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Chinese people listen to trouble the United States threatened to retaliate the term: "Pooh"


美国11日宣布因印度、土耳其等6国及台湾减少了从伊朗进口石油,美将不会对它们进行制裁。这样一来,在与伊朗有大宗石油交易的国家中,只有中国尚未进入美国的“豁免名单”,《纽约时报》称,这形成了美中之间的“潜在冲突”。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国人很讨厌听美国人谈“制裁”。反对伊朗拥有核武器,中国这一态度跟美国没有区别。但中国人讨厌必须按照美国人规定的办法去做,因为这种做法同美国利益扣得严丝合缝,而中国的利益则被抛到一边。此外,美国说是反核扩散,但这当中藏着颠覆伊朗政权的私货。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国需要从伊朗购买石油,世界最大新兴市场的石油交易,不能因为美国打个招呼就停了。美国设计这一招,从善意想,是把中国的难处“忘了”。从国际政治的正常逻辑去分析,美国这样做是“成心”,它要一石两鸟,甚至一石多鸟,既削弱伊朗,又搞掉中国一个稳定的石油供应源。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

制裁能限制住核武器的研发吗?朝鲜的例子摆在那里,伊朗再弱,抵御制裁的能力也只会比朝鲜更强。而且现实是,伊朗极力否认研发核武器,外界也没有它在搞核武器的确凿证据。伊朗现在还是《核不扩散条约》的成员,并且同意讨论浓缩铀的问题,现在美国强化对伊朗的制裁,等于拆6国与伊朗谈判的台。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国是在指责萨达姆政权拥有大规模杀伤性武器上出过大丑的,美国和西方媒体淡化了美国的那次虚假宣传。以大规模杀伤性武器为由的兴师问罪,最后在“推翻萨达姆独裁政权”上找补回了“正义性”。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

伊朗核问题会不会是伊拉克“情报错误”的最新版本呢?对伊石油禁运是要勒住德黑兰的脖子,它最终升级为战争的可能性很大。从美国对伊朗的一贯态度来看,现在很难分清华盛顿最不能容忍的究竟是伊朗拥核的危险,还是德黑兰政权本身。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

我们反对用制裁这种只会伤害人民的做法对付有7000万人口的伊朗。特别是在没有联合国决议支持的情况下,美国的制裁更应被看成“诸侯当道”的野蛮行为,中国不会加入这个行列。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国真要因继续购买伊朗石油而制裁中国,惩罚中国的相关企业,我们显然也不是赤手空拳。美国及该国的一些势力经常把“制裁中国”挂在嘴边,这些威胁已经把中国人的耳朵磨出了茧子。就大多数中国公众来说,他们最想回敬的一个词就是“呸”。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

然而中美在多数情况下不是互相展示犄角的两只公牛,两国现在都有很大本事搞“斗而不破”的游戏。而且围绕伊核的谈判是6国对伊朗,中国只是其中一方。我们是想说,如果中国政府不得不与美国政府就伊朗问题顶一次犄角,它不会因此受到中国主流社会的批评。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国决非是万能的。仅仅就阿富汗和伊拉克来说,它一个也没拾掇干净。世界很多地区近年大动荡,哪儿都少不了美国,但美国一个新样板也没有树起来。它似乎只是通过一次次惩罚、搞乱别国,释放并消费自己的潜能,用这个只有它才能推动的过程,维持自己作为世界霸主的生存之道。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但美国要搞垮伊朗,这个赌注下得过大。它这一次能够获胜的概率比以往几次要小多了。KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The United States announced on the 11th due to the six countries including India, Turkey and Taiwan to reduce oil imports from Iran, the United States will not impose sanctions on them. As a result, the bulk oil trading with Iran, countries, only China has not yet entered the United States "exemption list", The New York Times, which formed a "potential conflict" between the United States.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Chinese people are very annoying to listen to Americans talk about "sanctions". Against Iran to possess nuclear weapons, China's attitude with the United States there is no difference. But Chinese people hate must follow the way Americans do, because this practice fit so well, buckle with the interests of the United States and China's interests are cast aside. In addition, the United States said that the anti-nuclear proliferation, but which hidden to subvert the Iranian regime smuggled goods.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
China needs to buy oil from Iran, the world's largest oil trading in emerging markets, not because the United States say hello stopped. American design, this move, think, is the difficulty of "forget" from goodwill. From the normal logic of international politics, the United States to do so is "deliberately", it wants two birds with one stone, and even birds in one stone, both to weaken Iran, but also to get rid of a stable oil supply source.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sanctions can be locked into the research and development of nuclear weapons? North Korea's example out there, Iran is again weak, the ability to resist sanctions will only be stronger than North Korea. The reality is that Iran has strongly denied the development of nuclear weapons, outside there is no conclusive evidence it is engaged in nuclear weapons. Iran is still a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and agreed to discuss the uranium enrichment issue, now the United States to strengthen sanctions against Iran, equal to the demolition of the Taiwan of the six countries negotiating with Iran.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The United States is accusing Saddam Hussein's regime has weapons of mass destruction out of ugly, the U.S. and Western media played down that false propaganda in the United States. Weapons of mass destruction on the grounds of the punitive expedition, and finally back to the overthrow of the Saddam dictatorship Zhaobu "justice".KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Iranian nuclear issue will not be the latest version of the "intelligence errors" in Iraq? Iraq oil embargo is neck reined in Tehran, it will eventually upgrade to the possibility of war. From the consistent attitude of the United States against Iran, and now difficult to distinguish between Washington can not tolerate what is the danger of Iran's possession of nuclear weapons, the regime in Tehran.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
We are opposed to the practice of sanctions, this will only hurt the people to deal with Iran's population of 70 million. Especially without the support of United Nations resolutions, the sanctions of the United States should be as barbaric acts of princes in power ", China will not join the ranks.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The United States really want to continue to buy Iranian oil sanctions against China to punish China related companies, we obviously is not unarmed. Some forces in the United States and the country is often mention of sanctions against China, these threats have the ears of the Chinese people grind of the cocoon. Most of the Chinese public, the word they most want answered is "Pooh".KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, the United States in most cases are not mutually show the two bull horns, the two countries now have a great ability to engage in without splitting the game. And around the Iranian nuclear negotiations, the six countries on Iran, China is one of the parties. We are trying to say, if the Chinese government had with the U.S. government on Iran the top of the first horn, it does not therefore subject to the criticism of mainstream society.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The United States is by no means a panacea. Only in Afghanistan and Iraq, a did not tidy clean. Many parts of the world in recent years, turbulence, where ultimately, the United States, but a new model in the United States there are no trees up. It seems to be by the time penalties to confuse the other countries, the release of and consume their own potential, use this only it can promote the process, to maintain himself as overlord of the world to survive.KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But the United States to topple Iran, this bet too large. It this time, the probability of winning than ever before, several times more.
KSzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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