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migrant workers in the difficult process: "foreign" is not all heaven

中新网6月16日电 “谁能想到利比亚会乱啊!”说起自己在利比亚的经历,杨冲一拍大腿,情绪有些激动地说。

24岁的杨冲原以为自己在利比亚的两年会成为一段体验阿拉伯风情的美丽回忆,没想到却被利比亚的暴乱卷进了一段“原本不属于我”的人生经历里。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1978年以来,数以万计的中国人出国务工,但由于语言、文化差异以及对其它国家法律、环境不熟悉,很多中国务工人员出国后受到非法侵害。中国劳动和社会保障部有资料指出,中国合法境外流动就业人口总量还不足国际市场份额的1%。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

出国务工人员的背景、境遇各不相同,有的人实现了走向富裕、改变命运这样的梦想,也有的人在国外受尽凌辱甚至客死他乡。正如一名在外国务工人员微博中所说,“在外国打工的苦,只有打工的人自己知道。并不是每一个‘外国’都是天堂,并不是每一个出国务工的人都能实现梦想。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2009年3月,刚刚进入宏福集团工作的杨冲被公司派往利比亚,参与宏福集团承包的在利比亚建设5000套民居的项目。“刚去的时候一切正常,学阿拉伯语,学怎样与当地的官员、商人接触。虽然需要比在国内时多绷紧一根弦,但绝对没想到会遇上战乱。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年1月,利比亚局势突然紧张起来。杨冲所在的盖尔扬地区简度巴项目部虽然位处山区,相对安全,但他和同事们的正常工作仍然受到了影响。当时他们的工程只完成了三分之一,但局势乱了之后工地里经常冲进拿着武器的利比亚人。不过他们只是在房子上写上名字,然后就离去。“据说谁写了名字房子就是谁的”,杨冲说。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

每次“抢房队”来工地,杨冲和同事们就双手举过头顶,走到工地的空地上等他们写好名字离开后再重新开始工作。“当时集团总部给我们的指示是让我们尽量少外出,尽快储备水和食物,以防发生暴乱。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2月16日,利比亚发生大规模暴乱。之后,利比亚全国各地各种暴乱活动不断。23日晚,暴乱蔓延到了杨冲所在的位于山区的工程部。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我一辈子也忘不了那天晚上!当时天已经黑了,大家都在房子里休息,忽然一阵吵闹,随后冲进来一伙利比亚人,二话不说就是一顿扫射。当时我们都吓得魂飞魄散,趴在地上一动不动”,杨冲好像说评书一般,有些激动地回忆着。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

幸运的是,这群人索钱不索命,只是肆意地翻找值钱的物品装在袋子里,并没有伤害在场的员工。发现他们的意图之后,杨冲等人悄悄从地上爬起来,安静地熘出了房子。那群人拿到东西之后,又是一顿扫射,然后消失在夜色里。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其后几天,杨冲等人每天都要经历类似的事情。“后来几次我们也变得有经验了,只要不发生肢体接触,他们一般不会伤人。所有的电子产品和利比亚人觉得值钱的东西都被拿走了。”幸运的是杨冲和其他工人们一早就把用于和国内取得联系的“大锅”(无限信号接收器)藏在了一个半隔离的房间,并用木板把房间的门窗钉死。利比亚人走后,他们晚上把“大锅”拿出来,跟国内集团总部联系。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

几经研究之后,宏福集团总部的紧急撤离小组与利比亚项目部确定了将2000多员工集体向西撤往突尼斯Ras Ejdir口岸,再从突尼斯返回中国的撤离路线。在获得中国驻利比亚大使馆批准之后,杨冲和他的同事们乘上了租用的40辆车撤离工程部。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“启程的时候只带了一小包吃的,其它的东西全被抢走了。虽然选择的撤离路线相对安全,但一路上经常看见死尸被挂在树上等骇人的画面。当地的孩子经常三五成群,看见我们的车队就上来抢。他们手里都有枪,遇上了只能任他们抢,等他们走了我们再继续前进。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

