MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Quality of life satisfaction (subjective) index of the top 10 cities: Changchun, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Hefei, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Yinchuan. Ranked 10 cities: Shenyang, Nanning, Beijing, Taiyuan, Shenzhen, Harbin, Kunming, Nanchang, Lanzhou, Guiyang. Objective index of quality of life top 10 cities are: Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi'an, Hohhot, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan. 10 cities after the rankings are: Hefei, Nanning, Shijiazhuang, Harbin, Zhengzhou, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Chongqing, Nanchang, Xining.MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhang Liancheng, president of the Economic Research Laboratories, the quality of life satisfaction (subjective) index is higher than in 2011, achieved the effect of in-depth implementation of livelihood projects. Nevertheless, the subjective satisfaction of city residents are still low. This can be explained from the sub-index. Respondents satisfaction with various aspects of the quality of life followed by decline in the order: human capital, social security, life experience, standard of living, cost of living. The cost of living satisfaction, the lower the higher the cost of urban living. These results suggest that an important factor in stimulating the low quality of life of urban residents in China is the high cost of living, while the core issues of the urban cost of living prices and housing prices.MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The survey shows that the addition to the expected prices of the two cities of Hangzhou and Qingdao bearish, Jinan see level, the expected prices of other 32 cities are bullish, but different degrees. This shows that under the stringent regulation, prices still rising expectations, although it is not there is a rally expectations. Zhang Liancheng, subjective feelings of the quality of urban life and the physical quality of life in contrast, this is particularly evident in large cities. This shows that city size is too large may not be conducive to the improvement of people's lives, the happiness index. To curb housing prices, stabilize prices and to manage inflation expectations, in order to further improve the quality of life of urban residents.MxeRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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