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华人男子得新西兰银行千万乌龙巨款 逃往中国


Chinese men have the Bank of New Zealand millions of Oolong large sums of money to flee


gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2009年,华人男子高辉向新西兰西太平洋银行借贷10万新西兰元,银行却误将1,000万新西兰元划入他的账号。随即,高辉携款逃往中国。2011年高辉在香港被捕并被引渡回新西兰。2012年6月12日,高辉承认犯有偷盗罪。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据BBC报道,从新西兰携带银行错划到他账号的巨款逃出国的华人男子高辉6月12日承认犯有偷盗罪。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

30岁的高辉被称为“百万横财富翁”,他在2009年向新西兰西太平洋银行借贷10万新西兰元(约合7.5万美元),但该银行却误将1,000万新西兰元(约合610万美元)划入他的账号。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

等银行意识到这一错误时,高辉和他的新西兰女朋友哈林已经携款逃往中国。之后,新西兰警方启动对两人的全球搜捕行动。两年后,高辉在于香港被捕,2011年被引渡回新西兰,被控偷盗和洗钱等罪名。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

32岁的哈林在2011年2月回到新西兰后也被捕,2012年5月被法庭判处盗窃、洗钱和企图诈骗的罪名成立。但哈林否认有罪,她说法庭对高辉和哈林的判决,预期都将在今年8月宣布。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据媒体报道,高辉在罗托鲁阿市市郊经营一家BP加油站,一直面临经济困难。2009年5月5日银行批准其借贷,在发现银行出错后,高辉与女友似乎很快就作出了卷款潜逃的决定。5月6日,这家加油站关门,次日两人失踪。24小时之后,加油站被破产管理。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西太平洋银行是总部设在澳大利亚的银行,在两国共拥有超过1,000万名客户,是新西兰最大的银行之一。它的口号是:最大限度地利用生活。gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In 2009, the Chinese man, Gao Hui, New Zealand Westpac borrowings 100 000 New Zealand dollars, the bank has mistakenly NZ $ 10 million included in his account. Immediately, the high brightness with money to flee to China. 2011 high-Hui was arrested in Hong Kong and extradited to New Zealand. June 12, 2012, Gao Hui, pleaded guilty to larceny.

Gao Hui, a Chinese man, the BBC reported from New Zealand to bring the bank wrongly classified to his account of the large sums of money out of the country June 12, pleaded guilty to larceny.

Gao Hui, a 30-year-old known as the "million windfall rich lending in 2009 to New Zealand Westpac NZ $ 100,000 (about $ 75,000), but the bank has mistakenly 10 million New Zealand dollars (about 610 million) included in his account.

So the banks aware of the error, the high-hui and his New Zealand girlfriend Harlem with money fled to China. After the New Zealand Police launched two global manhunt. Two years later, Ko Fai is arrested in Hong Kong in 2011 was extradited to New Zealand, was charged with theft and money laundering charges.

Harlem, 32-year-old returned to New Zealand in February 2011, were also arrested, was sentenced in May 2012 found guilty of theft, money laundering and attempted fraud. Harlem deny guilt, she said that the judgment of the court of high luminance and Harlem is expected to be announced in August this year.

According to media reports, the high brightness in the outskirts of Rotorua City operates a BP gas station, has been facing economic difficulties. May 5, 2009, the Bank approved its borrowing, the discovery of a banking error, high-hui and his girlfriend seem to soon make the decision to have escaped and absconded. May 6, this gas station closed, the next day two others missing. After 24 hours, the stations were receivership.

Westpac Bank, headquartered in Australia, the two countries has a total of more than 10 million customers, is one of the largest banks in New Zealand. Its slogan is: maximize the use of life.
gaSRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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