经过近十个小时,杨冲和2000多名同伴抵达突尼斯边境,其后分批从突尼斯乘包机回到北京。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“下了飞机,我妈一把把我抱住,哭着说以后再也不许出去乱跑了”,杨冲一边说一边揉了揉眼睛。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军:为踏上美国,我已欠下11万元人民币债务7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

21岁的李小军目前在北京的一家房产中介打工。高中退学后一直赋闲在家。两年前的一天,母亲对刚从网吧回家的他说,“你准备下个月去签证吧,你要去美国了。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军的父母觉得他整天泡网吧不是长久之计,于是从亲戚那里借了11万(元人民币,下同),帮他从美国某“野鸡”大学办了假录取通知书,打算让他以留学生的身份来美国,然后在美国打工,签证过期之后就“黑”在美国,“他们希望我像福建人那样没日没夜地挣钱,然后在美国站住脚。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“当时只觉得眼前一片黑,我连句完整的美国话都不会说,怎么可能去美国挣钱呢!”可是家里的钱已经花出去,手续也已经办好,李小军只能乖乖听母亲的安排。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两个月后,李小军和几个同乡一起带着复杂而忐忑的心情踏上了美洲大陆。“我才刚到美国,就已经欠下了11万的债!”在学校停留了几天之后,李小军就在中介的安排下来到了纽约。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“在国内的时候,他们(中介)承诺给安排工作的,说可以在中餐馆端盘子,包吃包住有时薪还有小费,但到了纽约根本不是这样。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中介把李小军安排在新泽西州的一个很小的中餐馆里之后就不见了踪影。中餐馆的老板以李小军不懂英语为由把他的工作换成了洗盘子,每小时7.25美元。干了几天之后,李小军的手开始起泡,墨西哥老板给了他100美元,然后开除了他。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军打电话给中介大姐,向她说明了情况,并请求她再为自己介绍一份工作。对方说可以介绍别的中餐馆,但是环境不会更好。她告诉李小军,有一份在日本寿司店打工的工作机会,学徒期间包吃包住工资抵学费,学成之后可以留在店里工作,月薪至少4000美元,但是该工作需要交800美元介绍费。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我家还欠着11万呢,我当时想‘小钱不出,大钱不近’,豁出去了,于是就答应了。”很快,中介大姐给他发来了寿司店老板的电话和地址。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

寿司店在纽约市,李小军先后需要搭乘汽车,火车和地铁才能到达。由于不懂英语,李小军在转火车的时候怎么也找不到地铁站,打电话给寿司店老板,但不管对方怎么解释,李小军就是找不到买票的地方在哪。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在背着行李找了三个多小时之后,终于有好心的华人主动问李小军是否需要帮忙,他才在对方的带领下买票上车。原本两个小时的路程,李小军走了近6个小时。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“原以为能在寿司店好好学点手艺,但每天饭点儿时老板却总让我送外卖”,李小军说。而正是送外卖时的一次意外,使得李小军彻底放弃了他的美国梦。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一次送外卖的路上,李小军遇到了两个黑人小孩儿。“当时天已经很黑了,加上他们俩也黑,所以他们拦住我的时候吓了我一跳。他俩嘴里说着我不能全听懂的英语对我辱骂,还把我手里的餐包抢了去。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军回忆着,“当时第一反应就是包里的寿司要卖100多美元,让他抢去了我赔不起。潜意识里可能觉得他们就是十二三岁的小孩儿,没啥可怕的。就伸手拉住了餐包的袋子。”这一拉不要紧,其中一个小孩儿抬手就给了李小军手臂一刀。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军一低头,鲜血哗哗流出来,再抬头,两个孩子已经不见了踪影。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于没有保险和合法的身份,李小军只能在小诊所里缝合并包扎了伤口。“可能是我太娇气吧,但是当时真的觉得没法呆下去了,几个月的辛酸苦累一下子就涌上来了。打电话回家,跟家里说我被非裔捅了,我奶奶马上心疼了,说钱不要了,让我赶快回来。伤养好了,我就回国了。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李小军坦言有时候会为当初的决定后悔。“我和当时的同伴还有联系,现在他们过得也不错了,虽然没有合法的身份,但是挣的钱挺多的,如果我当时坚持一下,也许我现在已经还上家里把我办出去欠的11万了。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2011年,24岁的Carlos研究生毕业之后进入中国一家大型能源企业工作,并于同年冬季被派往该公司在阿根廷的分公司。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“公司非常重视外派员工的安全,每一个员工在外派之前必须接受HSE(健康、安全和环境)部门组织的培训,并且考察合格”,Carlos介绍。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在出发前往阿根廷之前,Carlos和其他几十名即将外派的同事接受了为期5天的安全培训。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我原以为就是公司内部的人发个安全手册,讲讲就算了。没想到公司这么重视。”起初Carlos和同事们还觉得公司有点小题大做,但听教练介绍了各国外派人员驻外期间遭遇的各种情况、危险甚至生命威胁的案例之后,他们都觉得安全培训非常必要。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

短短5天时间里,他们学会了遇到抢劫时的自我保护技巧,遇到暴乱时的逃生和自救知识,甚至是遭遇绑架后与绑匪的谈判技巧。“我以前从来没想过走在街上遇到手榴弹袭击应该如何卧倒,但现在我动作绝对迅速、准确,咱可是接受过专业教练培训的”,Carlos说。7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Carlos介绍,在国外的比较大的分公司都有保卫处,外派人员如果驻外期间遇到任何问题首先可以找公司保卫处。Carlos所在的公司给每人都发了加密的手机,随时可以联系中国总部保卫部门。“他们24小时全天待命,遇到问题反应都很迅速,一切以保护员工生命财产安全为原则”,Carlos 说,“如果遇到本公司解决不了的问题,还是要及时联系大使馆。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

让Carlos感到幸运的是他所在的公司在阿根廷有很多比自己资深的员工,他们在当地有丰富的阅历和广泛的人脉。这些前辈的一两句提点有时候能为Carlos这样的新人省去不少麻烦。“每个地方都有它的规矩和潜规则,没人指点很容易踩到红线甚至是当地黑道的雷区,引来不必要的麻烦。这一点,我比那些自己过来打工的人幸运很多。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Carlos很爱玩,但在布宜诺斯艾利斯期间除了朝九晚五地工作外,他更多的时间都在公司内部的健身房健身,或者参加公司的组织的郊游等集体活动。“目前我的西班牙语还不过关,出于安全考虑外出尽可能与同事结伴而行。”7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

BEIJING, June 16, "Who would have thought that Libya would chaotic ah!" When talking about their own experience in Libya, Young rushed Yipaidatui somewhat excitedly.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
24-year-old Chong Yang thought life in Libya for two years will be for some to experience the beautiful memories of the Arabian did not think he was Libya riots rolled into a "originally did not belong to me" experience.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Since 1978, tens of thousands of Chinese overseas workers, but because of differences in language, culture and laws of other countries, the environment is not familiar with a lot of Chinese workers abroad are illegal infringement. China's Ministry of Labor and Social Security data indicate that China's legitimate overseas to find employment in the total population is less than 1% of international market share.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Personnel background of overseas workers, the situation varies, and some people to achieve prosperity, to change the fate of this dream, and some people suffered abuse and even die abroad in a foreign country. As one said in the foreign workers microblogging, "the plight of working in a foreign country, the only work they know not every 'foreign' are heaven, not every one overseas workers can realize their dreams . "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Young red: away from home, what thing can be met7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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March 2009, just entered the Tivoli Group Chong Yang was sent to Libya to participate in the Tivoli Group contracted the 5,000 sets of residential projects in Libya. Just go when everything is normal, learning Arabic, learning how to contact with local officials, businessmen. Than in the country and more taut a string, but absolutely did not expect the event of war. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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January 2011, suddenly tense situation in Libya. Chong Yang Gail Young regions Jane Pakistan where the project department is located in mountainous areas, relatively safe, but the normal work of he and his colleagues still are affected. Their project was only completed a third, but the situation is chaotic, often rushed into Libya with weapons site. But they just write the name on the house, then leave. "Who is said to write the name of the house who, Yang Chong said.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Every time the "panic room team to the site, Chong Yang and his colleagues on both hands over his head, went to the site open space, etc. They write the name of leave and then get back to work. Group headquarters to our instructions to let us go out as little as possible as soon as possible to reserve water and food, to prevent riots. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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February 16, Libya, large-scale riots. After Libya across the country a variety of insurgency continued. 23 evening, the riots spread to the Chong Yang in the mountains where the engineering department.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"I'll never forget that night! Was already dark, we all rest in the house, a sudden burst of noise, and then rushed to a group of Libyans, apart from anything else is the meal strafe when we are scared to death, lying motionless on the ground, "Young red seems to storytelling in general, some excitedly recalled.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Fortunately, yes, the Sok money of these people are not Suoming just indiscriminately rummaging and valuable items in a bag, and no harm to the presence of staff. Discovery of their intentions, Young Chong, who quietly got up from the ground, leavened quietly out of the house. Group of people to get things, but also a meal strafe, and then disappeared into the night.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Subsequent days, Young rushed a day to go through similar things. "Later, several times we have become experienced, as long as no physical contact occurs, they generally do not hurt all electronic products and the Libyan people feel worthless things were taken away." Fortunately, the Chong Yang and other workers early in the morning took to get in touch and domestic "cauldron" (infinite signal receiver) possession of a semi-isolated room, with wooden doors and windows of the room crucified. The Libyans had gone, the night they "cauldron" out of contact with domestic Group headquarters.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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After several studies, the Tivoli Group emergency evacuation of the headquarters of the group and the Libyan project to determine the collective west of the more than 2000 employees evacuated to Tunisia the Ras Ejdir Port back to China's evacuation routes from Tunisia. After the approval of the Chinese Embassy in Libya, Chong Yang and his colleagues take on the leased 40 vehicles leave the engineering department.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Departure with only a small packet of food, other things being snatched away. Selected evacuation routes are relatively safe, but along the way often to see the dead body was hanging in the trees and other appalling picture of local children often small groups, to see our team on to rob their hands have guns, they encountered only they rob, they go we continue to move forward. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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After nearly 10 hours, Young rushed and more than 2,000 companion arrived at the Tunisian border, and subsequent batches from Tunisia to take the charter flight back to Beijing.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Under the plane, I am a mother hugged me, cried after no longer allowed to go out running around, Yang Chong said as he rubbed his eyes.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Xiaojun: To set foot on the United States, I have owed 110,000 yuan debt7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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21-year-old Li Xiaojun currently working in Beijing, a real estate agent. The high school dropout and has been staying at home. Day two years ago, my mother home from Internet cafes, he said, "You ready to go to the visa next month, you're going to the United States."7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Xiaojun's parents think he spent Paowang Ba is not a permanent solution, so 110,000 (RMB, same below), borrowed from relatives to help him do a fake acceptance letter from the United States a "pheasant" University, intends to allow him to the identity of the students come to the United States, and then working in the United States, "black" after the visa expired in the United States, "they want to like Fujianese as day and night to make money, then a foothold in the United States."7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"It was a black felt eyes, even the sentence complete the U.S., then would not say, how could the United States to make money!" But the family money has been spent, the procedures have been run, Li Xiaojun only obediently listen to the mother arrangements.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Two months later, Li Xiaojun and with a few fellow with a complex and disturbed feelings and set foot on the American continent. "I just arrived in the United States, would have owed a debt of 110,000 to stay in school for a few days later, Li Xiaojun intermediary arrangements down to New York.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the country when they (the intermediary) commitment to the organization of work, said in the restaurant worked as a waiter, Baochibaozhu sometimes paid tip, but New York is not the case. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Intermediary Li Xiaojun arrangements in a small Chinese restaurant in New Jersey was missing. The owner of the restaurant to Li Xiaojun do not understand English grounds his work replaced by washing dishes, $ 7.25 per hour. Did a few days later, Li Xiaojun hand blistering, Mexico boss gave him $ 100, and then fired him.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Xiaojun call intermediary Sister, explained the situation to her and asked her to introduce a job for themselves. The caller said, can introduce other Chinese restaurant, but the environment will not be better. She told Li Xiaojun, a sushi restaurant in Japan to work jobs, the wages of apprentices during Baochibaozhu arrived in tuition fees, your studies can stay in the store, the monthly salary of at least $ 4,000, but the need to pay a $ 800 referral fee.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"My family still owes 110 000, I was like 'not a little money, a lot of money is not close' to fight it, so he agreed." Soon, intermediary big sister sent him a phone number and address of the sushi shop owner.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sushi restaurants in New York City, Li Xiaojun has need to take to get to by car, train and metro. Not understand English, Li Xiaojun in turn train how could not find the subway station, call the sushi shop owner, but the other party to explain how, Li Xiaojun not find the vote-buying.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After carrying the luggage to find more than three hours, and finally the good intentions of the Chinese initiative to ask Li Xiaojun need help, he was in each other's leadership to buy a ticket on the train. The original two-hour journey, Li Xiaojun away nearly six hours.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"I thought good sushi restaurant to learn craft, but every meal a little boss always let me delivery boy, Li Xiaojun said. And it is a delivery boy when the accident, Li Xiaojun completely gave up his American dream.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Food delivery on the road, Li Xiaojun met two black children children. "At that day has been very dark, plus the two of them black, so they stopped me when I was really surprised. They abusive mouth and I said I can not wholly understand English, also in my hand meal package robbed. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Li Xiaojun recalled, "was the first reaction is that bag of sushi sold for more than 100 U.S. dollars, so he snatched from me you can not pay subconsciously may feel that they are 12-year-old child, nothing terrible. hand on the bag of meal kits. "This pull it does not matter, as a child, raising his hand to give Li Xiaojun arm knife.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Li Xiaojun, a bow, the blood rushing stream, then looked up, and two children, has been omitted.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The absence of insurance and legal status, Li Xiaojun only in a small clinic stitched and bandaged the wound. "May be I was too squeamish, but really feel unable to stay several months of bitter Kulei suddenly swarmed to call home, my family said I was stabbed by the African, my grandmother immediately distressed, said money do not, let me quickly back injury raise, I would come home. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Li Xiaojun frankly sometimes regret his decision. "And the companion was still in touch with me, and now they flies are also good, although there is no legal identity, but earned with a lot of, if I hold, I may now also on the home I do go out to balance 110 000. "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Carlos: receive safety training before going abroad, and be prepared for7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2011, 24-year-old Carlos graduate after graduation into the work of a large energy companies, was sent to winter in the same year, the company's branch in Argentina.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"The company attaches great importance to the safety of expatriate staff, every employee must accept the assignment before the training of the HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) sector organizations, and inspected qualified, Carlos introduced.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Before departure to Argentina, Carlos and dozens of other upcoming assignments colleague received a five-day safety training.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"I thought that is the people inside the company safety manual, and talk about it, I did not expect the company to pay so much attention." At first, Carlos and colleagues also think that companies like overkill, but listen to coach the national expatriates abroad during the encounter a variety of situations, dangerous and even life-threatening cases, they feel that safety training is very necessary.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Just five days time, they encounter robbery of self-protection skills, and encountered a riot, escape and self-help knowledge, even after being kidnapped and murdered negotiating skills with the kidnappers. "I've never thought about walking in the street a grenade attack on how to lie down, but now I absolutely fast, accurate action on, we have received professional coach training, Carlos said.7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Carlos, the security office, has a relatively large branch of the foreign expatriate diplomatic encounter any problems during the first you can find a company security office. Carlos where the company made to each encrypted phone, you can always contact the China headquarters to defend. "They are 24-hour standby, encountered the problem and very few rapidly, all in order to protect the employee lives and property of the principle of" Carlos, said, "If you are experiencing the Company will not solve the problem, or to contact the embassy."7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Carlos was lucky that his company in Argentina, there are a lot of senior staff, they have a wealth of experience and extensive contacts in the local. Twelve of these predecessors reminding sometimes can save a lot of trouble for Carlos's new. "Every place has its own rules and the unspoken rules, no one pointing is very easy to step on the red line or the minefield of the local underworld, which lead to unnecessary trouble. This point, I am much luckier than those they come to work . "7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Carlos is very playful, but in Buenos Aires during the addition to the nine to five work, more time within the company gym fitness, or to participate in the company's organization picnic, group activities. "At present, my Spanish is not to cross the border for security reasons to go out as much as possible go hand in hand with their colleagues."
7GWRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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